Info |
This page contains information on press-in backing, which will be released to many location in early September 2023. It is currently in a state of change and will be updated as necessary. This information will be merged into the general Backing page after launch. |
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Press-in backing was first introduced with the Paxton collection and has since been expanded to be an option in Classic systems, with some additional enhancements included.
What is Press-In Backing?
Press-in backing(commonly referred to as PIB) differs from other backing options in the way it looks and how it is installed. It still utilizes the wall-mounted rain system for installation, but the rail is hidden through the use of a flat suspension bracket. The 3/4” backing material is attached using press-fit cams. This combination allows full concealment of the wall mount system to give look of custom built furniture.
In CAD, press-in backing splits to multiple panels by default, while users have to manually split other styles of backing. This results in lighter material that is much easier to install, manage lighting wires, and remove if needing to service behind it.
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Here is a brief overview of the common backing styles.Note that backing options and details vary by location and may differ from what is shown below.
Benefits of Press-In Backing
No visible suspension rail and bracket
Looks cleaner, more like custom built-in furniture
Easier to install
Smaller panels mean lighter materials
Easier to run lighting wires behind
Easier to remove if needed
Saves time
Better quality, no gapping
Same Similar customer cost as 1/4” backingCan change finishes
Control over individual panels
Change finish, grain direction between splits
Manually turn backing split off
if needed
Can move backing panels forward to put in front of obstructions, etc.
Press-In Backing
in CADFeatures
Here are some of the CAD features and enhancements included as part of the press-in backing release:
Components automatically adjust to needed depth.
Control over individual panels (more information below)
Designate where panel splits
Automatically splits at fixed shelves
Can be controlled manually in properties
Additional functionality to split at topmost fixed shelf and any lit fixed shelf (“Split Only At Lit Shelves” located in Comp Properties, more information below).
Grain direction (now available for all backing styles)
Depth of panel
CAD automatically removes backing where it cannot be seen
Behind drawers
Behind Everstyle when in Drawer Mode(if face completely covers section)
Additional suspension rail and bracket functionality, documentation coming soon
Here is a short video outlining some of the CAD enhancements mentioned above. This video
& Edit Press-In Backing
in CADLike other backing styles,press-in backing can be applied and edited using either the materials tab or in component properties. This can be done before or after parts are added.
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The depth of the components will automatically increase to accommodate for the backing |
As with all backing, if the molding in the room interferes, users will see a warning message. To resolve, users
must increase the component depth or change the height of the bottom shelf offset.
Users will see the location of the rafix cam locations in the elevation view, along with the standard outline and diagonal hatch lines to represent backing.
Press-in backing automatically splits at every fixed shelf (slanted shoe shelves not included). It is suggested required to have a minimum of two panels per component (at least one fixed shelf splitting).
Edit Press-In Backing
Shelf Properties
Users can manually adjust the splits in the backing panels in Properties [Part] of the shelf where the split will be revised. Right click to access the menu, click on the “Backing” heading, and change the Back Recess to “On”. The panel will now run behind the shelf instead of splitting.
Shelf properties is also where users can find the ability to remove backing below the shelf, and change the finish, back offset (if wanting the panel to sit more forward) and grain rotation (also found in component properties, as mentioned below). This will only impact the panel that sits directly below the shelf being edited.
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To cohesively edit all backing panels in an entire component, use component properties or the Materials tab. |
Component Properties
Additional edits to backing panels can be made in Properties [Component], as with other backing styles. This is where users can edit fields such as style, backing finish, and the option to rotate the backing panel grain direction. Backing defaults to vertical grain direction, so check the box if wanting to rotate to be horizontal (will receive a warning if dimensions are not supported).
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When PIB is selected as the backing style, the “Start above Drawers” functionality is automatic, therefore the button that is usually found here is removed. |
If designing with lighting custom drilling or corner shelves, as fixed shelves are required, users may not want the panel to split at every shelf which is the default when using press-in backing. This will result in less panels and easier install.
To prevent this from happening, users can go to Properties [Component] and check the box next to Split Only At Lit Shelves.
When checked, the panel will split at the topmost fixed shelf below the suspension bracket, but not at any other below that. This means the shelves will sit in front of the backing, allowing the installer to still adjust the suspension bracket as needed but allows flexibility to adjust the other shelves down the road.
However, if adding lightingto these fixed shelves, the backing will split as intended.
If backing a component next to an unbacked component, users will have to make adjustments to the depth of the unbacked system to ensure there is a continuous toe kick. IMG of example