Scheduling a Cycle Count

Scheduling a Cycle Count

Use Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance to create and maintain cycle count schedules. This includes selecting the parts that will be cycle counts for a specific warehouse in a designated time period and year, based on the selected production calendar.

After specifying a cycle period, year and production calendar, the program creates a default cycle schedule; the default cycle count dates can then be modified as required. The individual cycles within the master periodic schedule are independent of each other but multiple cycles can be conducted concurrently as necessary.

  • After modifying the generated cycle count schedule, select the parts being counted by running the Perform Part Selection selection on the Actions
  • The Epicor application uses the cycle count method (Random or Repetitive) defined for the specified warehouse in the Warehouse Maintenance > Cycle Count\Physical Inv sheets to select and assign specific parts to each cycle count sequence within the cycle period.

Prior to using this program, you must define cycle periods in Cycle Count Period Definition, and define count parameters at the part/warehouse, warehouse, part/site, site configuration and ABC code levels.

Note: Even though you can define cycle count periods in Cycle Count Period Definition with overlapping dates, a part can only be assigned to one open cycle at a time in Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance. This happens even if different cycle schedules include the same date on which a part is due for counting; the part would be selected for only one of the cycle schedules.

Note: Part quantities associated with a PCID are excluded from inventory counts.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:

  • Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance
  • Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance - Detail
    Use the - Detail sheet to create a cycle count schedule for a specified warehouse in a designated month and year. Once the cycle count schedule has been generated, it can be viewed in the Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance - Cycles sheet.
  • Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance - Cycles
    Use the - Cycles sheet to view the cycle count schedule generated in the Detail sheet for a specified warehouse in a designated month and year. If required, the cycle date can be changed for specific cycles within the month.
  • Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance - ABC Qtys
    Use the - ABC Qtys sheet to view the number of parts that have been or can be selected for each ABC code for the currently selected schedule. If the Random cycle count part selection method is used to select parts for the count, you can update the quantities in the Quantity To Select field prior to use of the Perform Part Selection option on the Actions menu for the specified cycle count schedule.
  • Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance - Actions Menu
    The following topics explain how to use the functionality for this Action menu option.


This function is performed by the finance department. 

Follow the path: Xmc>Material Management >Inventory Management >General Operations >Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance

Image Inventory Management 24

  1. Click on Cycle
  2. Click on New > New Schedule

Image Inventory Management 25

  1. Choose the Warehouse
  2. Choose the Cycle Period (this will need to be preloaded)
  3. Check the box "Exclude Zero QOH"
  4. Click Save

Image Inventory Management 26

NOTE: Once you select the warehouse, the current year will automatically populate. Cycle Count will automatically populate the Period Start and End date along with the calendar information. There is also the option to choose Part Selection Criteria.

There is also the option to change the ABC Qtys. Under the ABC Qtys tab

Image Inventory Management 27

NOTE: This will need to occur prior to saving the Cycle Count Scheduled Maintenance.

Under the Cycle Tab there is the option to see all Cycle Dates. Cycles can be deleted by clicking on the Cycle in question and then click on X

Image Inventory Management 28

NOTE: Click Save if any additional changes are made.  Sara does the system automatically save changes such as deleting items or does this require saving?

Under Actions click on Perform Part Selection

This will look at all your ABC codes, look at your parameters that you have set and would populate with the parts that have been selected.

Image Inventory Management 29

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