Drilling Zones
Drilling zones are a feature found on engineer keys only.
Drilling Zones can be used to highly customize a design and is a feature that places specific drilling patterns on a selected area of a partition. Drilling Zones are found in the Tools section of the Elevation ribbon toolbar.
Once selected, users can scroll the mouse wheel (or use the up/down keyboard keys) to change the height of the drilling zone. Left click to place.
Drilling zones move and delete like other parts. Right click to access Properties [Part]. This is where users can select the drilling mode and overall height (mm).
Use the Apply properties to.. feature at the bottom of the properties box to apply to other zones.
Drilling zones will show up as green blocks in the 3D view. This can be turned on/off using the Show Drilling Zones check box in the Parts section of the 3D ribbon toolbar.
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