The Complete and Ship Revenue automation effects New Jobs sent from CCDash. When the CCDash Final Install Date is saved, the date is sent to Epicor, the Epicor Job is completed, and the Sales Order is shipped as of the Final Install Date. Other types of Jobs - like AP Ad-Hoc Parts Order – do not process through the automation. You will complete those completed using the Quotes Installation Date dashboard. This will complete the Job and Sales Order Shipment process Quote/Order.
When the screen opens, click the Refresh icon.
Sort the result by Order, and locate the Order to be processed.
Use the calendar or key in the “Installation Date” that was entered in CCDash.
Tab out, and the “Update Installation Date” checkbox is checked automatically.
Set the date for the Orders to be updated.
Click the “Update installation Date” button.
All the Orders with “Installation Date” set will be completed and shipped.
A message will be presented when the update is complete.