14. Create a Lead (New/1st Time Clients Only)
Use the ‘Global Actions' button, select ‘New Lead’
Enter the contact information of the client on the pop-up in the lower right corner.
Click “Save”, Then Click the clients name on the green pop-up on the screen.
This will open the lead record. You can add the mobile number, job community, general account notes, and info in the tell us about your space section regarding the project.
Edit the Opportunity name to “Last Name, First Name (Job 1)”, then hit the blue “Convert” button
Click the Opportunity name to go to the Opportunity page
NOTE: If you see a “Opportunity has not yet synced to Dash” message do NOT proceed until it goes away. (Photo example below)
Once the Opportunity syncs with Dash, use the ‘Schedule Appointment’ button to schedule the Initial Consultation
Schedule the appointment and make sure nothing is on your Outlook or Salesforce calendar blocking your time. If you get a double booking warning, change the time to a time that you dont have anything on your calendar.
Click blue “Next” button and you’re done!
Proceed to complete the steps in the Sales & Design Consultant: Day in the Life Section of this manual.