Chapter 2 - Customer Relationship Management

Chapter 2 - Customer Relationship Management

Chapter 2: Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is equipped with the tools you need to find more prospects and quickly convert them to satisfied customers. As a marketing tool, the CRM module contains functionality to create a marketing campaign and then track it within the application through events, activities, and ultimately the leads generated from the event. The responses from a given activity (the piece with which the marketing message is delivered) are entered into the CRM module as leads. From that point, leads are tracked through the application to the eventual order. The chapter begins with setup steps to create a marketing campaign - defining the type of marketing activities you wish to track, identifying the specific advertisements, and including your advertising publications.

Once a lead is found, the CRM functionality helps manage the entire sales process more effectively with features such as workflow and forecasting. As a sales and management tool, the CRM module assists managers with guiding employees through the sales quote and order process. When leads are entered into the application, these records are assigned to the respective sales personnel based on territory and region definition. Tools are provided to define and adjust the territories, regions, and sales force. Your sales force is guided through a specific sales process through task lists. The contacts and activities that nurtured the lead into a quoted stage are tracked. The Salesperson Workbench is a tool your salespeople use to manage the complete prospect-to-customer life cycle. It can also provide an accurate review of forecasts by tracking the pipeline. A quote can be easily turned into an order using the Push method directly from within the Salesperson Workbench.

The chapter concludes with an overview of the Case Management module. From initial call to resolution and follow-up, the Case Management module provides a customer-focused solution for personalized, high-quality service. The Case Workbench, a comprehensive one-stop solution, enables your service team to manage current case load and respond quickly to customers for industry leading customer satisfaction.

If your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) license is installed and functional, the Epicor Application displays an alternate Main Menu than the one shown without CRM.

With the CRM license, the Sales Management module is referred to as Customer Relationship Management. Additionally, the functionalities that correspond to the Customer Relationship Management folder are found under the Sales and Marketing Management folder.


This section describes the primary records you need to create for the Customer Relationship Management module. These programs are contained within the Setup folder for this module. Only the primary records are described here. Some areas within the next Operations section may also document setup records if they are required for a specific workflow.

You may also need to set up some parameters within Company Configuration. Some modules have global settings you define through this administration program. For more information, review application help for this module; the Configuration topic details the options you define within Company Configuration. You can also review the Company Configuration chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.


The Customer Maintenance program is the backbone of CRM. Sales people use this program to track businesses you hope to sell products and services. Customers are used to create quotes, sales orders, and accounts receivable invoices.

This section reviews those sheets and fields that pertain to the CRM module. Review the Opportunities and Quotes chapter for more information about sheets within Customer Maintenance that pertain to quotes and sales orders.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Customer

To add a customer:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Enter a unique Customer ID.

3. In the Name field, enter the complete name for this customer.

4. Select the customer type from the Type list. The options are:

  • Customer – Indicates you have sold products or services to this business.

  • Prospect – Indicates your sales team has sent quotes to this business.

  • Suspect – Indicates a potential customer that has not yet been contacted by your sales team.


In this example, you use the default Suspect value. The customer type automatically changes to prospect once a quote is generated for this customer; likewise, the customer type automatically changes to customer once a sales order is placed for this customer.

  1. In the Customer Address area, add the Address,City,State,Postal Code, and Country.

  2. Click the Get Territory button to assign a sales territory to this customer. The application matches the city, state/province, country, and postal code of the customer address with your defined sales territories. Then the most applicable territory for this address is assigned and displays in the Territory field. Sales territories are discussed later in this chapter.

  3. Select the Territory Locked check box to indicate this customer always remains in this territory regardless of any territory restructuring you may do. You can use this feature to ensure the same salesperson remains assigned to this customer record.

  4. The salesperson designated as the primary person for the selected territory defaults in the Salesperson field; if you need, however, you can change this value.

  5. Enter the customer’s Phone,Fax,Email, and Website.

  6. Click Save.


Add Ship To Information Use the Ship To sheets to enter and edit shipping information about the current record.

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Ship To.

  2. Enter a unique Ship To ID.

  3. The customer defaults into the ship to Name field; if you need, you can change this value.

  4. To indicate this location is the most common shipping address for this customer, select the Primary Ship To check box. This ship to location becomes the default shipping address for sales orders created for this customer.


If you generally ship items to the billing address, do not designate any shipping address as the primary ship to location.

5. In the Ship To Address area, add the Address,City,State,Postal Code, and Country.

6. Specify the Salesperson who handles this ship to location. The salesperson defined on the Customer > Detail sheet displays.

7. The Territory Source field indicates how you will select the sales territory for this ship to address. Options include:

  • System Select – If you select this option, the Get Territory button becomes available. When you click this button, the application matches the city, state/province, country, and postal code of the ship to address with your defined sales territories.

  • Synchronize to Customer – This option assigns the territory defined on the Customer > Detail sheet to this ship to address.

  • Locked – Select this option to manually assign a territory to this ship to location using the Territory drop-down list.

  • 8. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Add Contacts

You can create contacts directly within Customer Maintenance. Contacts play an important role in the application, as they default into programs (such as Opportunity/Quote Entry and Order Entry) and print on various forms. To create a contact:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Contact.

2. The Contacts > Detail sheet displays. Optionally, select the Person/Contact identifier for this contact record if one exists. If one does not exist, the application uses the values in the contact information fields to automatically create a person/contact record.

3. Enter the Name of the contact.

4. From the Role list, select the area of responsibility this contact performs within the customer’s company. You can create person/contact records within Person/Contact Maintenance, and then use these person/contact records on related records as you need. To learn about this functionality, review the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide. Role codes are defined in Role Code Maintenance. For more information about this program, review the Time Management chapter. Application help also contains details about both maintenance programs.

5. Use the Phone/Fax area to add information such as phone numbers for work, cell, and home.

6. When selected, the No Contact check box indicates this contact is not included in marketing lists; marketing information will not be sent to this customer.

7. If you want name and phone changes made to this contact record to automatically update the linked person record within Person/Contact Maintenance, select the Sync check boxes that apply.

8. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Attach Industry Classes

Industry classification systems are used by government localities to categorize each industry by its type of economic activity. Classification systems (called types in the Epicor application) are made of industry class codes that further divide these types into sectors, such as construction, forestry, and healthcare. Some common industry class types include The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), and The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).

To learn how to create industry class types and industry class codes, review application help. To learn how to create Business Activity Queries (BAQs), review the Business Activity Queries chapter in the Epicor ICE Tools User Guide. To learn how to create marketing campaigns and marketing lists, review the next sections within this chapter.

You can attach the industry class types and codes most relevant to each customer record. Then by using a Business Activity Query (BAQ), you can analyze the data to find out, for example, the industry sectors your new customers belong or to determine the industry sectors you want your marketing campaigns to target.

To add an industry class type and industry class code to a customer record:

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Industry Class.

  2. The Industry Classes > Detail sheet displays. Select the Industry Class Type from the drop-down list.

  3. Click the Industry Class Code button to find and select the industry class code you want to add for the industry class type you selected.

  4. To indicate this industry class code is the primary code for this industry type for this customer, select the Primary for type check box.

  5. Click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue to add all the industry class types and industry class codes you need.


Marketing Activity

Use Marketing Activity Type Maintenance to classify the types of marketing events you do. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing Activity Type To create a marketing activity:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. In the Activity Type field, enter the identifier for the marketing activity.

  3. Now enter a Description. This value displays when adding a marketing event.

  4. Click Save.


Marketing Advertisement

Use Marketing Advertisement Maintenance to create a list of advertisements, such as slogans, you will associate with specific marketing events. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing Advertisement To create a marketing advertisement:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. In the Code field, enter the identifier for the marketing advertisement.

  3. Now enter a Description. This value displays when adding a marketing event.

  4. Click Save.


Marketing Publication

Use Marketing Publication Maintenance to create a list of the publications you leverage in your marketing efforts. By using these records, you can then track the publications you use within the events of the marketing campaign. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing Publication To add a marketing publication:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter the marketing publication identifier in the Publication field.

  3. In the Description field, enter a concise explanation of this marketing publication. This value displays when adding a marketing event.

  4. Click Save.


Marketing Campaign

Use Marketing Campaign Maintenance to track your campaign information such as start and end dates, campaign budgets and costs, estimated and actual revenue, and related events. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing Campaign To create a marketing campaign:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter the marketing campaign identifier in the Campaign field.

  3. In the Description field, enter a concise explanation of this campaign. This value displays on the opportunity or quote record.

  4. Define the Start and End dates for the marketing campaign.

  5. Enter the campaign Budget.

  6. Enter the Estimated Revenue you expect from the marketing campaign.

  7. Once the campaign is complete, update the Total Cost to run the campaign and the Actual Revenue that resulted from the campaign.

  8. Click Save.


Add Marketing Events A marketing campaign must have at least one or more events. To add a marketing event:

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Event.

  2. The application generates the Event identifier. This value cannot be changed.

  3. Optionally, enter the Project ID assigned to this event. Use this feature when the market event is included in a larger project, and you need to monitor the costs created by the event. To learn more about creating projects, review the Project Management chapter.

  4. Enter the event’s Start and End dates.

  5. Select the marketing Activity Type,Advertisement, and Publication assigned to the event. You create these records in maintenance programs described previously in this chapter.

  6. You can define the Budget and the Estimated Revenue, as well as record the Total Cost and the Actual Revenue for each event assigned to a campaign.


7. Continue to add events as you need. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Marketing List

Use the Marketing List program to pull together contact information from your customers, prospects, and suspects. Then, after you have the contacts you need, you can export the list to an external program where you can generate mailing labels, create direct mailers, and so on.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Marketing List

To create a marketing list:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Enter an ID and Description for this marketing list.

3. Click the Campaign/Event button to find and select the marketing event you want to associate with this list.

4. Now you are ready to add items to your list. On the List Query sheet, click the Query button to find and select the query from which you want to pull customer records. In this example, you select the Customer Contact (zCustContacts) query.

5. If you only want suspects and prospects, that is, no customers, brought into the list, select the No Customers check box.

6. Click the Pull List button to pull the database contact records into your marketing list.

7. The List Items sheet displays the contacts pulled into the marketing list.

8. Highlight a contact in the Marketing List Items grid.

9. To remove the contact from the list, click Delete.

10. When you finish, click Save.

11. You can export a marketing list you wish to use in an external application, such as Microsoft® Excel®. To do this, click the Actions menu and select Export.

12. Browse to the location you want to save the file.

13. Use the Options section to create a call or task related to this marketing list.

14. Click OK to export the file to the specified location.


15. Open the file in Microsoft® Excel® to maintain the information.

Work Force (Sales Team)

The sales team work force is the group of persons involved in the case management or sales management process; these persons resolve tasks assigned to these processes. You can also associate customers and sales orders with specific work force people. The work force people you assign to a sales order receive a commission based on the values you enter in Work Force Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Work Force

Create a Work Force Person Record To create a new work force person:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Enter a Work Force ID, a code that uniquely identifies the work force person.

3. Optionally, select the Person/ Contact identifier for this work force record if one exists. If one does not exist, the application uses the values in the work force information fields to automatically create a person/contact record.

4. Select an appropriate Role for the person. When tasks are assigned, eligible work force people are determined by their role code

5. From the Reports To drop-down list, select the person to whom this work force person reports. This list displays the records in Work Force Maintenance. If you have an individual who needs to be defined on multiple records, like a shop employee who is also a work force member, you can define this person in Person/Contact Maintenance first and then link this person record to other records throughout the application. To learn about this functionality, review the Personnel chapter within Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

6. Use the Commissions section to define the default rate the application uses when calculating commissions for this work force person, and to define when a commission is earned. Options are Invoice and Payment.

7. Use the Sales Manager section to assign the degree of confidence this work force person has to turn a lead/quote into an order.

8. If you want to allow this work force person to view sales territories or pipeline activity within the Salesperson Workbench, select the View all Territories or View Company Pipeline check boxes.

9. Click Save.


Add an Authorized User

You may want to designate another work force person as an authorized user for the current work force person. Authorized users, such as managers, would then have permission to view, add, and maintain sales-related records, or to approve phases of the workflow process.

To add an authorized user to a work force record:

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Authorized User.

  2. Select an Authorized User from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the Default check box to designate this authorized user as the default value for the work force record.

  4. When finished adding authorized users, click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Sales Region

A sales region is a group of sales territories. Sales regions are used to track and analyze sales statistics for geographic areas. A region is also a required field when defining sales territories. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Sales Region To create a new sales region:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter a meaningful identifier for the sales region in the Region field. In reports that have limited space, only the Region ID displays.

  3. Enter a concise Description.

  4. Select the country where the sales region is located from the Country drop-down list.

  5. From the Sales Manager drop-down list, select the sales manager assigned to this region.

  6. Click Save.


Task Type

Use Task Type Maintenance to classify tasks by the type of function it serves; for example, call or meeting. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Task Type To set up a task type:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter a Code that identifies the task type used during the sales process.

  3. In the Description field, enter a concise explanation of the task type. This description displays when maintaining tasks.

  4. Click Save.



Tasks are the action items, or milestones, created and assigned to each step in the sales process, from opportunity or quote to the sales order and follow-up. Tasks are also used to track other activities, such as credit approval or engineering requirements, not directly related to the sales process.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Task

To create tasks:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter the task identifier in the Task ID field.

  3. The Description displays on opportunities and quotes as well as in Task Set Maintenance. This program is described in the next section.

  4. The Priority code is not required, but can be used to weight the importance of a task. The default is 50; you can enter a range of 1-99.

  5. Select the Task Type that corresponds to this specific task.

  6. Select the Role Code associated with this task. Only members assigned this role have access to this task.

  7. If users are required to complete this task, select the Mandatory check box.

  8. You can assign multiple persons within a role to a task. If you want the application to mark this task (or milestone) as complete when any person assigned to the task marks it as complete, select the Any Approver check box.

  9. The application can automatically send a message, or alert, to specific users when this task is created or finished. To activate this feature, select the Send Alert Complete and Send Alert Create check boxes.

  10. When you finish, click Save.


Continue to add all tasks you need.

Task Sets

Defining the sales process workflow you want your work force to follow is a key part of winning business for your company. You can set up multiple workflow task sets to either guide or control the process within your sales environment. They can be as simple as a “to do” list of guidelines or as complex as a rigid series of mandatory tasks that require electronic signatures at key milestones. You decide how to best leverage this powerful workflow tool.

Once individual tasks are identified, you organize them into a task set. Within the task set, you arrange the milestones (tasks) into the sequence you want viewed within Opportunity/Quote Entry, assign responsibility, define the number of days to complete the milestone, and add any related tasks. You can create complex, branching workflows that can handle the requirements you need.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Task Set

Create a Task Set To create a task set:

  1. Click the New button.

  2. Enter a Set ID.

  3. In the Description field, enter a concise explanation for this task set.

  4. Select CRM from the Workflow Type drop-down list. Other types include ECO (Engineering Workflow), Case Management, and Time & Expense.


Add Milestones

Now you are ready to add milestones to this task set. A Milestone is a task completed in a specific order (determined by the task set) and is typically assigned to a specific person. You can also add related tasks. A Related Task is used to describe details about tasks within tasks. These items

can be used if one task has several distinct steps within it, each of which requires its own details. To add a milestone:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Milestone.

2. Accept the default of 10 in the Sequence field. Sequence numbers establish the order in which tasks are done.

3. From the Task drop-down list, select the first task you want within this task set.

4. The role assigned to this task displays as read-only in the Required Role field.

5. Select the stage in which this task is found within the opportunity/quote process in the Current Stage list. Options include Lead, Opportunity, and Quote.

6. Optionally enter the number of days this task requires to complete in the Days to Complete field.

7. Select the First Milestone check box to indicate this milestone is the first one in this task set.

8. Use the Win Allowed and Lose Allowed check boxes to indicate whether a win or lose result is available

for this task. A quote/opportunity can be won or lost when each milestone is marked as complete. As you define milestones, determine at which steps you could conceivably get the sales order (Win) or lose the sales order (Lose).

9. Continue adding milestones, and related tasks, to the task set until all the tasks are identified. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Define Next Milestones Once all milestones are identified, you are ready to establish the order required for milestone completion.

  1. Select a milestone on the Tree View, click the Down Arrow next to the New button, and then select New Next Milestone.

  2. The Milestones > Next Milestones > Detail sheet displays.

  3. Select the next milestone that makes up this task set from the Next Milestones list. When the current task is complete, this task starts. The available options are all the milestones defined in this task set.

  4. Click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue connecting the remaining milestones to each next milestone.


Sales Territories

Use the Sales Territory program to establish territory boundaries and to assign salespeople to a specific territory. This setup enables your work force to respond quickly to leads and opportunities. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Sales Territory To create a new sales territory:

  1. Click the New button.

  2. Enter a unique code that identifies the territory in the Territory ID field.

  3. Enter a concise Description. This description displays in opportunities, quotes, and orders.

  4. Select the sales Region to which this territory belongs. Several territories can belong to one region. For more information on sales regions, review the Sales Region section earlier in this chapter.

  5. Optionally select a Task Set to assign to this sales territory. This field is not required when establishing a territory; however, the task set defined here defaults into quotes created by salespeople assigned to this territory.


Define Boundaries

Use the Boundaries sheet to establish or update the boundaries for a territory. Boundary options include country, state, and province. To establish territory boundaries:

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Boundary.

  2. From the Country drop-downlist, select the country of the boundary.

  3. From the State/Province list, select the state or province of the country.

  4. Use the Start and End Postal Code fields if your boundaries use these factors.

  5. Click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue adding boundaries to this territory.


Add Salespersons Use the Salespersons sheet to assign one or more salespersons to a territory. Here’s how:

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Salesperson.

  2. Select the Salesperson you want to assign to this territory.

  3. The role assigned to this salesperson defaults in the Role field; if you need, you can change this value.

  4. Click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue adding salespersons to this territory.


Reassign Salespersons and Realign Sales Territories

You use the salesperson reassignment and sales territory realignment functionality when a salesperson situation changes. For example, if a salesperson moves to a different territory, you can decide whether the open tasks and opportunities assigned to this salesperson follows the current salesperson, moves to the new salesperson, or both.

To reassign a salesperson and to realign sales territories:

  1. First, select the salesperson to reassign on the Tree View.

  2. On the Salespersons > Detail sheet, click the Reassign button.

  3. The Reassign Opportunities/Quotes window displays.

  4. Select the New Salesperson to whom you want to reassign the work of the current salesperson. Options include all salespersons assigned to this territory.

  5. To assign all open opportunities and quotes to the new salesperson, select the Replace Current with New check box; for example, the current salesperson has left the company.

  6. To assign all open opportunities and quotes to the new salesperson and the current salesperson, select the Add New to Current check box; for example, the current and new salespeople are working together.

  7. If you selected the Replace Current with New option, you have the option to assign open tasks to the new salesperson as well. To do this, select the Reassign Open Tasks check box.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Now you can update the customer records in the territory with the reassignment changes. To do this, click the Actions menu and select Adjust Current Territory.


When asked if you are sure, click Yes; click OK when the process is complete.

  1. Use the Edit List command to review the changes.

  2. Use the Post command to commit the adjusted sales assignments.


Salesperson Quotas

Salesperson quotas may be established by year or fiscal period and can be adjusted as necessary. If quotas are entered by year, the application divides the total quota amount into 12 equal periods. All entries are visible in the Salesperson Pipeline.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Salesperson Quota

To define a salesperson quota:

  1. Click the New button.

  2. The Fiscal Year defaults into the program.

  3. Select the Salesperson for whom you are entering the quota.

  4. Enter the quota dollar amount in the Amount field.

  5. From the Quota Per list, select either Period or Year.

  6. If you select Period, the application calculates each fiscal period’s quota and displays the total amount in the Total Quota Amount field.

  7. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

  8. Use the Fiscal Period Detail sheet to manually adjust the quota for a specific period.



This section details the operations available through the Customer Relationship Management and Case Management modules. Each operation is described as a workflow to help guide you through the process from start to finish. These programs are primarily found within the General Operations folder for these modules. If a unique setup record is required to run the operation, this record is also described in this section.

Salesperson Workbench

Once the sales process (task set) and the marketing efforts are defined, the salesperson has many tools available to manage the lead to customer process. The tool that the salespeople use in the sales process is the Salesperson Workbench.

This tool helps salespeople keep in touch with customers and prospects as well as stay on top of the tasks required for the opportunities in their territories. The workbench includes all of the information a salesperson needs (for example, opportunities, orders, and customers) and provides drill down functionality to detailed information for inquiry and follow-up. This results in quick and thorough response to leads. This feature works regardless of whether the lead is an existing customer.

The Salesperson Workbench utilizes the dashboard framework. You can personalize the views on this dashboard to match your own needs. For example, you can sort columns in ascending or descending order and switch the order of the columns in the view. To do this, you must copy the dashboard for each user who wants to personalize the Salesperson Workbench. For more information on personalizing and customizing dashboards, review the Epicor ICE Tools User Guide and application help.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Salesperson Workbench

To use this tool:

1. Select the Customer List > Customer List sheet and click the Refresh button to populate the workbench. The data that populates depends on the Workforce ID currently logged on and the data the Workforce ID is Authorized to view.

2. Notice you have access to sheets that hold information on customer contacts, Opportunities/quotes, orders, jobs, tasks, customer shipments, and so on. You can also filter each sheet of information further. For example, you can filter the Tasks sheet by open or closed tasks, or by customer.


Create a Quote from the Salesperson Workbench You can generate an opportunity or quote from within the Salesperson Workbench. To create an opportunity/quote:

  1. Select the Customer List sheet.

  2. Click Refresh on the standard toolbar.

  3. Select a customer record.

  4. Navigate to the By Customer sheet. Notice the quotes for the customer you selected on the Customer List sheet display.

  5. Click the Add button to create the quote with default information from the customer master file.


6. The Opportunity /Quote Entry program displays.

  1. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet to update the marketing definition on the quote.

  2. The campaign details that populate the screen default from Company Configuration; however, you can change these details to reflect a different marketing campaign. Select the marketing Campaign and Event that generated this quote from the customer.

  3. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Complete Tasks in Opportunity/Quote Entry

You can also maintain tasks within Opportunity/Quote Entry. Once you create a quote, the predefined task set attached to the sales territory populates into the Tasks > Details sheet. To update a task:

1. In Opportunity/Quote Entry, navigate to the Tasks > Tree sheet.

2. Highlight a task on the Tree View.

3. On the Tasks > Details sheet, select the Complete check box.

4. The Win/Lose/Next options define the result of the task. If a Win or Lose result is allowed for this task, you can select either option and then indicate the Reason for the win or loss. If you select Next, you can define both the Reason and the Next Task.

The application automatically generates a sales order from this task if Win and Create Order are both selected.

5. Select a Reason code.

6. Optionally, update additional details regarding this task. For example, the person to whom the task was assigned, the status of the task, and the percent complete.

7. Click the Update button.

8. Notice the task icon on the Tasks > Tree sheet now displays a green check mark; this indicates the task is complete.


Add a Call Log

Use CRM Call Entry to enter information about any calls you have with a customer. You can access this program either on the Main Menu or within the Salesperson Workbench. To add a call log:

  1. Select a specific customer record on the Salesperson Workbench Customer List sheet.

  2. Select the CRM Calls sheet.


3. Select the By Customer sheet.

4. Click the Add button to add a call log for this customer.

5. The Call Log program displays. Enter a concise Description that identifies this call.

6. Optionally, in the Text field, enter the specific call details.

7. Select the Call Type that applies.

You define call types in the Call Type program. For more information about this program, review application help.

8. The user currently logged in defaults in the Owner field. If you need, select a different salesperson from the drop-down list.

9. Notice the Customer selected within the Salesperson Workbench displays; however, you can change this value.

10. In the Tree View, notice the call log saves as the date the call is entered.

11. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

12. Refresh the Salesperson Workbench and notice that the new call is added to the list.


Salesperson Pipeline

Sales managers use the Salesperson Pipeline to review their team’s sales figures, as compared with the quotas, and to monitor their activities.

Pipeline data, which is calculated based on open, unexpired, quotes with expected close dates, is shown on one tab. Actual sales numbers, which are based on orders, include to-date totals and are shown on another.

This program is available only to sales team members who have View Company Pipeline privileges. You assign this privilege to team members in Work Force Maintenance. Pipeline information is filtered by the Work Force ID. For example, if your sales force is divided into regions, you can allow regional managers to view all salespeople in their territories, provided the regional managers are authorized users for the salesperson.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Salesperson Pipeline

To use this tool:

1. The Pipeline sheet displays pipeline information for each salesperson based on a user-defined date range.


  1. The Actuals sheet displays quota amounts and actual sales amounts based on user-defined criteria.

  2. From the Actual Type drop-down list, select how you want to display the actual values. Options include by Company, Region, Territory, Sales Manager, or Sales Representative for a given fiscal year and period.

  3. After you select the options you want, click the Calculate button. You can then compare the quotas against actual sales in the bottom section of the window.


The quota values are calculated by prorating the salesperson's quota (or goal) for the month, quarter, and year based on the current date. The actual values are the salesperson's existing sales for the month, quarter, and year.

Contact Tracker

You use the Contact Tracker to review activity for a specific contact. It consolidates transaction information from multiple programs. Trackers are display-only; you cannot add or edit records in a tracker program. Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Contact Tracker To use this tracker:

  1. Click Contact to find and select the contact(s) you want to display.

  2. In the grid section, use the Contact sheet to review contact details such as the status, contact type, phone number, ship to mailing address, name details, and attributes.

  3. Use the Customer sheet to review customer details such as address, salesperson, quote markup, allocation priority, territory, and ship to information.

  4. On the Transactions sheet, you can review consolidated transaction information related to this contact. Transaction detail information includes financials, contracts, quotes, orders, RMAs, jobs, shipments, service, tasks, calls, cases, and warranties.

  5. Click the Retrieve button on the Standard toolbar to populate the grid with information from your database. For example, click the button to display the open invoices for the contact.

  6. Click the Refresh button to view the latest information associated with the selected contact.


Customer Tracker

You use the Customer Tracker to review customer activity within your database. It displays information about each customer record, including quotes, AR invoices, orders, jobs, and other records linked to this specific customer. The Customer Tracker can only display one customer at a time. Trackers are display-only; you cannot add or edit records in a tracker program.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Customer Tracker

To use this tracker:

  1. Click Customer to find and select the customer you want to display.

  2. Navigate to the Customer > Detail sheet and review the customer information.

  3. Use the other available sheets to review the consolidated information for this customer. For example, click the Financial tab to review financial information, including billing detail, national accounts, invoices, payments, credit details, and price lists.

  4. Click the Refresh button on the Standard toolbar to view the latest information associated with the selected customer.


Case Management

This section provides an overview of the Case Management module. From the first call to final resolution and follow-up, the Case Management module provides your organization with personalized, high-quality customer service. This comprehensive module enables your service team to manage their current case load and respond quickly to customer issues.

This module includes a Case Workbench that contains time saving links to customer-focused activities like new quotes, orders, RMA requests, or service calls. It also contains a workflow you leverage to standardize how you resolve customer cases. Use this functionality to dispatch field activities and give your field service representatives access to online knowledge such as existing customer field service calls, warranty information, and service contracts.

Workflow Stage

Workflow stages define the status of a case at any time within its overall workflow record. You can use that stage as criteria for searching the case database, as well as display it on various reports. You establish these stages in Workflow Stage Maintenance for a particular workflow type. Then when you create the case management task set for your workflow, you assign each milestone task a workflow stage.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Case Management > Setup > Workflow Stage

To create a workflow stage:

  1. From the Workflow Type list, select Case Management.

  2. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

  3. Enter a code that uniquely identifies the workflow stage in the Stage field.

  4. Enter a Description that further describes this stage.

  5. Click Save.


Now you can define tasks and tasks sets for your case management workflow. For more information, review the Tasks and Task Sets sections earlier in this chapter.

Workflow Group

You use workflow groups in Case Entry to establish a series of tasks to perform on a specific case, and, if you want, by specific team members. You both set up workflow groups and assign team members to them in Workflow Group Maintenance.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Case Management > Setup > Workflow Group To create a new workflow group:

  1. From the Workflow Type list, select Case Management.

  2. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  3. Enter a code that uniquely identifies the workflow group in the Workflow Group field.

  4. Enter a Description that further describes this workflow group.

  5. Select the task set that defaults into Case Entry for this workflow group from the Default Task Set list.

  6. Click Save.


Add Members

Use the Group Member sheet to add the team members you need to the workflow group and then to reassign tasks, if necessary. Here’s how:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Group Member.

  1. Select the work force member to add to the group from the Member list. For information on how to add a work force member, review the Work Force (Sales Team) section earlier in this chapter.

  2. The Role assigned to the work force member defaults; if you need, change the role.

  3. If this work force member is the primary person in this group, select the Primary check box.

  4. To reassign a workflow from one workflow group member to another, click the Reassign button. You are asked to select the member to reassign.

  5. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar. Continue to add members to this group.



You use topics to define the scope of contact with a customer for future analysis. Although not required, topics are helpful by providing historical information for evaluation purposes as well as assisting the service representatives in troubleshooting the case. Topic Maintenance supports ten levels of sub-topics for each topic. As a result, you can further subdivide the scope of contact with a customer.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Case Management > Setup > Topic

Add Parent Topic To add a top-level topic that can be used as a parent:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  1. Enter a code that uniquely identifies the topic in the Topic ID field.

  2. Enter a concise Description for this topic.

  3. Because this topic is at the top level, with sub-topics beneath it, select the Top Level check box.

  4. Select the Case check box.

  5. Click Save.


Add Sub-Topic Add a topic and use the Parent Topics sheet to define parent topics for use in Case Entry.

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button and select New Case Topic.

  2. Add a new topic as described in the parent topic example; however, do not select the Top Level check box.

  3. When you finish defining the sub-topic, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

  4. Now with the sub-topic selected, click the Down Arrow next to the New button and select New Case Topic Parent.


5. The Parent Topics > Detail sheet displays.

  1. From the Parent Topic list, select the top level topic for this sub-topic. Only topics you define as a top level topic display as options.

  2. Enter the sequence number to indicate where this topic should display in the Parent Sequence field.

  3. Click Save.


Case Entry

Use Case Entry to create and track customer calls. This program integrates with other related modules, and so is used to manage and process customer issues. For example, when a customer places a call for a defective part, you can create a case to track the issue. Within Case Entry, you can enter a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) for the returned part, and, at the same time, create a sales order to send out the replacement part. Related information defaults to other modules as applicable and a reference is listed on the corresponding Links sheet in Case Entry.

Many fields in the program hold historical information for reports, and this data is only kept for your information. However, using the system customization tools, you can indicate that additional fields are required based on your company’s business requirements.

Menu Path: Sales Management > Case Management > General Operations > Case Entry

Enter a Case

You use the Case sheet in Case Entry to enter information about an issue, or case, when a customer contacts you. Use this sheet to start the process of reconciling the customer issue by leveraging the information you already have. In this example, you will start a new case and then interface with other modules to resolve the case. If a case exists, you would use the Selection sheet to select the criteria by which to review a case.

To start a case:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. On the Case sheet, enter a short description of the case in the field to the right of the case number (this number is assigned automatically when you save the case in a later step).

3. Select the Case Type from the drop-down list. The options include:

  • Case – Use this option to resolve customer issues such as trouble installing hardware or defective parts.

  • CRM – Use a CRM case as an opportunity for a sale. For example, a customer service representative enters a case for a customer issue involving an outdated part that is no longer supported. The customer service representative could also enter a CRM case that has the sales team trying to convince the customer to purchase the latest version.

  • ECO – Typically used as an internal process, the ECO case type can initiate the need for a part review as it relates to engineering.


In this example, you select Case.

4. To assist the work force members assigned to this case, enter a Full Description of the case.

5. Click the Workflow Group button to find and select the workflow group you want to associate with this case.

6. The Territory field is available if you select CRM as the case type. You can either select a territory on the drop-down list, or, once you select the customer on the Contacts sheet, the territory designated for the customer defaults.

7. The Task Set associated with the workflow group defaults; however, you can change this value. In this example, the customer will return the defective part, so you select the Material Return task set.

8. The Current Milestone field identifies in which milestone the case is currently, based on the task set defined.

9. On the Contacts sheet, you can view and define the primary people involved in this case.

10. The primary member of the workflow group you selected defaults in the Owner field; if you need, you can change this value.

11. Click Sold to Customer and then search for and select the customer for which the case is being opened. Notice the customer’s information defaults are applied. You can define other primary people as needed.

12. When you finish, click Save. The application assigns a case number.


Enter Related Information

Use the Related To sheet to define information related to the case such as the sales order number, part number, or serial number.

  1. Click the Related To tab.

  2. In this example, the customer provided the serial number for the defective part. Click Serial Number to find and retrieve the related sales order based on the serial number.

  3. Once you accept the defaults, the information related to this part and serial number display. For example, the Sales Order and Line/Release information now can be seen.

  4. The Part information related to this serial number also displays.

  5. When you finish defining the information related to this case, click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Create RMA Because this customer is returning the part, you need to create a Return Material Authorization (RMA) record. You can create an RMA directly from Case Entry, and include header and line information as well.

Note: This example illustrates how Case Entry interfaces with the RMA functionality. For more information on how to create and process an RMA, review the Customer Returns chapter.

To create an RMA:

  1. On the Actions men, highlight the Create RMA sub-menu and select Create RMA (Header and Line).

  2. Because you want to create the RMA line information, you need to select the Reason for the return when the Create New RMA window displays. In this example, you select Defective Assembly.

  3. Click OK.

  4. The Return Material Authorization program displays.

  5. Information such as customer, sales order, and part numbers default from Case Entry. Also notice this RMA references the Case Number.

  6. If you need, adjust the information. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar and exit Return Material Authorization.

  7. Notice when you return to Case Entry, the RMA you created displays within the Linked RMA List grid on the Links > RMAs sheet.


Create Sales Order

This customer wants a replacement part while the original part is in the RMA process. You can send a replacement part, using Sales Order Entry, directly from Case Entry, and include header and line information as well.

This example illustrates how Case Entry interfaces with the Order Management module. For more information on how to create a sales order, review the Sales Order Processing chapter.

To create a sales order:

1. On the Actions menu, highlight the Create Order sub-menu and select Create Order (Header and Line).

2. The Sales Order Entry program displays.

3. On the Summary sheet, notice customer information defaults from Case Entry.

4. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.

5. Enter the Need By and Ship By dates.

6. Notice this sales order references the Case Number.

7. If you need, adjust the information. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.

An informational window displays. This message tells you the Need By Date and the Ship By Date fields have changed and asks if you want to refresh the lines and releases with the changes. Click Yes.

8. Exit Sales Order Entry. Notice when you return to Case Entry, the sales order created displays within the Linked Order List grid on the Links > Orders sheet.


Create Job

Because this replacement part is a make-to-order (non-stock) part, you next will create a job. You can create a job directly from Case Entry.

This example illustrates how Case Entry interfaces with the Job Management module. For more information on how to create a job, review the Job Management chapter.

To do this:

1. On the Actions menu, select Create Job.

2. The Job Entry program displays.

3. Notice the Part information defaults from Case Entry.

4. Define the job information. Enter the Required By date.

5. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button, and choose the New Demand Link sub-menu, and then Make To Order.

6. Click the Order/Line/Rel button to find and select the order created for this replacement part.

7. Select the Released check box to both engineer and release this job.

8. Now you are ready to schedule this job. From the Actions menu, highlight the Schedule sub-menu, and then select Job Scheduling.

9. The Schedule Job window displays.

10. Click OK to accept the default scheduling information.

11. Notice when you return to Case Entry, the job created displays within the Linked Job List grid on the Links > Jobs sheet.


Update Call Log

Use the Call Log program to keep track of the communication about the case between your support staff and the customer. To do this:

1. On the Actions menu, select Call Log.

2. The Call Log window displays.

3. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar and choose New Call.

4. Enter a concise Description that identifies this call.

5. In the Text field, enter the specific call details.

6. Select the Call Type that applies. You define call types in the Call Type Maintenance program. For more information about this program, review application help.

7. The user currently logged in displays in the Owner field; however, you can change this value.

8. Notice in the Tree View, the call log records the date the call is entered.

9. Click Save.

10. Notice the Call Log button within Case Entry changes to indicate a call log exists. You can click this button


to access all calls for this case.

Complete Tasks

You use the Task Maintenance sheet within Call Entry to update task details such as the status, the person to whom the task is assigned, the customer in question, and any applicable vendor information. To complete a task:

1. Navigate to the Task > Task Tree sheet.

2. On the Task Tree, highlight the task you want to update.

3. Navigate to the Task > Task Maintenance sheet.

4. Select the Complete check box.

5. From the Reason list, select the reason this call is complete. Only codes that have a Case Management reason type are available. You set up reason codes in Reason Code Maintenance. Review application help for more information on reason codes and reason types.

6. Use the General, Customer, Supplier, and Comments sheets to enter additional task details.

7. Click the Update button.

8. Notice the task icon on the Task Tree sheet now displays a green check mark. This indicates the task is complete.


Add Topics

Next, you want to assign topics to this case for analysis and reporting purposes. Available topics are defined in the Topic Maintenance program. For more information, review the Topics section earlier in this chapter. To add topics:

  1. Navigate to the Topics sheet.

  2. Select the topic you want to assign to this case from the Topic 1 list.

  3. To assign a subset of topic 1 to this case, select this topic from the Topic 2 list.

  4. Continue to select subset topics for the previous topic. The topic ID, the Topic String populates as you assign topics of varying depth.

  5. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Add a Resolution

The Resolution sheet holds information about how the case was resolved. You can also decide whether to publish this information as a selection criterion for searching cases or to make this information available for inquiry in the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base Inquiry is discussed next.

To add a resolution:


  1. Navigate to the Resolution sheet.

  2. If you want to make this resolution available for inquiry in the Knowledge Base, select the Knowledge Database Entry check box.

  3. The Resolution Text field holds information about how the case was resolved.

  4. Select the Published Item check box if the resolution for this case is available to the public and as a selection criterion when searching for cases.

  5. Now enter a brief description about how the case was resolved in the Published Summary field.

  6. Use the Published Text field to describe how the case was resolved.

  7. Optionally, click the Copy Resolution button to copy the text in the Resolution Text field to the Published Text field. Be sure to review and update the text in the Published Text field so it only contains text you want the public to see.

  8. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Close a Case

Use the Case > Close Case option from the Actions menu to close an open case. The Status field indicator on the Case sheet displays the current status of the case. Once the case is closed, the case details cannot be changed.

You cannot close a case if it has an active milestone task.

To close a case:

  1. Navigate to the Case sheet.

  2. Verify the Status field indicator is green and displays Open.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Case > Close Case.


4. Verify the Status field indicator is red and displays Closed.

5. Click Save.

Reopen a Case

Use the Case > Reopen Case option from the Actions menu to reopen a closed case. The Status field indicator on the Case sheet plays the current status of the case. The Reopen Case option allows you to change the details of the closed case.

To reopen a case:

  1. Navigate to the Case sheet.

  2. Verify the Status field indicator is red and displays Closed.


3. From the Actions menu, select Case > Reopen Case.

  1. Verify the Status field indicator is green and displays Open.

  2. Click Save.


Knowledge Base Inquiry

Use the Knowledge Base Inquiry to search for keywords found in the issue/published/resolution text, to search for case topics, or both. Menu Path: Sales Management > Case Management > General Operations > Knowledge Base Inquiry To launch a search in the Knowledge Base:

  1. On the Selection sheet, use the Text Keywords field to enter the keywords for which you want to search. The search functionality supports wildcards to pull in a range of results.

  2. You can choose to search for these text keywords within the Issue text, Published text, or Resolution text.

  3. Use the Case Topics area to define topics to search.

  4. Click the Search button.

  5. Search results display on the List sheet.

  6. With a case selected, use the Issue sheet to view the case short and full descriptions.

  7. Use the Resolution sheet to view the resolution text, and, if any, the published text.



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