Table of Contents
Apprentice to Journeyman Installer

This page explains the steps to take for installing filler pieces and various methods of scribe. Prior to beginning the installation, ensure you completed all steps of installing the system skeleton and all appropriate components and countertops are in place.

Page Contents

Skill Requirements
Tools & Hardware
Installation Steps
Standard Scribe
Return Scribe
Related Training Materials
Final Steps & Delivery
Tips from the Field
Terms & Definitions
BOM Codes

Types of Installation: Off-the-Floor, Floor-Based, Wall Bed

Installer Level Required: Journeyman Installer

Products Required: TFL Material

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Tools Required


Tape Measure




Miter Saw with Stand


23-Gauge Pin Nailer


Seam Glue


Wax Crayon



Hardware Required


23-Gauge 1 1/4” Finish Nails


23-Gauge 1” Pin Nails


23-Gauge 2” Pin Nails

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Installation Steps

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn at all times when handling material and operating the power tools mentioned throughout this process. Review the PPE Matrix for further guidance.


  1. Confirm measurements of filler pieces as indicated by the elevation.

  2. If applicable, cut filler to correct length using a miter saw and width using a table saw.

  • Prior to cutting, ensure you inspect and square up the saw.

  1. Lay the partition flat on sawhorses and attach filler with nails through the partition into the filler.

  • Nails should be placed every 8 to 10 inches.

  • If the filler is between 1 and 2 inches in thickness, refer to the grid below

  • If the filler is 1-inch or less in thickness, nail it to the partition using 18-gauge 1 ¼” finish nails

  • If the filler is more than 2 inches in thickness, it should be nailed using 18-gauge 2-inch finish nails.

  • If the filler is over 3 inches in thickness, it should be nailed through the partition, as well as have 3 countersunk pocket screws for stability; 1 in the top concealed by the top shelf, 1 in the middle closest to the middle fixed shelf, 1 in the bottom of the filler in the area where the toe kick will be placed.

1.25” filler

1.25” 23-gauge nails

1.5” filler

1.5” 23-gauge nails

2” filler

2” 23-gauge nails


L-Brackets can be used for filler greater than 2.25”.

L-Brackets can be used for filler greater than 2.25”.

  1. Using the corresponding color wax crayon to the system’s finish, crayon all nail holes and touch up the seams.

  2. Inspect the filler for imperfections from the installation process.

  3. Wipe down the filler and remove all excess crayon using cleaning solution, and appropriate PPE.

Scribe (Scribe to the floor, countertops, edges)

  1. Confirm measurements of scribe pieces as indicated by the elevation.

  • On a piece of paper, draw out the cuts and pieces needed; place measurements next to each cut on your drawing.

  • Consider which cuts will be inside and outside when determining your measurements.

  • Consider the location of any seams in areas with multiple pieces that span the length of the system; Seams should also be facing away from the eye.


  1. Cut to length using a miter saw.

  • Prior to cutting, ensure you inspect and square up the saw.

  • Inside and outside corners are to have a 45-degree miter cut.

  • When cutting seams that are not corners, use a 22.5-degree angle.

  1. Test fit all cut pieces.

  • If the piece fits, move on to the next piece.

  • If the piece does not fit, mark where it needs to be cut, or note what the new measurement needs to be, assuming it is too short.

  • During this step, recut any pieces that did not fit, and test fit the recuts.


  1. Apply scribe to base molding, fascia, and fillers.

  • The flat edge always goes against the wall, floor, or ceiling.

  • Glue all miter joints prior to system attachment.

  • Attach all scribe using 23-gauge 1-inch Pin Nails, placing then every 6 to 8 inches.

  • If seams are necessary, ensure the pieces are cut at a 22.5 degree angle and run the seams away from the eye.


  1. Using the corresponding color wax crayon to the system’s finish, crayon all nail holes and touch up the seams.

  2. Inspect scribe for imperfections from the installation process.

  3. Wipe down scribe and remove all excess crayon using cleaning solution, and appropriate PPE.

Return Scribe


This method is most often seen on upper cabinets. If there is filler, you will need to ensure the filler is also returned to the wall on the top or bottom of the unit.

This method is most often seen on upper cabinets. If there is filler, you will need to ensure the filler is also returned to the wall on the top or bottom of the unit.

  1. Confirm measurements of scribe pieces as indicated by the elevation.

  • On a piece of paper, draw out the cuts and pieces needed; place measurements next to each cut on your drawing.

  • Consider which cuts will be inside and outside when determining your measurements.

  • Consider the location of any seams in areas with multiple pieces that span the length of the system; Seams should also be facing away from the eye.


  1. Cut to length using a miter saw.

  • Prior to cutting, ensure you inspect and square up the saw.

  • Outside corners are to have a 45-degree miter cut.

  • Cut the scribe for the front, top, and/or bottom.

  1. Test fit all cut pieces.

  • If the piece fits, move on to the next piece.

  • If the piece does not fit, mark where it needs to be cut, or note what the new measurement needs to be, assuming it is too short.

  • During this step, recut any pieces that did not fit, and test fit the recuts.

  1. Press the scribe tightly to the wall and attach.

  • Glue all miter joints prior to system attachment.

  • Attach all scribe using 23-gauge 1” nails, placing them every 6-8”.

  • If seams are necessary, ensure the pieces are cut at a 22.5” angle and run the seams away from the eye.

  1. Continue this process until you have moved from top to bottom and secured the scribe to the partition/wall.


Ensure all nails are set into the scribe and not sticking out. If they are, either use a nail set and hit them in or remove the nail and replace it.

Ensure all nails are set into the scribe and not sticking out. If they are, either use a nail set and hit them in or remove the nail and replace it.

  1. Touch up nail holes.

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Related Training Materials

Skeleton Fundamentals
Complete the Installation
System Touch Ups
Cleaning the System & Jobsite
Delivery to the Customer
PPE Matrix
Product Feedback Form

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Final Steps & Delivery

  1. Inspect the installation and complete any touch ups if necessary.

  2. If there are no more components to install, remove all stickers/labels.

  3. If there are no more components to install, complete the clean up process.

  4. If there are no more components to install, complete the Professional Installation Experience by walking through the space with the customer and delivering the final product.

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Certification Steps:


  1. Filler is attached using the correct nail size according to the table in the process.

  2. Nails are placed every 8 - 10 inches.

  3. All nail holes are touched up using wax crayon.


  1. All corners are cut with a 45-degree angle, and seams are cut with a 22.5-degree angle.

  2. Nails are placed every 6 - 8 inches.

  3. All nail holes and seams are touched up using wax crayon.

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Tips from the Field
Tips submitted by fellow installers and leaders in the field. These optional tips are intended to make this install process simpler.

Click here to submit your own tip from the field.

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Terms & Definitions


Bill of Materials; Parts List


The CAD Design Plan created by the Design Consultant with the client.

Inside Cut

The surface of the inside cut will be overlapped by the surface of the outside cut.

Outside Cut

The surface of the outside cut will overlap the surface of the inside cut.

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BOM Codes
The purpose of this section is to provide guidance when confirming details on the BOM. This list includes all individual parts typically associated with this process.









The codes in the table above are directly from the Corporate CAD database and may not reflect all codes included in the Supported Franchise Database or Independent Franchise Databases.

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