Tax Maintenance in Dash and Epicor

Tax Maintenance in Dash and Epicor


Each Dash Sales Tax Rate has an External Name that corresponds with an Epicor Tax Liability code. The Tax Rate for Epicor transactions is driven by the Tax Liability code loaded from the Dash job to the Epicor Quote.

When a Quote is loaded into Epicor, the automation verifies that a taxable line with a non-zero price populates Tax Liability code. If not, message “LineTaxJur_CR8_c should not be empty” is written to the message log. In either case, the Quote is loaded. The process that sends tax information is described in detail in the Dash and Epicor Tax Rate Interface topic.

Sales tax codes and rates must be kept in sync between CCDashboard and Epicor ERP. This maintenance is the responsibility of the AR representative for each location.


When the Tax Rate for a Tax Area changes,

Update CCDash Sales Tax

  • Set Tax Rate to the new rate

  • Set External Name to reflect the new rate

Verify CCDash External name has a corresponding ERP Tax Liability code and Tax Rate


CCDashboard Tax Configuration

Settings > Administer System > System Settings > Sales Tax

  • “Association” and “Tax Area” drive the Tax Rate on the CCDash job.

  • The corresponding “External Name” is interfaced to the ERP Quote line as “Tax Liability”.

    • External Name is four characters long and reflects the tax rate.

    • If Tax Rate * 10000 is 3 characters long add the prefix “P”. Otherwise, Tax Rate * 10000.
      For example:

      • 0.101 becomes 1010

      • 0.065 becomes P650

Note: The tax codes and rates for each Dash “External Name” and Epicor “Tax Liability” pair must be kept the same in both systems.


ERP Tax Configuration

Tax for the ERP transactions is provided by Tax Liability > Tax Type > Rate Code > Effective Rate as follows:

Tax Liability

Tax Liability connects to Tax Type.

Tax Type

Tax Type connects to Tax Rate.

Tax Rate connects to Effective Rate.

When a new Tax Rate is added in Dash, create a new Tax Liability in Epicor ERP.

  1. Financial Mgt > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Tax Liability

    1. Detail > New Liability

      1. Set ID: If Tax Rate * 10000 is 3 characters long add the prefix “P”.
        Otherwise, Tax Rate * 10000.
        For example:

        1. 0.101 becomes 1010

        2. 0.065 becomes P650

      2. Check “Use in AR”

  2. Financial Mgt > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Tax Type

    1. Detail > New Tax Type Code

      1. Set Tax ID based on Tax Liability ID like:

        1. 1010 becomes F10100

        2. P650 becomes F06500

      2. Description

      3. Accept defaults for remaining fields

    2. Rates > New Rate

      1. Set Rate Code equal Tax Type Code

      2. Set Description equal Tax Type Description

    3. Effective Rate > New Effective Rate

      1. Set Effective From to the date the Rate goes into effect

      2. Set Percentage to the new Rate, like:

        1. 10.100 for 1010 / F10100

        2. 6.500 for P650 / F06500

  3. Financial Mgt > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Tax Liability

    1. Taxes > Detail > New > New Tax Type

      1. Set the Tax Type created for this Tax Liability


ERP Quote

Tax Liability on the Quote line provides the tax rate, and flows from the Quote to the Sales Order and Invoice.



Information about navigating the Epicor ERP application

*For a basic quote-to-cash scenario that’s only 36 pages, System Flow education doc is here on SharePoint. 
*The rest of the Education documents are good guides to basic Epicor functionality.