This section outlines the process of certifying an installer in all soft skills.
What is a soft skill?
A soft skill is defined as a behavioral characteristic within a job or task. For a California Closets installer, a soft skill is any action they are performing to provide the customer with the California Closets experience. This includes all aspects of the (CCPIE) California Closets Professional Installation Experience (formerly White Glove Experience), and any customer service-related activities.
What does it mean to be certified in a skill?
For an installer to be certified in an individual soft skill, it means they have learned and practiced the behavior included in the skill. The installed has repetitively demonstrated their knowledge and experience while providing the California Closets experience to a customer.
What is the process of certifying a soft skill?
At a glance:
An installer has expectations set with them for standards in, but not limited to, behavior, uniform, grooming, etc.
An installer is trained in the California Closets Professional Installation Experience.
An installer practices the individual soft skill through various jobs.
A trainer/manager observes the installer perform the service expectations with a California Closets customer.
As applicable: The trainer/manager receives feedback from the installer’s peers on various aspects of soft skill performance.
The trainer/manager assesses the installers completion of the soft skill.
The installer is certified.
How can I track certifications?
There are two ways to track certification, one for each individual involved.
As the trainer/manager, there is a tab in the Install Curriculum document, labeled Certification Tracker. On this tab, you can track job #s, dates and times for certification attempts, to assist in your planning efforts.
As an installer progresses through a certification, their scorecard should be updated to reflect this progress. The scorecard contains areas to input attempt numbers, dates, and completion timelines.
CCPIE: California Closets Professional Installation Experience (CC360)
CCPIE Hard Resources
CCPIE Competency Model
Additional resources to come for soft skill training. If you have a request for a resource, reach out the installerjourney@calclosets.com