Completing & Updating a Scorecard
Installer Scorecards should be kept up-to-date on an ongoing basis to allow for:
An installer’s visibility to their progress
Goal-setting and review (GS&R)
Ease of maintaining so many scorecards; not having to make several updates at one time
Updates can be done as an installer progresses through training, completes certification attempts, completes certifications of skills, and completes soft skill demonstrations/tasks.
Refer to Example Scorecard_NAME for further assistance.
Open the Curriculum Document in your location’s folder.
Update the Attempts thus far column in the Hard Skills section as the installer completes certification attempts for a skill.
Update the Successful Certification Attempts column with dates as the installer completes successful demonstrations for certification.
Provide ongoing feedback to the installer in the Feedback Section.
Keep an eye on the Training Plan & Tracker calculator to understand at-a-glance how certification is progressing and what is left.
Once an installer has completed all certifications for hard and soft skills, complete the Certified Date cell with the date of completion. This date will also be entered on the Install Curriculum tab.