Use Cycle Count Part Selection Update as needed after running the Perform Part Selection option (located on Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance Actions menu) for a specified warehouse in a designated year and cycle period. It can be used as needed to perform the following maintenance on a specific cycle count schedule
- Add additional items to a specific cycle sequence.
- Move items to another cycle sequence.
- Remove selected items from a specific cycle. If all parts are being removed from the cycle sequence, the Epicor application flags the entire cycle sequence as Cancelled. No further updates are allowed for the cycle.
Note: This program can be used only for individual cycle counts - it cannot be used for cycle sequences that are designated as full physical counts.
Note: If the Generate Tags selection on the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu has already been run, tags for an individual page can be voided using the Void Tags by Part selection in that program.
Note: You cannot add parts that have been marked as inactive; these are parts for which the Inactive check box has been selected in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet. In order to cycle count an inactive part, you must first activate it by clearing the Inactive check box in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet. You can then add the item to the cycle count and perform all related count-related activities. Once you do this, you can then reselect the Inactive check box in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet to inactivate the part.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
- Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Cycle Count Part Selection Update
- Cycle Selection Fields
Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic. - Parts Selected Fields
Fields for the current sheet are listed on this topic. - Cycle Part Selection Move Part
Use Cycle Part Selection Move Part to select the cycle sequence to which you wish to move the selected cycle parts. It appears when you click Move Selected in Cycle Count Part Selection Update.
This will allow a user to make updates to the parts within the cycle count.