Door Obstructions

This page refers to doors as entryways, not as part of a design. See Component Doors for directions on adding manufactured doors.



There are several door options available in the Obstruction drop down menu. These would all be structural doors that are already installed within the space.

The options may include:

  • Door Frame (an opening with molding or door frame around it - does not physically have a door)

  • Door: A single door

  • Double door

  • Bi-fold door

  • Sliding doors

  • Pocket door (more details below)

When adding or viewing doors in the Plan view, many dimensions are shown. More information on these dimensions is found below.

If the door has a swing to consider, this is also shown in Plan view. Doors can swing inward or outward, and be left or right hinged. These options are edited in the door properties (see below). If the door swings in, the Plan view will provide a visual representation of the space needed so users can design around it.

In Plan view, users can change any of these dimensions by hovering over them until they turn blue, then double click, type in a new number, and press enter. This doesn’t provide as much control to “lock” one of the dimensions, as it does in door properties. However, the program will want to work left to right (as shown in the animation below), so plan accordingly!

Users can also view doors in the Elevation view if there is a design zone on the same wall. This is key to be able to design around the obstruction. The dimensions are not visible in this view, although users can still move, delete, and make edits to the door in this view.

Door Properties

All door obstructions have similar part properties.

The Horizontal and Vertical sections have dimensions and left/right offsets as mentioned previously. This will help dictate the size of the floor as well as how far from the side walls it sits.
Note that unlike in plan view, these left/right dimensions DO include the width of the frame or trim.

Lock Position, if checked, disables the ability to double click on a door to move in elevation view.

The door type and molding/frame can be adjusted under Common. The user will want to measure this at the jobsite in addition to opening width and offsets. Auto-Width determines if the door width will be adjusted when changing the length of the wall it is on. If it is checked, any change in wall length also affects the door width. The width in the plan view will also have an asterisk if turned on. If unchecked, it will lock the door width and change the left/right offsets instead.

The Hinge direction will depend on if the door hinge is on the left or right side (from inside the room looking at the wall with the door), or if the door swings in or out of the room. For pocket doors, users can dictate the slide direction in the Pocket Side field (left/right/both).


Door Dimensions & Offsets

Measuring a door accurately and inputting those numbers correctly into CAD is key to ensure everything is placed correctly! Dimensions can be edited by double clicking on them in Plan view, or by editing their respective fields in door properties.








Left/Right (Offsets)

The dimensions on either side of the width are the left/right offsets, which is the distance from the side wall(s) to the start of the obstruction. This can be edited in both plan view and in properties.

In plan view, this measurement goes to the edge of the frame or trim. This is represented by the ORANGE ARROW in the example below.

In properties, this measurement goes to the physical opening of the door, so it includes the width of frame/trim molding. This is represented by the DASHED ORANGE ARROW in the example below.



Horizontal (Opening) Width

This is width of the physical or rough opening of the door and does not include frame/trim molding. This is represented by the BLUE ARROW in the example below.

In plan view, this is the first number represented. The bracketed number is the total width of the door with molding included on either side.


Vertical (Opening) Height

The opening height of the door, which is only edited under the “Vertical properties field. This is from the floor to the inside of the molding/opening. This is represented by the RED ARROW in the example below.

The “top” dimension will represent the distance from the door to the top of the ceiling and includes for the trim.


Frame Width/Thickness

In Properties, Frame Thk refers to the trim molding depth or thickness, and Frame Width refers to the molding width. These are represented by the GREEN ARROW in the example below.


NOTE: Pocket Doors

Designers often come across pocket doors when measuring a room. Designing around pocket doors requires more attention and awareness because of how thin the wall is behind the door. Adding the ability to see a pocket door in 2D and 3D will greatly reduce incidents and damage to homes.

In the pocket door properties, users can make adjustments to the door or frame dimensions and change the side that the door opens to (pocket side, left or right or both).

Note that component fastener have the potential to interfere with pocket doors. There may be scratching on the door or the door may be locked in place by accident. Note that there will not be warnings if building components or placing parts within the “pocket zone” – It will be the responsibility of the designer to design with these rules in mind:

  • The top shelf height must be a MINIMUM of 8” above the opening of the pocket door. The example here would NOT work.

  • The component must be floor mounted.

  • Do not add hooks or other wall-mounted accessories to this area.


The pocket doors are visible in WebGL, and can be opened or closed by hovering over it and clicking when the hand icon appears. Note that pocket doors are NOT visible in the traditional 3D view. By default, the pocket door is partially open in WebGL to draw more awareness that its a pocket door.



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