If there are existing Purchase Orders and something has changed on the manufacturing side, there is an option to run a Purchase Order Change Suggestions report. This may or may not be a process and we won’t be able to determine till after go live.
Follow the navigation: XMC> Material Management >Purchase Management > General Operations> Change PO Suggestions
Image Purchasing 12
- Click on Search
Image Purchasing 13
- Click on Search
- Click on All Purchase Orders
- Click OK
Image Purchasing 14
The Suggestions box will provide you with all the change information.
Image Purchasing 15
NOTE: No data is filled in to these fields. If it is an increase or reduce it will give you a new quantity. If there were data in these fields you could edit the PO line and Release from the greyed out fields.
Follow the path: XMC>Material Management > General Operations> Purchase Order Entry
Open the PO in question.
Image Purchasing 16