Use Receive Transfer Order to process a receipt of a transfer order shipment. In orderr to receive the transfer order shipment, you must first change sites to the plant recieving the goods.
Follow the path: Xmc>Material Management >Shipping/Recieving>General Opertions>Receive Transfer Order
To recieve a transfer order:
- In this example, you will receive the goods in WMC. You select this plant on the Tree View on the Main Menu. You can also use the Change Plant button.
- Click the Pack ID button to search for and select the pack ID for the transfer order shipment.
3. In the Transfer Order Search window, select the Pack ID you are recieving.
4. Click OK.
5. Click the Actions menu and select Recevie All.
6. Click Save.
7. The Received Lines sheet now displays the completed receipt.
Example of Transfer Order 0001
Receiving Transaction Entered on WMC
How transaction appears on EMC (from location)
How transaction appears on WMC (to location).