This function is performed by the finance department.
Follow the path: Xmc>Material Management >Inventory Management >General Operations >Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance
Image Inventory Management 24
- Click on Cycle
- Click on New > New Schedule
Image Inventory Management 25
- Choose the Warehouse
- Choose the Cycle Period (this will need to be preloaded)
- Click Save
Image Inventory Management 26
NOTE: Once you select the warehouse, the current year will automatically populate. Cycle Count will automatically populate the Period Start and End date along with the calendar information. There is also the option to choose Part Selection Criteria.
There is also the option to change the ABC Qtys. Under the ABC Qtys tab
Image Inventory Management 27
NOTE: This will need to occur prior to saving the Cycle Count Scheduled Maintenance.
Under the Cycle Tab there is the option to see all Cycle Dates. Cycles can be deleted by clicking on the Cycle in question and then click on X
Image Inventory Management 28
NOTE: Click Save if any additional changes are made. Sara does the system automatically save changes such as deleting items or does this require saving?
Under Actions click on Perform Part Selection
This will look at all your ABC codes, look at your parameters that you have set and would populate with the parts that have been selected.
Image Inventory Management 29