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Note: You must have Sales Manager or discounting Permissions to apply discounts to a Design in Salesforce.

*The discount should be applied prior to your Design ‘upload to Dash' and preparing your contract.

How do I apply a Discount in Salesforce?

  1. From the Design record, select the ‘Apply Discount’ button in the top right corner. This button is only visible to those with Sales Manager permissions.


  1. You can apply a percentage or dollar amount and to an individual line item, space or entire Design

    1. Add the Discount Type

    2. Add the percentage or dollar amount

    3. Select the Discount Category

    4. Choose how to apply the discount

    5. Add notes as necessary


  1. You’ll receive a success message. Click ‘Finish.’

    1. In this example, I’ve applied the discount to the entire Design. You’ll see the Design discounts applied at the bottom of the Design record and in the Sales Price Information.



If you need to Delete or edit your Design Discount, Click into the dropdown arrow on the right of the Design discount from within the Design record.
