Generating Purchasing Suggestions
This will more than likely be a scheduled process that occurs overnight and will not require Purchasing to run this in the morning. This will be useful if Purchasing needs to run a net change if there is an expedited order(s) that comes through in the middle of the day.
Follow the navigation: XMC> Purchase Management>General Operations>Generate Suggestions>Generate Purchasing Suggestions
- Under Processing Options click on Net Change or Regenerative
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NOTE: As a reminder Net Change is to pick up any new orders run midday. Regenerative is to pick up any new orders from overnight.
- Click on the Cutoff Date choose the appropriate date
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NOTE: It is important not to confuse the Cutoff date with long lead time items. For example, if you have items in your purchasing parts list that have long lead times, this cutoff date is still going to catching those items. The Cutoff date is to establish a date for parts that should not be purchased beyond the entered dated. 30 days is typical in most businesses. This is currently still to be deteremined – might not be available until after go live.
- Under Log enter posuggestionlog (see note below)
- Click on Suggestions under Logging Level
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NOTE: We are not running consolidated purchases at this time. Logging will need to be set right before go live. Right now this is manually entered.
- Click on Dynamic
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NOTE: Once Dynamic is checked off this will default the Process date to Today. It is important to click on Dynamic, since if you do not, the Process date will remain the same date (even years in the future).
- Under Number of Processes Enter 5
- Under Filter Summary leave everything as the defaulted All Selected.
- Click on Process field
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NOTE: By entering 5 it will allow PO suggestions to run faster. The options are between 1 and 5. Typically a lower number is used during the day as opposed to the night when fewer users will be in the system.