Use Transfer Order Shipment Entry to enter the shipment of an inter-Site transfer. If your Site record is set up for direct shipping, you can also use the Direct Shipment functionality to ship parts to anotherr another Site without using an existing transfer order.
You MUST be in the correct Site. Log in under the Xmc site that is SHIPPING the material.
Currently, there isn’t alert in Epicor to indicate a new Transfer is available. Typically, an email will be sent to the shipping xMC to alert a Transfer request has been made.
Follow the path: Xmc>Material Management >Shipping/Recieving>Generral Opertions>Transfer Receiving>General Operations>Transfer Order Shipment Entry
the New
>New Pack to create a new Pack ID for the shipment.
2. Select a a Ship Via for for the shipment.
3. Optionally If available, enter the Tracking Number and Weight.
4. In the Package pane, select the appropriate Code and Classification.
5. Click Save.
6. Click the Down Arrow next tot eh New button; select New Line.
7. On the Lines> Detail sheet, select or enter the Transferr Order Number for the shipment.
8. Select the transfer order Line.
9. Enter the shipment Quantity.
10. You can optionally change the default Warehouse and Bin from which the inventory is being shipped.
11. Cick Save.
12. On the Sumarry sheet, select the Shipped check .
Click Save.
NOTE: The weight is not required, as it will automatically populate in the next screen. In addition, currently we are not using the Code and Classifications.
The Pack ID will automatically generate.
Click New >New Line.
On the Lines tab, select or enter the Transfer Order Number for the shipment.
To Select the Transfer Order Number, Click Transfer Order Number, then click on Search in the pop-up screen.
Click on the Order to be processed.
Click on OK.
The Transfer Order No. will automatically populate.
Next Click Line and Search in the pop-up screen.
The line(s) will automatically appear in the Search Results.
Click on OK.
Enter the numeric shipment Quantity.
Confirm the Warehouse is accurate or change if necessary.
Click on Bin.
Click on Search in the pop-up screen.
Under Search Results, click on the Bin that inventory should be pulled from.
Click OK.
This will prompt the Total Net Weight to automatically calculate.
Click Save.
On the Summary tab, select the Shipped check box to complete the shipment.
Below is an example of Transfer Order 0001
Transfer Order shipped at EMC
Transaction Entered on EMC
NOTE: At this point, the material has been pulled, packed and pick-up has been scheduled.