What are the installer scorecards?
Installer Scorecards are a tool to visualize and assess an installer’s progress through the install curriculum. These should be used to support an install team member’s learning and development as they progress through the curriculum. Utilize them to celebrate progress, and identify gaps or opportunities for training and improvement.
How do the installer scorecards get updated?
These are manually updated by yourself as the trainer, or a designated individual in your location.
How do the scorecards integrate with the curriculum and what is the difference?
The scorecard reflects all hard and soft skills located on the curriculum. Where the curriculum displays the progress of the full install team, a single scorecard is designated to an individual installer.
How do I use the scorecards?
As an installer is brought into The Installer Journey, a scorecard should be set up for them to begin tracking progress.
As an installer progresses through The Installer Journey, their scorecard should be updated to reflect their progress.
How should I share the scorecards with my install team?
The scorecard can then be used in GS&Rs or one-on-ones to share celebrations, discuss opportunities, and plan future certifications.
Scorecards should not be shared with install team members other than the designated installer for that scorecard. Where applicable, scorecards should be shared with the install manager or additional leaders in the business.
Use the links below to learn more about the Scorecards.
Anatomy of a Scorecard
Creating & Setting Up a Scorecard
Completing & Updating a Scorecard
NEXT: Anatomy of a Scorecard