Signature - Set up and manage
Adobe Acrobat Sign allows for several different methods of how you would like your signature to appear when it is applied to a document.
If you prefer to use the default Acrobat Sign signature text font, there is no need to pre-define your signature file
You can draw your signature with your mouse or stylus
You can upload an image of your signature file using a .bmp, .png, .gif, or .jpg format
Create a new signature
To create your new signature, mouse over your name in the upper-right corner of the window
Select the My Profile option
Click the Create button
The signature panel is exposed, allowing you to enter your signature. There are two options:
Draw - You are asked to use a finger or stylus to physically draw your signature in the signature space.
If you are on a device that isn't touch enabled (like a desktop system), you can select the Mobile option, which will ask for a phone number to a touch enabled device. A link will be sent to that number, allowing you to draw your signature there, and import it to your user profile
Image - Upload an image of your signature. You are prompted to select a file from your local system
When you have a signature you like, click Apply
Note: An Image signature will have the size adjusted to fit the signature field size on each document.
Minimal recommended size: 60 pixels tall and up to 600 pixels wide.
Supported formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP.