Visit the Install Trainer Resources.
Open the Curriculum File.
Legend at a glance
Blank cell = The install has limited to no current experience in the skill
/ = The installer has experience in the skill, but is not yet certified (Symbol to be used for installers new to the skill)
O = The installer has experience in the skill, but is not yet certified (Symbol to be used for installers with existing experience with the skill)
X = Installer is certified in the skill using the standard or expedited certification method
Refer to the Excel Basics for tips & tricks.
To setup the Curriculum for the first time
Enter all names of current members on the install team in the Hard Skills section of the Curriculum.
If you are completing this on the printed version, use a dry eras marker.
Indicate the current experience level for each skill respective to an installer.
Refer to the legend above and in the Curriculum for appropriate symbols.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all members of the install team in the Soft Skills section of the Curriculum.
To add a new installer to the Curriculum
Enter the name of the new installer on the next available line in the Hard Skills and Soft Skills section of the Curriculum.
As the installer progresses through training, use O under each respective skill to indicate their proficiency prior to certification.
Refer to the legend above and in the Curriculum for appropriate symbols.
To update the Curriculum following a certification
Following an installer’s certification in a skill, locate the skill column and row with the installer’s name.
Change the symbol to an X
If this is the final certification in the level, place the final certification’s date under the column Certified <Level> (Date)
An installer must be certified in all hard skills and certified in/completed all soft skills to graduate to the next level. Once they are certified in a level, they are able to begin certification attempts on the next level. They can begin learning and practicing additional skills at any time.