The DMT is used for uploading item numbers and corresponding details. All product information should be captured in the Excel Item Master (3CN).
- Fill out the required fields in the “Epicor” tab of the 3CN file:
Image DMT 1
- Copy the field names along with the data that was input in the “Epicor” tab into a new Excel file.
- Delete all of the columns that are blank, so only columns with values are showing
- [NOTE: when using DMT, if you leave a field in the upload that doesn’t have a value in it, the DMT process will load a blank value into that field in Epicor, which can cause problems because this may overwrite a default field that would have been automatically populated by the system]
- Save the file with the date and description
- [NOTE: it must be saved by selecting the “CSV” format from the “Save as type:” drop-down menu:
Image DMT 2
- Log into the Epicor DMT module [NOTE: ensure the correct “Environment” is selected]
Image DMT 3
- Once in DMT, use the search to find the “Part” upload section.
- Click the “Part Source…” button to search for the Excel file that was saved:
Image DMT 4
- Open the file that was saved:
Image DMT 5
- The file will now be shown at the top half of the screen.
- Verify that the “Add New” and “Update” boxes are checked (on the right side/middle of the screen).
- Now click the “Process” button (on the right side/middle of the screen) to upload the data into Epicor:
Image DMT 6
- A dialog box will appear to let you know the upload is complete. If there are any errors, they will be shown in the bottom half of the screen, as well as saved in a text file that will be located in the same folder that the Excel file is saved in:
Image DMT 7