Epicor GL Account Hierarchy

Epicor GL Account Hierarchy

Why did a transaction post to a certain account?

This information can be found using the Transaction Type and the GL Transaction Hierarchy. In the following example, the GL Control for Part Class “Space” in the “Inventory/Expense Context” defines GL Account “4158.000.17999.00”.


Here’s how to track a transaction through the Hierarchy.


  1. Research using FastClose to get details about the transaction just because we have it and it’s so easy to use.
    Confirm Tran Type STK-CUS and note Order Num.

  2. Still in FastClose, drill through to Sales Order Detail and note the Part.

  3. In the Epicor Hierarchy Inventory Transaction document, find the delivered rules for STK-CUS. 
    Link to Epicor documentation for Hierarchy documentation including AP, AR. Inventory.
    The Inventory Transaction Hierarchy states the GL Account for Credit will come from the Hierarchy starting at Part GL Control.  (None on the example Part.)
    Then Inventory account from Part Class. 

  4. In Epicor open the Order Line, then In Part/Rev, Open With Part Tracker

  5. In  Part Tracker, Class, Open With Part Class Entry.

  6. In Part Class > GL Controls > Control, Open With GL Control Code Entry

  7. In GL Control Maintenance > Account > List see the Inventory/Expense account.

  8. The Inventory Transaction Hierarchy documents the path to the GL account. 
    Customized Posting Rules can change this, in which case we should keep that documented and handy.  But in this case the answer is that the GL Control for the transaction and Context has the Asset Clearing account defined. 

  9. Also, on SharePoint under SCI > Epicor > Data Analysis is a workbook named  GL Accounts
    This is helpful in researching GL Accounts, including locating where in the GL Controls particular accounts are defined. 

  • Segments.  GL Account Segment attributes.

  • SegValues. Valid values for GL Account Segments.

  • GLAccount. GL Account strings.  

  • GL Controls.  GL Accounts for all GL Control Codes with Control Type and GL Account Context.

    • Use the GLAccount column filter to show only those containing the account you’re researching.

    • See that the example account is provided by GL Control Type “Part Class”, GL Control Code “Asset”, Context “Inventory/Expense” and “Purchase Price Variance”.

  • GLCntlProdGrup. GL Control Codes associated with Product Groups.

  • GLCntlPartClass.  GL Control Codes associated with Part Classes.

  • GLCntlReason.  GL Control Codes associated with Reason Codes


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*For a basic quote-to-cash scenario that’s only 36 pages, System Flow education doc is here on SharePoint. 
*The rest of the Education documents are good guides to basic Epicor functionality.