AK - review this
After a quote has been reviewed for accuracy, a Sales Order needs to be created.
- In Menu Groups open the franchise folder associated with the order. For example: CA Closets CC1> CC-Phoenix
- Follow this path: Sales Management>Quote Management>General Operations>Opportunity/Quote Entry>New >New Quote
- Enter the Quote number under Opportunity/Quote
- Click on Actions>Quote>Create Sales Order
- The Quote Order Wizard will populate. Click on Order Job Wizard States in noties to add the quantity order for each (Garage and Walkin- still valid). Then need to Select All>Get All Methods>Schedule/All>Release All> Create Jobs. Need to include a PO??? Need to make sure all lines are entered.
- A Sales Order will show up as being created. Click on OK Did we discuss that the Sales Order Number would be the same as the Quote number?
- The sales order has now been completed.