Note |
This page has direction on adding and editing lighting in the outdated version of ClosetCADPro (prior to July 2023). This page will be available until all California Closets locations are switched to the most recent version. If you have a lighting tab, please use THIS PAGE for the most updated info on designing with lighting in CAD. |
Table of Contents |
Lighting is a great way to help illuminate clothing in a closet, to provide task lighting to an office, or accent lighting to a media center, or is generally useful in most other spaces. Our LED lighting is available in several different applications and in various styles.
Info |
The lighting program in ClosetCADPro was developed in alignment with the Lighting Designers Notebook, so always reference it for more information and specifications on lighting. Ask your manager for details. |
ClosetCADPro is built to understand what type of application is being used based on where it is being added to.
Select Light App from the Lighting pull down in the parts menu. Move the cursor over the desired shelf, pole or partition.
The lighting automatically defaults to the suggested application type. Lighting applications initially show as yellow or green and will display the a label/code.
Left click to place the light. The tool remains on until the user right clicks to turn the tool off. Lighting will turn red once placed, and there will be a warning for No Switch.
There will also be a warning for No Power Source, which indicates that a required plug or power source has not been assigned.
Info |
There is more information on the different types of lighting codes and applications<LINK>, as well as switching and power <LINK>, linked at the end of this page. |
Here is an example of multiple light types/applications added to several different parts and components.
Note |
Lighting requires full-system backing(with few exceptions) and access to a power source. <LINK> When in doubt, contact your manager or plan reviewer for more information on lighting requirements. |
When adding lighting, the program automatically switches into Lighting View Mode. Users must be in lighting mode to add or edit lighting, but can go back to Standard View Mode if wanting to edit anything else. Standard mode ignores lighting and hides lighting labels.
If adding vertical strip lighting to partitions, they will be bound in height by fixed shelves. If adding to slanted shoe shelving, users must add lighting to the partitions BEFORE adding the shelving. However, if using adjustable or glass shelves, lighting will span the entire height.
Bottom Cap and Top Cap lighting are added in the respective heading in Properties [Comp]rather than using the light application. Turn the bottom and/or top cap on first, then click Enabled under the desired lighting drop down to turn the lighting on. Once enabled, more fields will appear for further editing.
Bottom Cap | Top Cap |
The lighting will realistically renders in the 3D view. Here are some samples of the lighting applications in 3D:
Note |
Remember, you must be in the Lighting View Mode to move, delete or edit the light. |
Lighting moves and deletes like other parts. To move a light, either double click to move, or right click and select Move. When moving the light to another location, it may switch the application type to coordinate with the new location. To delete the light, right click and select Delete.
To edit lighting, right click on the light and select Properties [Part]. The options to edit will vary depending on the application/type of lighting that is selected. Here are some of the fields users will come across in the different lighting properties:
1 | APPLICATION | Switch between different suggested applications. The options will be based on the location and assumed purpose of that light. |
2 | SWITCH | Dictates how the light will be controlled. Select a remote <LINK>, an exterior switch (if the customer wants to hardwire the lighting to an existing wall switch), or a physical switch <LINK>that has been manually placed into the design. |
3 | TYPE | The exact type of lighting which coordinates with the selected application. Typically, may see options such as ribbon or puck. |
4 | MOUNT | How that specific type of light will be installed on that part. Typically, may see options such as recessed or surface. |
5 | STYLE | If there are different styles for the light type, change it here. For instance, puck lights may come in round or square style options. |
6 | FINISH | The finish will coordinate with the style selected and will vary depending on what type of light is selected. |
7 | INTENSITY | Select an intensity that reflects what that light’s purpose is – Task, ambient, accent, etc. Typically, will see options for High or Medium. More detail found in the Lighting Designer Notebook. |
8 | TEMP | Selecting between warm and cool will change the look and feel of that light in the space, especially with the finishes of the components. This is measured in Kelvins, which is explained in more detail in the Lighting Designer Notebook. |
9 | WATTAGE | This can be used for reference, and automatically populates based on the other lighting selection and edits. |
10 | QUANITITY | If puck lights are the type, how many are desired on that part. |
11 | DIST TO FRONT | How far from the front of the shelf or partition, for instance, is the light to be installed? This is measured in millimeters. |
12 | OFFSET LEFT/RIGHT | How far from the sides of the shelf is the light to be installed, or run in length? This is measured in millimeters. On Ribbon lights, this will adjust the end points of the light. |
Users need to think about both power and switching when adding LED lighting to a design, as any lighting will require both.
Note |
Remember, you must be in the Lighting View Mode to move, delete or edit lighting or switches. |
A power source refers to what the lighting system runs off of. This is usually an outlet, although lighting systems can be hard-wired by a contracted, licensed electrician.
Before selecting a power source, or if not available or it has been removed, users will see a warning in the lower right elevation.
If lighting has been added on several walls or design zones, each will independently require a separate power source or outlet unless it is a small enough space to carry lighting over several walls.
To designate a power source, users must first add an electrical outlet as a wall obstruction.
Once added, select the power source for each wall in the design zone properties. Once a source is selected, it will be stated in the lower right corner of the elevation view.
The outlet IDs will default numerically based on the order in which they are added, such as P1, P2, and so on. This ID will appear on top of the outlet in the Elevation view.
Users can change the outlet ID or name by right clicking, selecting Properties [Obstruct.] and changing the code under the ID field. Users may need to do this in the Plan view if there are components or parts in the way of the outlet.
Switching is added to control lighting in a design. There are different options for switches and remotes(see below). Lighting parts that are red in color indicate that there isn't a switch associated to that light.
To add a switch for the lights, select Switch from the Lighting part pulldown in the parts section of the ribbon toolbar. These are physical switches (such as those from Hafele) that can be added to partitions or fixed shelves and are a purchased part of California Closet’s lighting program.
Move the cursor over the desired location on a fixed shelf or partition and left click to place. Teh function remains on until users right click to turn it off. Switch names (IDs) are assigned numerically based on the order they are added in, such as SW1, SW2, and so on.
To move a switch, either double click and hold to drag to a new location, or right click and select Move. To delete a switch, right click and select Delete.
Certain lights, such as drawer lights, are yellow when adding them in. This indicates that a separate switch is not required for those lights as they have integrated switches which are automatically accounted for.
Power Sources, Switching & Remotes <LINK>
There are two ways that users can assign lights to a switch:
Right click on switch, select Connect Light and left click and hold to drag a box over lights to that switch. Users can also left click on the lights individually. Lights will change to the same color as the switch, which can be defined or changed in the Properties [Switch]. | To connect lights to a specific switch, select an option in the Switch pulldown in the light’s Properties [Part]. There are options for Remote, Exterior Switch, or a manual Switch (if previously added). Users can use the Apply properties to.. function to apply to other lighting parts. |
Once switches are connected, users can hover over a switch. This will show faint dashed lines to connected lights.
Note |
ClosetCADPro will automatically count-up the total wattages of the lights and add the appropriate number of drivers. Switches can control many lights, but it requires additional drivers once the wattage limit is surpassed for a single driver (which is automatically accounted for). |
To edit a purchased switch (one added using the lighting app, not as a wall obstruction), right click and select Properties [Switch]. Refer to the Lighting Designer Notebook for more information or specifics for switch options.
1 | STYLE | Select from one of the program’s manual switch options. Keep in mind what lighting application is being used, and what will work best with the design. |
2 | SURFACE | Change location of the switch on a shelf (top/bottom side) or partition (left/right side). |
3 | INTEGRATED | If the par/shelf material is 1”+ thick, a switch can be mounted inside the material (flush). |
4 | FINISH | Some switches have different color or finish options, which is designated here. |
5 | ID | The program will default the switch name to SW1, SW2, etc. but users can manually change the name of the switch if desired. |
6 | LIGHT GROUP | Each switch will have a color assigned to it. This makes it easy to know which lights are connected or controlled by which switch. When a switch and light are assigned to each other, lights will change to be the same color code as the switch controlling it. |
In the Properties [Part] of a light part, select “Exterior Switch” in the Switch pulldown menu. This is referring to a hard-wired switch option that is not one of the purchased program offerings, similar to how a ceiling light in a room works.
This means that the outlet being used to power the light(s) is wired to an existing wall switch by a licensed electrician, and is drawn in CAD using the obstructions tool. These are often referred to as “Wall On/Off Power Source Level Switching – Wall On/Off” (see page 39 in Lighting Designers Notebook).
Remotes can be added from the same Lighting app pull-down.
This does not physically add a remote anywhere on the design, as it would for a switch.
Note |
Typically, users would select either a switch OR a remote. |
Once selected from the ribbon toolbar, the Remote will show as text in the lower right of the elevation. Until it is connected to a light, a warning will state that it is unused. Users can continue to add multiple remotes in the same manor, and the quantity will change in the lower right.
To remove a remote, simple left click on the X that is to the left of the remote, and the quantity will change. This will remove one remote at a time.
To assign lighting to a remote, simply go into the light part properties and select “Remote” from the Switch pulldown. Users can use the Apply properties to.. function to apply to other lighting parts.
Info |
If selecting an RGB light, the light will only connect to the RGB Remote when selected. See the SPG or Lighting Designer’s Notebook for more information. |