Versions Compared


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Please follow the instructions below to install the Kinetic client environment.


Use this link to download and install the Kinetic client.

  1. In the system tray, click CAL-KineticClientInstall.exe

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  2. Note: If you see a message that the file is dangerous, follow the steps at the bottom of this topic.


If you have already have Kinetic installed, the folder should be on your desktop.


If you have already have Epicor or Kinetic the folder should already exist.



Open the “Epicor Software” folder, then …

  1. Open folder Kinetic Client

    Select the program you want to open

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  2. MOCK / TEST are both located in the Development folder

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  3. You should delete anything in the folder that says Data Collection in the title. We do not use this software feature.

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  4. You should end up with KineticMock, KineticPilot, KineticTest.
    PILOT is for developers only. If you wish, you can also delete PILOT.
    The image below includes icons that I added to distinguish the different environments. Here is a link to the How To Update Kinetic Icons that will demonstrate changing your icons, if you wish.

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If you run into trouble, please open an ERP Support Request ticket.