Epicor 10.2 DEV Client Install Instructions

Epicor 10.2 DEV Client Install Instructions

Epicor Dev2 is the Test environment of a point-in-time copy of Live. Its purpose is to allow Epicor Users to try out scenarios without effecting Live production processing.

Follow the steps below to install the Epicor Dev2 environment.

When installing you may receive warning messages that the software is not safe to download. Ignore the messages, this software is safe to load onto your system.

  1. Use this link to download and Install Epicor Test Client

  2. After you run the EXE to install the Epicor Test Client, find the “Epicor Software” folder on your desktop. 


  3. Open the folder to “caldev.ctdcloud.com".  Delete icons with the “MES” ending.


  4. Double-click the “Dev2 Environment" icon to complete the install. 

  5. login as usual.


TIP: Right-click on the ‘Dev2 Environment’ icon and select ‘Pin to Taskbar’ to add a shortcut icon to your Windows Taskbar.


If you have any issues, please contact your Team Lead. 

If you need further assistance, open an ERP Support Request by sending an email to: ERPSupport@calclosets.com.

The following links may help to get you started.  Almost all of it is generic Epicor-delivered documentation.


Welcome to Team Epicor! 

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*For a basic quote-to-cash scenario that’s only 36 pages, System Flow education doc is here on SharePoint. 
*The rest of the Education documents are good guides to basic Epicor functionality.