Password Management
There are two sets of passwords used to access the Epicor ERP system, although they share the same user ID. Your user ID is our Epicor client ID (99701) followed by a dot "." and then your Cal Closets network user ID, which is usually your first initial followed by your last name.
The first is either the Parallels client or Microsoft's RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). We use one of these to get to the Epicor server, where we then select the environment/account which we want to use. This password is a Microsoft Domain password and can only be administered by Epicor Hosted Services. When your user account was created, or you need this password reset because you cannot remember it, we make a request to Epicor and they perform the task within an hour or two. If you know your current domain password, you can change it yourself on the Epicor User Portal, described below. Epicor has recently changed their security and this password must now be changed every 90 days. You will receive an email notification approximately two weeks before it will expire and stop allowing access.
The second set of passwords are those that Epicor itself maintains for each environment (Live10a, Test10, Pilot10, etc.) in which you have an account. We can reset these passwords so you can give them an initial value or change them if you cannot get into the Epicor environment. If you can get into the environment, you can change your password by following instructions beginning on page 7.
It is your choice whether to use the same passwords or different ones for each environment and for the domain password to get to the server. Most people use the same one.
Changing your Epicor Domain Password for use with the Parallels Client or RDP
Invoke the Epicor User Portal by using this URL in a web browser:
Then click Login if you have an account or Set Password if this is your first visit to the portal.
If this is your first visit, enter a new password twice, following the password complexity rules shown. If one or more of the password complexity rules is not satisfied, it is highlighted as shown here.
When everything is OK and the passwords are identical, you will see this and may click Continue.
You then get visual confirmation that all is well.
To aid in automated password changes if needed, you need to establish answers to some questions.
Unfortunately, the Favorite Pet Name question is missing but others shown will have to suffice.
Again, visual verification you are on the path.
Then an email address is requested.
Finally, a code is sent to the email address just entered. Find the value in the email and enter it here.
And again the reinforcement that all is well with your Epicor User Portal account.
Whether you create a new account as shown above or enter your password for an existing account, the portal home page is displayed.
From here you can change your domain password by using the Change Now link. Or other account information by selecting the appropriate link shown in a list in the lower left of the screen.
Since you now must change this password every 90 days, you will probably want to do so and then change your Epicor environment passwords to match the new domain password. Instructions to do this are listed on the next few pages.
Changing your Epicor ERP Environment Password
If you cannot get into the Epicor environment with your current password, you must ask ERP IT (Cliff Bennett or Lisa Lambert) to reset your user account in this environment so you can change the password.
If you are able to login to the environment, click Options and then Change Password in the ERP main menu, as shown here.
This dialog box pops up and lets you change your environment password.
It is a good idea to log out and back into an environment where you have just changed the password. Better to find out it is something different now than intended rather than experience it when you are in a hurry and need access to the system NOW.