If there was a problem when attempting to Post a transaction, it might show status “Reviewing”.
Use the Review Journal to review the error.
This example is an AR Invoice that was sent to Review Journal.
Financial Mgt > General Ledger > General Operations > Review Journal
Search, select, and return the transaction.
Expand Errors and Warnings. Review the error.
Unable to post Invoice 16985. Negative Balance Invoices not allowed.
[Line 3]: Combination of controlled segments is invalid Company TX140. COACode CCCoA. Account |||01.
[Line 3]: Account is inactive Company TX140. COACode CCCoA. Account |||01. Date 11/10/2021
After you have reviewed the transaction and are ready to correct the issue, click Actions > Journal Entry Cancellation.
Click Yes on Deletion of journal entry message box.
Return to your transaction and refresh.
Process Actions > Group > Group Edit List
Review any issues on the Edit List.
Notice that in this example a debit of 72.15 has an invalid account number.
This came from Misc Charge 1040 P-Ivory Promo. Open the Misc Charge see there is no GL Control set.
Add the required GL Control Code to the Misc Charge Code, then re-try posting the transaction.