Completing the Certification Process

Completing the Certification Process

The certification of a skill for a California Closets installer speaks to the consistency in accuracy and quality when representing the business in the field. As a coach of the installer, it is important to assess with consistency and attention to detail. Feedback should always be provided to practice continuous improvement and celebrate development.

Depending on the installer’s existing California Closets experience, they may complete a certification using the standard or expedited method.

  • The standard method consists of 3 successful demonstrations of a single skill and it’s certification steps.

  • The expedited method consists of 1 successful demonstration of a single skill and it’s certification steps. This method should only be completed by existing California Closets installers with existing experience in the skill.


Table of Contents
Types of Attempts
Preparation: Certification Process
Execution: Certification Process
1st Attempt
2nd Attempt
3rd Attempt
Expedited Certification Process


Types of Attempts:

  1. Planned Attempt: A mutually scheduled demonstration on a jobsite or in-location. The installer knows the demonstration will be happening and has time to prepare if needed.

  2. Unplanned Attempt: The timing of the demonstration is known to the trainer, but a surprise to the installer. This can be on a jobsite or in-location prior to the installer’s departure for the day.

  3. Problem-Solve Attempt or Unplanned Attempt: The timing of the demonstration is known to the trainer, but a surprise to the installer. This can be on a jobsite or in-location prior to the installer’s departure for the day. Consult the Problem Solve Table to understand if one exists for the skill being certified.

    1. If a problem-solve attempt exists, the demonstration proceeds as any other demonstration, and the trainer presents the problem when applicable.

Preparation: Standard Certification Process

Use the Certification Tracker tab in the Installer Journey Curriculum for your location to track the Job #s and dates of certification attempts.

  1. Understand from the installer and applicable master installers, install leads, and install supervisor(s) when the installer is eligible for certification in the skill.  

    1. Eligibility is based individually upon when an installer has gained enough experience to demonstrate the skill and pass 3 different successful attempts in completing the skill to the highest standard.  

    2. The timeline of eligibility will vary based on the installer’s learning progression. As a guideline, they should have enough experience to progress to their first certification within the first 12 weeks of their journey. 

  2. Schedule the first attempt with the installer on an upcoming installation. Discuss the expectations of certification: 

    1. They must demonstrate the skill in its entirety without assistance, while ensuring all elements of the certification steps are fulfilled. See the Certification Steps section of the skill’s page in the Installation Manual.

  3. Schedule the second (unplanned) attempt. Do not share this information with the installer.  

  4. Schedule the third attempt on an upcoming installation. This is either an unplanned or a ‘Problem Solving’ attempt; intended to create a minimal problem in the field for the installer to adequately solve. The installer should not know when the third attempt will be occurring; it is also important to not share the concept of the ‘Problem Solve.’ 

  5. Print a copy of the Skill Training Certification page prior to the first attempt. 

Execution: Standard Certification Process

1st Attempt: Planned

  1. If Applicable: Notify the installation lead before arriving that a planned certification will take place. This will allow them to be prepared for the installer to be preoccupied during a portion of the installation.

  2. Arrive at the installation and reiterate the expectations of the certification process: 

    1. They must demonstrate the skill in its entirety without assistance, while ensuring all elements of the certification steps are fulfilled. 

  3. Observe the installer as they perform the skill. Do not intervene to assist, unless specifically asked by the installer if a second person is required. Only intervene to avoid a save or return visit.

  4. Ask questions ongoing to understand their application of the knowledge.  For example, “What is the purpose of this step?” “What step are you completing at this time?” etc. 

  5. While observing, be aware if the installer is making any error in the standard process. In an effort to allow for the installer to learn from any errors, do not intervene unless the action they are performing will be detrimental to the system installation.  Only intervene to avoid a save or return visit.

    1. Intervening due to incorrect process would result in an unsuccessful attempt.

  6. Use all observations to provide feedback to the installer. 

  7. Conduct the assessment and provide feedback notes on the skill certification document in the first attempt box. 

    1. Feedback should be provided in a way that can be constructively heard, understood and, most importantly, received by the installer. 

    2. Feedback is future focused. The event is done, and the installer cannot “should have” done something. Be sure to use language that focuses feedback to future attempts. 

    3. Feedback should be accurate, descriptive, and not evaluative, specific, and not general, positive, and supportive, provide effective direction, and validated by the installer. 

  8. Once the demonstration is complete, step outside and provide feedback to the installer. Ensure to explain areas to continue (things they did well) and areas to improve (things they may have missed). Most importantly, explain actionable steps they can take for any areas to improve.  

  9. On the Skill Training Certification document, finalize the assessment and feedback, and notate if the attempt was successful or unsuccessful

  10. Upload a copy of the sheet to the Completed Certification Documents folder for that installer in your location’s folder in SharePoint.

    1. Alternatively, until the full certification is complete, provide the sheet to the installer and request they keep the paper in their folder for future attempts.

2nd Attempt: Unplanned

  1. If Applicable: Notify the installation lead prior to arriving that an unplanned certification will be taking place. This will allow them to be prepared for the installer being certified to be preoccupied during a portion of the installation. 

  2. Arrive at the installation and explain to the installer that an unplanned certification attempt will be occurring. Reiterate the expectations of the certification process. 

  3. Follow steps 3 through 10 of the planned attempt process.

3rd Attempt: Unplanned or Problem Solve

If the skill being certified is not included in the problem solve table, this attempt should be an unplanned attempt.

  1. If Applicable: Notify the installation lead before arriving that a planned certification will take place. This will allow them to be prepared for the installer being certified to be preoccupied during a portion of the installation. As this is a problem solve attempt, it may take more time than the previous attempts. 

  2. Arrive at the installation and reiterate the expectations of the certification process. 

  3. If the skill being certified entails a problem solve attempt, complete any required actions for the challenge prior to the installer beginning the installation.

  4. Observe the installer as they demonstrate the skill. Do not intervene to assist, unless specifically asked by the installer if a second person is required. Only intervene to avoid a save or return visit.  

  5. Ask questions ongoing to understand their application of the knowledge.  For example, “What is the purpose of this step?” “What step are you completing at this time?” etc. 

  6. While observing, be aware if the installer is making any error in the standard process. In an effort to allow for the installer to learn from any errors, do not intervene unless the action they are performing will be detrimental to the system installation.  Only intervene to avoid a save or return visit.  

    1. Intervening due to incorrect process would result in an unsuccessful attempt.

  7. Use all observations to provide feedback to the installer. 

  8. The expectation of the problem solve attempt is for the installer to work through the challenge and perform the skill successfully. 

    1. Consult the problem solve table to understand the acceptable solution for the respective skill.

  9. Once the installer has adequately solved the problem, follow steps 7 through 10 of the planned attempt process. 

    1. If the installer has not adequately solved the problem this is considered an unsuccessful attempt and appropriate feedback should be provided. 

Once the installer has completed 3 successful attempts (1 planned, 1 unplanned, and 1 problem solve/unplanned), the Skill Training Certification form is to be signed off by the install manager and the installer. The installer is now considered certified in the respective skill and can continue working towards the appropriate install level certification. 

Execution: Expedited Certification Process

  1. The expedited certification process requires a successful demonstration of a skill through either the planned, unplanned, or problem solve attempt.

  2. Select the type of attempt and follow the appropriate process according to the Standard Certification Process.

Once the installer has completed 1 successful attempt (1 planned, 1 unplanned, and 1 problem solve/unplanned), the Skill Training Certification form is to be signed off by the install manager and the installer. The installer is now considered certified in the respective skill and can continue working towards the appropriate install level certification. 


NEXT: Completing a Skill Certification Page


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