Send Contract and DWG Plans via Adobe Sign

Send Contract and DWG Plans via Adobe Sign

  1. CLICK on Agreements.  Select type of agreement you wish to send.

Adobe Sign will open within a new tab in Salesforce. All files in the opportunity FILES quick link will be listed.

At the top of the page, you can add or change recipients.   The two signers will default to you (the designer) as the first signer and your primary contact as the second signer. 

2. Remove any file that you do not want to send by clicking the X to the right of the document if you did not previously delete them in the Files tab. 

  • If needed, add your DWG plans and any additional documents for the client to sign off on.  Click Add Files or Upload Files.  You can also drag and ‘drop files.’

By selecting ‘Host signing for the first signer,’ you can sign into the app and then send to the client.


Below is an exploded view of different recipient and role options.

  • CLICK NEXT to take you to a Preview of your document.

3. Scroll through the document(s) and add any signature or initial boxes needed. 

When adding signature tags for your client, make sure their name is highlighted in the upper right (otherwise you are adding tags for yourself!).

4. If you checked the ‘Host signing for the first signer’ checkbox, select ‘Sign, then Send.’  If not, select ‘Send.’

After the Adobe Sign has been sent, you will receive a notification to sign your part of the documents.

5. Adobe Sign will walk you through the signatures and initials required of you.  Refresh your screen after signing.

6. When the customer fully signs the contract, DWG and local addendums, a copy will be uploaded into the Files tab.

7. Contract Status in Details is now updated to Pending.  This update may take a few minutes.

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