Anatomy of a Scorecard
The scorecards are an in-depth review of an installer’s progress through the Installer Journey. These should be kept up-to-date and reviewed with an installer regularly.
All cells with no color are editable
A cell to manually enter the installer’s name.
Section 2: Hard Skills Section
Hard Skill Names: These are directly linked to the Curriculum sheet and hyperlinked to the Installation Manual pages. These are not editable.
Trained Actual Status: A drop down to select the current approximate experience in the skill - 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%
Trained Target Date: A cell to manually enter the target date for the installer to be trained in the skill.
Trained Status: An automated formula that indicates No, In Progress, or Yes based on the Trained Actual Status
Certification Method: A dropdown to select between the Standard or Expedited certification methods.
Attempts Thus Far: A dropdown to select the number of certification attempts already attempted, including unsuccessful attempts; for tracking purposes.
Successful Certification Attempts: Cells to manually enter the dates of all successful certification attempts. These are blacked out until the installer is noted to be 100% in the Trained Actual Status column.
Target Cert Date: A dropdown to select the goal date for complete certification in the skill. This dropdown is linked to the Training Plan & Tracker section.
Certified Date: An automated formula to notate the certification date based on the date entered in the final certification attempt.
Section 3: Soft Skills Section
Soft Skill Names: These are directly linked to the Curriculum sheet. These are not editable.
Additional Soft Skills: Cells that are editable in the case of any local expectations you have set with your install team.
Attempts completed: A dropdown to select the number of successful attempts completed. Cells are greyed out for any soft skills not requiring multiple attempts.
Completed: A dropdown to select Yes or No if the installer has completed the skill.
Target Date: A dropdown to select the goal date for complete the skill. This dropdown is linked to the Training Plan & Tracker section.
Completion Date: Cells to manually enter the date of successful completion for all soft skills.
A section dedicated to logging all feedback related to the installer’s progress through the level.
Areas to Continue: Include feedback around what the installer should continue doing, focusing on positive examples and sentiments.
Areas to Improve: Include feedback around opportunities the installer has for improvement, focusing on examples they can refer back to.
Excel Tip: To type text on a new line within the box, use keyboard shortcut Alt + Enter on Windows, or Option + Enter on Mac.
Section 6: Training Plan & Tracker
A section comprised of mostly automated formulas to assist in your planning and goal-setting efforts.
Hard Skills to Train: An automated formula calculating how many hard skills are left to train based on how many are noted as 100% and how many are not.
Hard Skills to Certify: An automated formula calculating how many hard skills are left to certified based on how many do not have a Certified Date noted.
Soft Skills to Train/Complete: An automated formula calculating how many soft skills are left to complete based on how many are noted with a Yes or No in the Soft Skills Completed column.
Certified <Level> Goal Date: A cell to manually enter the goal date of having the installer certified to the level in its entirety.
Benchmarks Column: A column of cells to manually enter proximal dates in order to reach the Certified <Level> Goal Date.
Train Target: An automated formula calculating how many hard skills need to be trained by the respective Benchmark date.
Certify Target: An automated formula calculating how many hard and soft skills are to be certified/completed by the respective Benchmark date.
Actual: An automated formula calculating how many hard and soft skills are certified/completed by the respective Benchmark date.
Difference: An automated formula calculating the difference of Certify Target vs. Actual. The cell will turn red if the difference is above 0.
Total Certified: An automated formula calculating how many combined hard and soft skills are certified/completed.
Skills Remaining: An automated formula calculating how many combined hard and soft skills are remaining to certify/complete.
A cell to manually enter the certification date of the level in its entirety.
NEXT: Creating & Setting Up a New Scorecard