CC Purchase Order Approvals

CC Purchase Order Approvals

Follow the path: XMC>Material Management > General Operations> Purchase Order Entry> PO Approval


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  1. Click on Buyer and select the Buyer (or select the PO Number)

  2. Under Actions

    1. Accept or Reject the PO

  3. Any changes will create a Date/User Stamp

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Once Accepted the Approved Amount will automatically populate.

Click on Date/User Stamp

Click Save


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 NOTE: The Date/User Stamp will automatically indicate the buyer’s name and the date; however, there is the option to add additional notes. Currently there is no flag to the buyer that the order has been approved.


The PO approval does not give you any level of detail, besides the basic information and ability to approve the amount. The PO can be reviewed in PO Tracker or by Right Clicking the PO Number> Open With>PO Tracker


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NOTE: Alerts can be set up so that individuals know that there is PO is pending approval. The dollar limit is set up by each buyer. The person who approves all the overall buys will also need to be set up with an account.









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Information about navigating the Epicor ERP application

*For a basic quote-to-cash scenario that’s only 36 pages, System Flow education doc is here on SharePoint. 
*The rest of the Education documents are good guides to basic Epicor functionality.