Trash Bins

There are pull-out and tilt-out options for holding trash/recycling bins that behave much like hampers. Select the desired option from the Pull-Outs dropdown.

Before clicking to place, scroll the mouse wheel (or up/down arrow keyboard keys) to adjust the face height. It does have a minimum height and will not allow the user to go any shorter. Left click to place the trash bin(s).

GIF - Click to Zoom

Height can also be adjusted after the bin is in place using the + and - buttons on the front.

Depending on the option selected, the trash bin may require a specific size, depth and front style, so refer to the Standard Product Guide for full information or if seeing warnings in CAD.

Once placed, the trash bins will have a label on the front indicating the type, size and orientation. Trash bins move and delete like other parts.

In the 3D view, click on the tilt-out hampers to open/close them, or look for the hand when hovering over pull-out hampers and click, hold and move the cursor to open/close.



In the trash bin Properties [Part], the user will find the option to change the type. The program will only show options based on width of the component.

The Finish coordinates with the Type.

As trash bins have fronts, the properties allow the user to change the face style, finish, hardware, locks, etc. much like a drawer or door.



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