Sliding Door Mullions

Sliding Door Mullions

This section relates to Sliding Doors. Please read first before proceeding.


Users can add dividers (called mullions) into the inserts of Sliding Doors. Mullions can be structural or decorative. Users must have a Sliding Door added to their design for Mullions to appear as an option.

A Structural Mullion (Sliding Structural Mullion) is an extruded piece of metal that can be used to separate inserts in a door, which allows users to select different finish options above or below. It will be visible from the back of the door.


Decorative mullions can be horizontal or vertical, while structural mullions are horizontal only.

A Decorative Mullion (Horz or Vert Sliding Decorative Mullion) is an extruded piece of metal with adhesive on the back, which can be applied to the face of the door insert. This means they cannot be used to split inserts and are for aesthetic purposes only.

This is not available for all sliding door vendors/profiles.


Mullions are placed in the sliding door Elevation view. Users should be in Sliding Door view mode when adding or editing sliding doors. Mullions can be added from the Door part drop down in the part section of the Elevation ribbon toolbar.

Select the desired option and left click to place on the sliding doors.


Structural mullions can also be added in the Properties [Sliding Door] menu.


To move a mullion, double click on the mullion or the dimension to change. To delete, right click on the mullion (it will turn blue or yellow)) and select Delete.

Users can change the material or finishes of individual inserts when using structural mullions, but not with decorative. As explained previously, this can be done by right clicking on the insert directly and selecting Properties [Insert].


Remember, structural mullions add to both the front and back because they are dividing the insert. If wanting a decorative mullion to show in the back, make sure that the box for Back Decor Panels is checked/turned on in Properties [Sliding System]. This may default “on” for most locations.


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