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The following information is part of the instructor-led ClosetCADPro virtual training sessions. Learners can also use these as part of a self-guided learning plan in combination with the recorded videos or while working with their managers.





  •  Attend the live Advanced Product + CAD training sessions or work with a manager to cover more advanced topics such as:
  •  Complete the Design Theory modules on CC360. User may need to be logged into CC360 to access.
  •  Sit in on design reviews with a local plan reviewer.
  •  Perform several ride-alongs with veteran designers, at the discretion of the customer.
  •  Re-create multiple spaces from either the showroom, marketing, website, and DAM.Try to keep this limited to closets, pantries, or simple office/media designs until comfortable with more complex design.
  •  Continuously practice measuring and drawing both “regular” and “unusual” obstructions found at home, showrooms, shops, previous designs, or mock scenarios provided by a manager.
  •  Find ways to incorporate CAD exercises or practice into other areas of training, such as inventory and sales.
  •  Find CAD plans that may have simple errors or bad design and identify the issues. Can grow increasingly more complex.
  •  As users become more proficient, begin introducing more complex spaces such as offices, media centers, garages, etc. and design scenarios such as peninsulas, blind corners, etc.
