Enabling/disabling CCO Satellite Ship To Addresses
Overview of how to set up the Alternate Ship-to Addresses for CCO Satellite locations, and how they are turned on or off:
All new Mfg. Submission CSVs from Dash now have a column at the end (Location_c) which is tied to the location where the job is staged. (If we are loading an older CSV where this field is missing, the logic assigns the primary CCO address as the default.)
When the Epicor Quote, Sales Order, and Job is created, the program looks in that CCO’s Customer table for records flagged as ‘Suspect’ and matches the value from Location_c with the Customer Name. (If Location_c is populated with a value that isn’t in Epicor, a Quote loading error is generated.)
The program then looks to see if the Location specified has an Attribute of either “CCO Satellite” or “Primary CCO alt ship to”. If not, then it automatically assigns the primary CCO location address (as was the case with the Wisconsin location for IL168).
To enable a new Ship To Address, like Wisconsin, do the following:
In Customer Maintenance, search for record type ‘Suspect’ and find record you want to update. The first 5 characters of the Customer ID will be the same as the CCO identifier (e.g. IL168).
Click on the Attributes tab
To enable this location, click on “CCO Satellite” under Available Choices and then click on the right-arrow to move it to the Selected Choices area. To disable, select the value from the Selected Choices column and click on the left-arrow to move it to the Available Choices area.
The location for the specified job will appear in the far-right column in the top section of the Nonstock Purchasing Dashboard:
Todd Gilbert
Epicor Business Analyst & Developer
P: 510.266.2549
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*For a basic quote-to-cash scenario that’s only 36 pages, System Flow education doc is here on SharePoint.
*The rest of the Education documents are good guides to basic Epicor functionality.