Job Manager

The job manager opens at the bottom of the program and can remain open while the designing. Aside from showing live pricing changes, the job manager holds several valuable tools and functions.

The Job Manager is turned on/off in the top right corner of the program window. Once open, it remains in every view while the user design, allowing them to see pricing changes, adjust finishes, etc.

[GIF] Click to Expand

Hover over the top edge of the job manager window and look for the option to resize it if needed. Click, hold, and drag up or down.


The job manager also allows users to quickly move between designs, edit the project/customer details, and can be used to print and e-mail various documents related to the job. Here is a brief overview of the basic job manager functionality and it’s columns:


New Design

Will open the Setup Wizard to create a new design within that project file. This is another method for creating more designs in a project file.



The Finalize feature will “export” any designs that are enabled and create a separate project file.



The Service Tool allows users to view and select certain parts within an existing design that may need service or reordering. 



Shows the total MSRP price for all spaces that are Enabled. This may not include special charges or other items that may need to be considered. Consult with a sales manager for more information.


Upload to Salesforce

This will upload a copy of the CAD project file to the corresponding Salesforce opportunity. The CAD file can be found in the Designs section of the Salesforce opportunity page.


Parts List Profile (DROP DOWN)

This is a parts list profile. Engineer key holders have the option to print out and view different parts lists, but designer keys are locked to one. Designers will likely not use this drop down.


Print and/or Share

Turn on the checks under each column for the designs to print or sharing, using the appropriate buttons. The prefix e- stands for e-mail and p- for print.

These boxes can be quickly checked or unchecked to by right-clicking on the column and select “Check On/Off”.



Pulls up the Project Details dialog to view or edit customer information/job details.



Check the box to turn the design on and off. If off (no check) It will temporarily disable and remove the design information from the overall cost, sharing, printing, etc. This is particularly helpful when designing multiple versions of a room, but only want to price or submit specific ones for complexity review.



Name of the design/space, as dictated from the Setup Wizard or Space Properties.


Material (DROP DOWN)

Change the finish of the entire design. Users can can do this before or after adding parts or components. Right click on the material and select Apply to All to apply the finish change to all designs in that project.



Reflective of the Room Type selected in the Setup Wizard and can be edited in Space Properties.


Quote Price

Total MSRP of the individual design/space.


Lead Time

Displays the longest lead time for enabled spaces only. See the Parts List for full lead times.

These columns can also be hidden if desired. Right click on the heading and single click on the column to turn it on or off. Columns with a checkmark to the left means they are “on”.

Columns can be reordered by left clicking, holding, and dragging to new orders. Right click on a column heading and select “Reset Columns” to return to the default order.


If the user were to right click on any design line in the job manager, there are several options:



Change the name and type of the design. The new name will also appear in the upper right-hand corner on the design tabs.



Deletes the design.
Once a deletion is confirmed, that space will be gone – It cannot be retrieved.



Creates a copy of the design. The copy will show up as a new design tab within that project.


Move Up/Down/First/Last

Changes the order of the designs within the job manager list. Will also change the order of the design tabs.

You can also edit the information, copy and delete by right clicking on the design tabs directly.


Click on the Job Manager button to close it. However, the user can continue to edit the design (in any view) with the job manager open, which will provide a real-time look at how specific changes affects the overall cost. This is especially helpful as a new designer, or if the client is budget-conscious. It’s an alternative to switching to the Parts List to see how finishes or parts affect the overall cost.

While it is helpful for pricing, note that if the job manager is open, it may cause CAD to run a bit slower when designing.


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