Chapter 18 - Shipping & Receiving

Chapter 18 - Shipping & Receiving


Chapter 18: Shipping and Receiving

You use the shipping and receiving processes to record incoming and outgoing part quantities. The Shipping and Receiving module contains programs that perform transactions such as shipments against a sales order, subcontract parts sent to a supplier, raw material received from a purchase order, received to a job, received into inventory, or inventory parts that fill a sales order from stock.

You can ship parts from a job or from inventory. You can optionally ship part quantities using either base legal numbers or modify these numbers to generate Serial Shipment Container Codes (SSCC). When you set up the format you want for either legal numbers or SSCC numbers, these values automatically generate on your shipments. Use these numbers to track the progress of your shipped items.

This module also contains functionality to combine shipments from one or more suppliers that can be shipped in one or more containers. For your subcontract workflow, you can ship WIP parts directly from a job to a subcontract supplier. Later, you use Receipt Entry to enter the receipt of all inventory materials, non-inventory materials, and subcontract parts.

Various pack out methods are available. Standard Pack Out is a method of shipping that uses a barcode scanner to record and track the packing flow. Use Master Pack Shipment Entry to combine separate pack IDs (master packs) into one master pack group to ship as one shipment. Phantom pack out functionality is available when you are using a manifest interface and provides the ability to generate multiple carrier labels for a single pack ID.

To complete this functionality, you can use the Data Collection module to process different transactions in the application by entering and updating records through a handheld device.


This section describes the primary records you need to create for the Shipping and Receiving module. These programs are contained within the Setup folder for this module; only the primary records are described here. Some areas within the next Operations section may also document setup records if they are required for a specific workflow.

You may also need to set up some parameters within Company Configuration. Some modules have global settings you define through this administration program. For more information, review application help for this module; the Configuration topic details the options you define within Company Configuration. You can also review the Company Configuration chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

Carrier Codes

Use Carrier Maintenance to set up the standard freight carriers your company uses. Once you have entered the carriers used by your company, you can link these carriers to Ship Via codes on both customer and sales order records. On each carrier code, you can also identify a Standard Alpha Carrier Code (SCAC). These codes identify transportation companies.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Carrier

To add a carrier code:

  1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

  2. In the Carrier field, enter the Carrier ID.

  3. In the Description field, enter a description for the carrier.

  4. In the SCAC field, enter the Standard Alpha Carrier Code (SCAC). The SCAC is a unique code, typically two to four alphabetic letters used to identify transportation companies. These codes were developed by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association to help the transportation industry computerize data and records.

  5. Select the Active check box.

  6. Click Save.


Ship Via

Use Ship Via Maintenance to identify the different methods you use to ship products to subcontractors or customers. These shipping methods are called Ship Via Codes and are mandatory when you enter a sales order or purchase order.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Ship Via

To add a ship via:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter a unique Code for the Ship Via.

  3. Enter a Description for this shipping method. You use the description to select a shipping method on orders, packing slips, and invoices. The description also prints on various documents, such as packing slips.

  4. Optionally, enter the Web Description. This value is the text for the ship via method that displays in Customer Connect.

  5. If you need, enter an SCAC code. This value defaults from the Carrier Code, but can be changed on the Ship Via record.

  6. Optionally, select the Carrier you want from the drop-down list.

  7. You can define one Ship Via code as the System Default. Select this check box to indicate the current shipping method is the default ship via for the company.

  8. Enter the Intrastat Code for this method of transportation. When you post an invoice, the Intrastat ship via code you enter in this field is included in the transaction details.

  9. Optionally, enter the Tracking Website information.

  10. When you finish, click Save.



Packaging Codes

Use Packaging Code Maintenance to define package codes that denote various kinds of shipping containers (for example, 8 x 10 Container, Multi-Unit Box). For each package code, you can specify volume, weight and internal/external dimensional measurements (Width, Height and Length). For each type of measurement, you also specify if a user can override the standard measurement values at time of shipment. A package code is not required for shipping of items, but you can use it for reference if necessary.

You can designate a package code as Returnable or Expendable. Returnable packages are shipping containers your recipients can send back to your facilities for refill or reuse; package codes designated as Expendable are those that are non-returnable and non-refillable.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Package Code

To add a package code:

1. From the New menu, select New Package Code.

2. Enter a Package Code and Description.

3. Select Returnable if the shipping container/package can be returned by the recipient so you can reuse or refill it for future shipping transactions, or select Expendable if it is an expendable, non-returnable container. You can mark a package code as returnable or expendable, but not both.

4. Select the Package Type code (if any), defined in Package Type Maintenance, you are assigning to this package code. This denotes the type or general category of packaging materials to which this package code belongs.

5. Enter the Extension Digit for the package code. This value overrides the default value generated by the SSCC code and is used as the first digit of the SSCC code when you ship this package type. In this example, the Extension Digit for Box Carton is 0.

6. In the UOM field, select the UOM code that denotes the unit of measure in which internal and external dimensions (length, width and height) are expressed for this packaging container.

7. Define the Internal Length, Internal Width and Internal Height for the package. For each dimensional measurement, select Prompt if you wish to allow user entry or override at time of shipment, or Select Value if you wish to enter a predefined dimensional measurement that cannot be overridden at time of shipment. Do the same for each of the external dimensions of the packaging container.

8. In the UOM field, select the UOM code that denotes the unit of measure in which the tare and maximum gross weights are expressed for this package code.

9. Define the Tare Weight and Max Gross Weight for the package. For each, select Prompt if you wish to allow user entry or override of the package or gross weight at time of shipment, or Select Value if you wish to enter a predefined package or gross weight that cannot be overridden at time of shipment.

10. In the UOM field, select the UOM code that denotes the unit of measure in which the internal and external volumes are expressed for this package code.

11. Define the Internal Volume and External Volume for the package. For each, select Prompt if you wish to allow user entry or override of package volumes at time of shipment, or Select Value if you wish to enter predefined internal or external package volumes that cannot be overridden at time of shipment.

12. Click Save.


Internal Part by Site

Use the Internal Part by Site sheet as needed to associate package codes to specific internal part numbers for a specific site.

To associate the package code with specific sites and internal part numbers:

  1. From the New menu, select New Internal Part.

  2. Select the Site to which you are associating the package code.

  3. Select or enter the Internal Part to which you are associating the package code.

  4. Select Track Returnable if returns of this shipping container/package by recipients should be tracked for the specified site and internal part. You can mark a package code as returnable or expendable, but not both; this check box is enabled only if you selected the Returnable check box in the Detail sheet; it is disabled if the Expendable check box was selected.

  5. If the Track Returnable check box was selected, in the Reason Code In field, select the reason code used for tracking of receipts of this shipping container/package type (for the specified site and internal part number) when they are returned to your facilities.

  6. If the Track Returnable or Track Expendable check boxes were selected, in the Reason Code Out field, select the reason code used for tracking of shipments of this shipping container/package type (for the specified site and internal part number).

  7. Click Save.


Ship To Cross Reference

Use the Ship To Cross Reference sheet as needed to assign the package code to specific customer ship to cross references, and to part numbers used by ship to customers to identify types of shipping containers (if any). The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Labeling functions use these package code-customer ship to cross references when processing inbound EDI demand records and converting them to orders and shipments.

To associate the package code to specific customer ship to cross references and customer part numbers:

  1. From the New menu, select New Ship To Cross Reference.

  2. Select or enter the Customer to which you are assigning the package code.

  3. Select or enter the Ship To to which you are assigning the package code.

  4. Enter the Ship To Container Part ID and Description. This is the part number and description (if any) used by the ship to customer to identify different this type of shipping container.

  5. Click Save.


Legal Numbers

Use legal number functionality to generate legal numbers for documents in Shipping and Receiving. Legal numbers can be required by some countries and have controls to prevent gaps in sequence and provide an additional tracking method.

To generate legal numbers for a transaction, the following information is required:

  • At least one of the required transaction type defined in Transaction Document Type Maintenance. One must have a selected Default for System Transaction check box.

  • • At least one legal number configuration for the transaction type defined in Legal Number Maintenance. The transaction document type must be selected.

  • For shipments, legal numbers can be generated in the following ways (based on the Generate On value for the legal number format):

  • If the legal number is automatically generated:

  • Save - The legal number generates when the document is saved and after the validations to save the document are complete.

  • Print - The legal number generates when the packing slip prints.

  • Close - The legal number generates when the shipment has a status of Closed, Staged or Shipped.

  • If the legal number is manually assigned:

  • Assign - The legal number generates when you manually assign it to the document, using the Actions >Legal Numbers > Assign Legal Numbers, menu option.

  • Save - When you save the document, a prompt appears where you can enter the legal number for the document.


For receipts, legal numbers can be generated in the following ways (based on the Generate On value for the legal number format):

  • If the legal number is automatically assigned:

  • Save - The legal number generates the moment you generate and save the packing slip.

  • Received - The legal number generates the moment you receive a line on the packing slip.


The Received option is not available for transfer order receipts.

  • If the legal number is manually assigned:

  • Assign - The legal number generates when you manually assign it to a pack ID, using the Actions >Legal Numbers > Assign Legal Numbers command.

  • The Assign option is not available for transfer order receipts.

  • Save - When you save the pack ID, a prompt window displays where you manually enter a legal number for the shipment.


Based on the transaction document type, certain Generate On options may not be available. Refer to help for a program to view more information about which legal number generation options are available for that program.

You can view legal numbers in various programs, trackers, logs and reports. When you print tags, generated legal numbers associated with the transaction print on the tag.

For some transactions, you can view legal numbers in the transaction log, including legal number entries directly from the program.

Use the following programs to set up the legal numbers you require for shipping and receiving transactions.

Transaction Document Type Maintenance

Use Transaction Document Type Maintenance to define a transaction document type that will link a system transaction to a document type. Examples of transaction document types include Packing Slips and Receipts.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Cash Management > Setup > Transaction Document Type

Refer to the Legal Numbers chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide for instructions on creating document types.

Legal Number Maintenance

Use Legal Number Maintenance to configure legal number configurations and associate the configurations with transaction document types. This association allows the use of the numbers with internal transactions and external documents.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Legal Number

Refer to the Legal Numbers chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide for instructions on creating legal numbers.

Supplier Shipment Classes

Use Supplier Shipment Class Maintenance to set up the characteristics of common containers you use to ship. This includes volume and default cost information. You can then use the shipment container class when you add container shipments.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Supplier Shipment Class

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Enter a Shipment Class.

3. Enter a Description.

4. Use the Loading Port to specify the port where the goods are loaded on the vessel. Use the Country Maintenance program to create a new location; for more information, review application help.

5. The Discharge Port specifies the first location where the goods are unloaded.

6. Select the appropriate Ship Via and FOB for the shipment class.

7. In the Shipping Days field, enter the number of days it takes for the goods to arrive at its destination.

8. Enter the Carrier and Contact information.

9. Enter the Uplift percent. The value entered here specifies the percentage added to the shipment upon receipt, as part of landed costs.

10. Optionally, enter the Volume and Weight of the container.

11. If you wish, enter the Number of Containers and the Number of Packages in the shipment. These fields are for informational purposes only.

12. Click Save.


Work Station Maintenance

Use Work Station Maintenance to set up work stations. These work stations are also called packing stations and these records establish the scale and manifest interface for each pack station.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Workstation

1. In the Station ID field, enter a unique identifier for this work station.

2. In the Station Type field, select Pack.

3. Enter a Description for the work station.

4. Select the Warehouse and Bin where the work station is located.

5. Select the Weight Input option to specify how you want the weight determined. Available options:

  • Prompt for Weight

  • Get Weight from Part Configuration

  • Get Weight from Scale

  • 6. In the Manifest section, select the Enabled check box. This value is required in order to use the Tracking Details fields for phantom packs in Customer Shipment Entry.

  • 7. In the Web Service URL field, enter the web site for the Pack Out manifest information. In this example, no manifest system is available for connection, so the Web Service URL is set to http://localhost.

  • 8. The Manifest/Weight Capture Point specifies the basis by which the weight is acquired. Available options:

  • Pack

  • Master Pack

  • 9. Specify the Weight and Size Units of Measure (UOM). These fields are used as the default UOM for the manifest weight and size.

  • 10. You can specify a length of time, in seconds, that the client waits for a response from a freight service.

  • 11. The Log Manifest Messages determines if the Epicor application writes the Freight Request and Response date messages to the server log. Only a System Manager can enable or disable this option.

  • 12. If the work station is connected to a printer or a scale, you can configure these connections on the Devices sheet.

  • 13. Click Save.



This section details the operations available in the Shipping and Receiving module. Each operation is described as a workflow to help guide you through the process from start to finish. These programs are primarily found within the General Operations folder for this module. If a unique setup record is required to run the operation, this record is also described in this section.

Ship Items to Customers

You can ship parts from a job or from inventory. When shipping from inventory, you first run the Scheduled Shipments report to determine what shipments are scheduled for today’s date. Once you know the shipments to process, use the Sales Order Pick List and complete the shipment.

Scheduled Shipments Report

The Scheduled Shipments Report lists all the outstanding order releases. It displays them in order by Due Date, Order Number, Order Line, and Order Release.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Scheduled Shipments

  1. Select the appropriate parameters for the report you wish to review or print. Report options include a Due On or Before date and an option to Include Site to Site Shipments.

  2. The Dynamic check box is used in conjunction with the Due On or Before field. When this check box is selected, you select an option from the Due On or Before drop-down list rather than defining a specific date. This option dynamically changes the date printed on the report.


For example, if the Today option is selected in the Due On or Before field, the date is replaced each time the report prints with today’s date.

Additional scheduling options for all reports are available in the application. These options enable you to establish a dynamic recurring schedule when running a specific report. For example, list outstanding order releases every Monday. You can review this feature in the Automatic Data Processing chapter of the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.

  1. You can optionally limit the report results. By default, all records are included unless you define a specific range of records to display on the Filter sheet. These fields indicate whether all or just some customers and parts print on the report.

  2. Click Print on the Standard toolbar.


Sales Order Pick List Report

Once you have verified the parts are available to ship, use the Sales Order Pick List to assist with the picking and packing process. Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Sales Order Pick List

1. Select the appropriate parameters for the report you wish to review or print. Use the From and To fields to define a date range for the pick list.

2. Select the New Page Per Order check box to cause the report to print separate orders on different pages.

3. Select the Print Barcodes check box to display barcodes on the pick list.

4. Select the Print Kit Components check box to display sales kit component parts on the pick list. To learn more about Sales Kits, review the Sales Order Processing chapter.

5. Set a filter to indicate the records to include on the report. Filters are available for orders and parts on the Filter sheet.

6. Click Print on the Standard toolbar.


Inquiries in the application are available that display a part’s on-hand quantity and availability. These inquiry programs, called Trackers or Dashboards, are reviewed in the Epicor Environment chapter.

Ship Parts to a Customer

Once the parts have been picked, you use Customer Shipment Entry to enter customer shipments and update sales orders. You can ship parts from inventory or directly from a job.

To do this, you create pack records. A pack record can contain one or more detail lines that define the shipping quantities sent out with each pack record. Because of this, you can ship multiple orders for the same customer or ship-to location through the same pack record. When the pack record is ready to ship, it goes to a Staging Area where users group the items into logical shipment stages. As each stage is shipped, the user confirms the shipment was sent.

You receive warning messages if you attempt to enter shipments for customers that are on credit hold. For additional information on customer credit checking, refer to the Customers and Accounts Receivable chapter.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry To create a new customer shipment:

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. Select the Header > Detail sheet. From the Ship Via drop-down list, select how this pack record is shipped to the customer. In the Ship Date field, enter the date on which this pack record is shipped. By default, the current date displays.

To shop for different shipping rates for the shipment, click the Rate Shopping button beside the Ship Via field. The Rate Shopping application opens and displays different shipping options based on details in your shipment such as the shipment weight. Select a shipping rate and the Ship Via field displays the carrier you selected in the Rate Shopping application. To use this feature, the Enable Rate Shopping check box must be selected and the URL to the Rate Shopping application must be defined for the site in Site Configuration.

3. You are now ready to add detail lines to the pack record. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button;

select New Line. To quickly open a new pack, you can click the New Line menu option. This enables a new pack without the need to click the New Pack option.

4. The Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet displays. Enter the Order Number that you are shipping. You can also search for sales orders by clicking on the Order Number button. If you are shipping the parts from a job, enter the Job Number. You can enter a job number instead of a sales order number. If you do not know the job number, click the Job Number button to access the Job Search window and browse for the desired job.

5. Click the Line/Rel button to search for the line to ship.

6. If you are shipping From Inventory, enter the quantity to ship in Our Ship Qty field.

7. The Warehouse defaults to the primary warehouse, but this value can be changed if necessary. Enter the Bin from which you are picking the items.

8. If you are shipping From Manufacturing, enter the quantity to ship within the Our Job Ship Quantity field.

9. Within the Job field, enter or find and select the specific job that is manufacturing the ship quantity.

10. If you need, define the Warehouse and the Bin that receives the manufactured items.

11. Notice if you have satisfied the detail line’s order quantity, the Shipped Complete check box is automatically selected.

12. If you are shipping a sales kit and you can ship individual component parts from it, click the Sales Kit Component Issue tab. Use this sheet to select the specific compound parts and quantities that you ship with this pack record.

13. If your company ships to a distribution center instead of directly to a customer, you need to specify the final destination of the order. To do this, click the Mark For tab and define the Mark For Customer and Ship To Address. You can also enter One Time Mark For information, if needed. This information defaults from the sales order, but you can override these values on each customer shipment.


You can only ship component parts if the Must Ship Kit Complete check box is clear on the parent part record. To learn more about this check box, review the Parent Part - Sales Parameters section within the Sales Order Processing chapter.


14. If you have the Package Management license enabled, you have the ability to use the Pack Out sheet. Use this sheet to select multiple lines from different sales orders and then package them together onto a single pack record. The Pack Out functionality is discussed later in this chapter.

15. Select the Summary sheet to review the pack record. Notice the customer listed on the selected order displays within the Ship To and Sold To fields. In the Stage drop-down list, you can enter a new staging area, or select an existing stage for this pack record.

16. Review the detail lines within the Shipment Lines grid.

17. To load the outstanding quantity from the order release into the pack record’s detail lines, click the Ship All button. When selected on the Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet, the Shipped Complete check box indicates that all outstanding quantities on the order release is fulfilled. The pack record is only considered fully shipped, however, when the Shipped check box is selected on the Header sheet.

18. Click the Actions menu, and select Print to print the packaging slips that will accompany the shipment. When you print a packing slip, you have the option to enter a user description, include PCID details, assign a legal number, and determine the report style in which you want to print the packing slips.

19. To complete the shipping transaction, click Save.


Serial Shipment Container Codes

You can ship customer shipments and master packs using Serial Shipment Container Codes (SSCC). You use these codes to both improve the speed and reduce the costs of shipments.

Users can then scan and process products rapidly through distribution centers and other receiving locations. The SSCC code identifies specific information about cartons, pallets, trailers, or other containers and electronically exchanges information about the current state of a shipment. You can track these shipments throughout your supply chain flow using the SSCC code assigned to the shipment. This data exchange and tracking process is an application of the GS1 System (originally called the EAN.UCC System). You use this application to optionally define customer and package type specific SSCC codes.

The primary reason you use SSCC codes is to speed your products through the shipping and receiving process. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Advance Ship Notice (ASN) can be used with SSCC codes.

The graphic below shows the basic structure of the SSCC code and where you define the segments in the application.

  • Extension Digit = This value is the default Extension Digit defined in Legal Number Maintenance. It is the first character of the SSCC code. As described previously, this value is also defined in packaging codes; these values override the default value assigned on the legal number.

  • UCC/EAN Company Prefix = Contains the default Prefix value defined in Legal Number Maintenance. This value identifies your company.

  • Serial Reference Number = This value is the Start Sequence/End Sequence defined in Legal Number Maintenance. These values define the specific number for the shipment.

  • Check Digit = This value is calculated by the application to confirm the number generated is correct.


You first define the Document Types you wish to assign to legal numbers. You next set up the legal numbers you need to generate the SSCC codes during shipment processing. You can use these codes on packing slips and master packs.

Transaction Document Types

Use Transaction Document Type Maintenance to define the document types assigned to legal numbers. A document type links a system transaction to a unique legal number that generates when the transaction prints. When you use SSCC codes, you need to set up a document type for packing slips or master packs, and then link them to legal numbers.

Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > Transaction Document Type

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter a Document Type code.

  3. Enter a Description.

  4. Select the appropriate System Transaction from the drop-down list. In this example, you select Packing Slips.

  5. If you want this transaction type to be the system default, select the Default for System Transaction check box. This transaction type then defaults on all transactions, but you can change this value if you need.

  6. Click Save.


Legal Numbers

Legal numbers can be a base tracking value you attach to a shipment. They can also be set up to generate unique SSCC codes. Your shipments must either use the base legal number or the generated SSCC codes. Use Legal Number Maintenance to set up legal numbers for packing slips or master packs. If you wish, you can then leverage this program to define the structure and number of digits your company uses for SSCC. When you finish defining the legal numbers and add these SSCC generation parameters, you then apply these codes in the Shipping / Receiving module.

You cannot switch a shipment to use an SSCC code later. If a shipment starts using a legal number, it uses this number during the life of the shipment.

Menu Path: Financial Management > General Ledger > Setup > Legal Number To enter a legal number:

1. Click the Down arrow next to the New button; select New Legal Number.

2. Enter a Legal Number code.

3. Enter a Description for the code.

4. Select the appropriate Number Type for the SSCC code. Valid options for SSCC are Packing Slips and Master Pack. In this example, Packing Slips is selected.

5. Select the Generate SSCC check box. This indicates you wish to use SSCC codes with this legal number. When selected, the Default Prefix field becomes available.

6. Enter the Default Prefix for the code generation. Use this field to enter your company’s assigned GS1 or UCC prefix. The SSCC Company Prefix is an eight digit code used as part of the generated SSCC code.

7. If you want the SSCC code to appear on the invoice after it is created, select the Display Number After Generation check box.

8. Enter the Extension Digit. This single digit acts as the first character of the SSCC code and can also be used to identify the type of package shipped in Packaging Code Maintenance. If a packing code uses a different extension digit, however, this default value is overridden. For details, review the previous Packaging Codes section. You can also create and assign customer specific SSCC codes. To do this, you create a unique legal number and document type for packing slips or master packs and then assign to a specific customer in Customer Maintenance. For more information on Customer Maintenance, read the Customers and Accounts Receivable chapter.

9. Now define the serial reference start and end sequence. Navigate to the Default Sequences sheet. A default


sequence entry appears in the list.

10. Enter the Start Sequence and End Sequence numbers. The application uses these numbers to generate the serial number portion of the SSCC code.

11. You now must link the document type you previously created to the legal number. Click the Document Type sheet.

12. Select the appropriate Document Type from the Available Document Type list.

13. Click the Right Arrow button to move the document type to the Assigned Document Type list.

14. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Customer Shipment with SSCC Generation

Now that you have set up a legal number to generate SSCC codes, you can begin using them on shipments. You generate unique SSCC codes for shipments within Customer Shipment Entry. Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Pack.

2. From the Document Type drop-down list, select the type linked to the SSCC legal number. In this example, you select Packing Slip.

3. Select the Header > Detail sheet. From the Ship Via drop-down list, select how this pack record is shipped to the customer.

4. In the Ship Date field, enter the date on which this pack record is shipped. By default, the current date displays.

5. In the Package, pane, click the Code button, and select Pallet. PLT appears in the Code field.

6. You are now ready to add detail lines to the pack record. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

7. The Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet displays. Enter the Order Number for the sales order you are shipping.

8. Enter the sales order line and release number you are shipping in the Line/Rel field.

9. Click Save.

10. Select the Summary sheet.

11. Now you are ready to generate an SSCC code. Click the Actions menu. Highlight the Legal Number submenu and select Assign Legal Number.

12. A message displays with the SSCC code generated for this shipment. Click OK.

13. Notice the Legal Number field also displays the assigned SSCC code.


Combine Shipments

Use Container Landed Cost Entry to combine shipments of one or more suppliers. The combined shipment may then be shipped into one or more containers. Landed costs (duties, indirect costs, and uplift percentages) are defined for each shipment and applied to the part unit cost when received.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Container Landed Cost Entry

To create a combined shipment using landed costs:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Shipment.

2. A Shipment ID number displays on the Header > Detail sheet.

3. Enter your shipment information, including the Description.

4. Enter the Shipment Class.

5. In Shipping Days, enter the number days it takes for this container shipment to reach its destination; the default comes from the shipping class you selected.

6. Enter the date the container was Shipped. The application adds the number of shipping days to calculate a Due Date for the container shipment.

7. Optionally, record a Promised Date; this is the promised arrival date (if any) provided by the shipper of the container.

8. Enter your Volume and Weight unit of measures.

9. Use the Indirect Costs sheet to apply any miscellaneous charges or credits to the shipment, if necessary.

10. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Shipment Line for each shipment you wish to combine.

11. Search for or enter a Purchase Order and select the Lines you wish to combine into the shipment.

12. Enter additional line detail information, including the Volume and Weight unit of measure.

13. Continue to use the Actions menu to add shipment lines for each purchase order release you wish to include on the shipment.

14. When you finish, navigate to the Landed Costs sheet to enter landed cost information for the shipment. Landed costs - including duties, indirect costs, and uplift costs - can be defined for each shipment and are applied to the part unit cost when the shipment is received.

15. Select a Disburse Method, including indirect cost method, quantity, value, volume, weight, and manual.

16. After entering your values, click the Disburse button.

17. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.

18. Click the Status drop-down list and select Shipped.

19. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Ship Subcontract Items from a Job

Use Subcontractor Shipment Entry to ship WIP parts directly from a job to a subcontract supplier. For example, you send out parts to be painted by your supplier.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Subcontractor Shipment Entry

To enter subcontract shipment:

  1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Enter or search for the Supplier ID to whom you are shipping the materials.

  3. Select a Ship Via code.

  4. Select the Lines sheet.

  5. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

  6. Enter the Job number and the Asm/Opr (assembly and operation) from which the subcontract WIP parts are shipped.

  7. Click Save.

  8. To print the packing label or packing list, click the Actions menu and select Close.

  9. Now click the Actions menu again and select Print.


10. Select the Pack List check box.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Enter your report details and based on your desired results.


You can also process miscellaneous shipments with Miscellaneous Shipment Entry. Users can ship non-billable parts to customers through this process; inventory transactions for the shipment are not created.

13. Click Print, Print Preview or Generate Only.

Miscellaneous Shipment

Use Miscellaneous Shipment Entry to process shipments for miscellaneous (non-billable) material. You can also use this program to enter and print packs for the return of discrepant parts to a supplier from a Discrepant

Material Report (DMR) record. For more information on the Discrepant Material Report, review the Quality Assurance chapter.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Miscellaneous Shipment Entry

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar. The Pack ID will remain zero until you first save the record.

  2. Enter the Name of the customer to whom the shipment is being sent. You can enter this name directly, or click Name to access the Ship To Search window and browse for a customer ship to or supplier purchase point to whom the shipment is sent.

  3. Enter the Address, City, State, Postal Code, and Country for the shipment.

  4. Select the appropriate Ship Via.

  5. Select the package Code and Classification for the shipment.

  6. Click Save.

  7. The Pack ID is assigned.

  8. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

  9. On the Lines > Detail sheet, enter the Part for this miscellaneous shipment line. This part does not have to be from the Part master table. In this example, the part number is not from the part master file.


If a part number from the Part master is entered, it will not be invoiced, the entered line quantity will not be relieved from inventory, and a Part transaction record will not be created.

  1. Enter a Description for the part number.

  2. Enter the Quantity for the shipment line.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click the Actions menu and select Print to print the Packing Label and Pick List.

  5. To close the shipment, click the Actions menu and select Close.


Standard Pack Out

Pack Out is a method of shipping that optionally uses a barcode scanner to record and track the packing flow. An example of a standard pack out system is a typical grocery store checkout process, where items are scanned during the purchase phase and then moved down the conveyor into the bagging area. This methodology provides a fast and accurate system of tracking carton contents when using a bar code scanner or hand-held scanning device.

During the following example, you will ship a sales order using standard pack out functionality. In addition to the Standard Pack Out, you can also process a Master Pack Shipment and a Phantom Pack Shipment. You use the Master Pack to combine separate pack IDs into one master package group shipped as one shipment. A Phantom Pack is a pack whose contents are not defined at the part level; for example, the ID, weight, and recipient for a case are important, but the contents are unimportant.

You use the Customer Shipment Entry > Pack Out sheet to create, pack, and unpack Pack IDs using a bar code scanner. The fields are automatically enabled and disabled, so you can easily scan data in the fields and only minimally use your mouse.

Before you process a pack out shipment, you must first create a sales order. Review the Sales Order Processing chapter for information on using Sales Order Entry.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

  1. Select the PackOut sheet.

  2. Click the New button.

  3. Enter or scan the Order Number for which you want to ship.

  4. Select the Package Code for the shipment.

  5. In the Part field, enter or scan in the part number for the shipment.

  6. Notice the Match Found icon displays. Enter the shipment quantity in the Qty field.

  7. To print the packing list and shipping labels, click the Actions menu and select Print.

  8. When you complete the shipment, click the Actions menu and select Close.


9. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

Master Pack Out

The Master Pack Out workflow contains functionality you leverage to combine several shipments into one large shipment. These large shipments are called master packs. Utilize this functionality to improve the efficiency of your shipments, as you both reduce the number of shipments and organize how part quantities reach your customers.

Master Pack Shipment Entry

Use Master Pack Shipment Entry to combine separate pack IDs (master packs) into one master pack group to ship as one shipment. You can select the shipment type for the master pack, but the pack is then restricted to only shipments of that type.

In addition, all pack IDs must have the same ship-to address as the first pack ID added to the group. Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Master Pack Shipment Entry To create a new master pack:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Master Pack.

2. The Shipment Type defaults to Sales Order.

To enable a new Master Pack, you can additionally click New Pack to open a Master Pack and New Pack simultaneously. This directs you to this field to select the Master Pack Shipment type.

3. In the Stage field, select Staging Area 1.

4. Enter a Ship Via method for the shipment.

5. If you want to define the type of package used for the shipment, navigate to the Package pane of the sheet, and select a select a package Code. In this example, CRTN (Carton) is selected.

6. The Length, Width, and Height default from the package code you select.

7. Now add separate packs to the master pack. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Pack.

8. On the Lines > Detail sheet, enter the first Pack ID you want to include in this master pack.

9. Click Save.

10. To enter additional packs to the master pack, click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Pack.

11. Add each new pack ID and click Save. To print the master packing slip and labels, click the Actions menu and select Print Pack.

12. Click the Print button to generate the packing slips and labels.


13. From the Actions menu, select Stage. m


14. Navigate to the Summary sheet. The Pack ID field displays the Master Pack ID number. Record the Master Pack ID number ________.

15. Click Save and exit Master Pack Shipment.


Stage Ship Confirm

Use the Stage Ship Confirm program to confirm shipments of staged pack IDs or master packs. You can then filter these staged pack IDs by stage number, shipping status, shipment type, and ship via method. Lastly, you can confirm the selected stage of each pack ID.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Stage Ship Confirm Entry

  1. Click the Search button on the Navigation toolbar to search for and select the Master Pack created in the previous workshop.

  2. In the Date Shift field, verify Today defaults.

  3. Click Select All.

  4. Click the Actions menu and select Ship Confirm.

  5. The Ship Status check box is selected indicating the package has been shipped.

  6. Click Save and exit Stage Ship Confirm.


Master Pack Search

Use the Pack ID search buttons on the Summary and Lines > Detail sheets of the Master Pack Shipment Entry program to do a more advanced search for previously entered packs. This allows you to do a more refined search for Packs and Master Packs and modify them as needed.

Navigate to the Master Pack Shipment Entry Program in order to use the Master Pack search.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Master Pack Shipment Entry

1. Click the Pack ID button.

The Master Pack Search window displays.

  1. Select the Shipment Type field, and to search for a shipment type of Sales Order, Inter-Company Transfer, Subcontract, or Miscellaneous.

  2. Select the Ship Via to search by the shipping method.

  3. Select a Starting At number to search with the principal number of a Pack ID.

  4. Select a Status to search packs that are Open, Closed, Freighted, Staged, or Shipped.

  5. Click the Customer button to search for packs associated with specific customer records.

  6. Select the Ship-To to search for a shipping location that is different than the default shipping address. This field is only enabled if a customer is selected in the search.

  7. Click Search.

  8. In the Search Results Grid, select a Master Pack Num.


In the Lines > Detail tab, the Pack ID search the user is able to select multiple lines to add multiple lines at once to a master pack.

10. Click OK.

11. The Master Pack Shipment Entry > Summary sheet populates.

Phantom Pack Out

Phantom pack out functionality provides the ability to ship all items on an order, or multiple orders, under a single pack ID. When you create a pack ID, the number of cartons you need is determined. Any cartons with tracking numbers, size and weight, and freighted costs are sent to the shipping manifest process. Required shipping labels are then generated for each physical box.

Phantom Pack out is particularly useful when you do not want or need to take the time to record the contents of each box as a separate Pack ID. Use this feature to quickly complete shipments and generate shipping labels that will go to the same ship-to location. Since the contents of each box in the shipment are not recorded, you cannot always use phantom pack out for international shipments however, it is available for some international shipments.

For a pack to be marked as a phantom pack, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Work stations must be manifest enabled.

  • The status of the pack must be Closed.

  • It cannot be a master pack, or be assigned to a master pack.

  • Contents of the entire Pack ID, and not each individual phantom pack, are moved to the manifest system.


To enable the manifest workstation on your client machine:

  1. From the Main Menu, click the Options menu and select Change Workstation.

  2. Select the appropriate workstation from the list.

  3. Click OK.


Customer Shipment Entry Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. Select the Header > Detail sheet.

  3. From the Ship Via drop-down list, select how this pack record is shipped tothe customer.

  4. In the Ship Date field, enter the date on which this pack record is shipped. By default, the current date displays.

  5. Enter the Stage for the shipment.

  6. You are now ready to add detail lines to the pack record. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

  7. The Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet displays. Enter the Order Number you are shipping. You can also search for sales orders by clicking on the Order Number button.

  8. Click the Line/Rel button to search for the line to ship. Continue adding additional lines to the shipment as required.

  9. Click the Actions menu and select Close.

  10. Select the Manifest Info > Phantom Details sheet.


11. Select the Phantom Pack check box.

12. Enter the Number of Cases to Create.

13. If you select a Package Code, the manifest will use the default Length, Width and Height defined for the specified Package. If you do not select a package code, you can manually enter the Length, Width, and Height after you create the cases.

14. Click the Create Cases button.

15. The case information generates in the grid. If you have not selected a default package code, you can enter the dimensions of the cases in the grid.

16. If you have a scale configured for this workstation, you can calculate the weight value for each case. To do this, click the Actions menu and select Get Case Weight.

17. Click the Actions menu and select Print to print the packing slips and shipping labels for the cases.

18. Click the Actions menu and select Stage.

19. The Status on the shipment changes to Staged.


Stage Ship Confirm Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Stage Ship Confirm Entry

  1. Click the Search button on the Navigation toolbar to search for and select the appropriate Master Pack ID.

  2. The Stage Ship Confirm Search window displays various fields you can use to filter the records. In this example, only one Master Pack record was retrieved, so you do not need to select any filters. In some situations, however, you may need to filter the stages to find the ones you need.

  3. Select the master pack record you wish to confirm.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click the Actions menu and select Ship Confirm.

  6. Notice the Ship Status check box is selected and the Ship Date is added to the pack ID. These values indicate the shipment is confirmed.


Handheld Customer Shipment Entry

If you use the Data Collection module, you can process different transactions in the application by entering and updating records through a handheld device. Leverage the handheld version of Customer Shipment Entry to scan or enter packing slip information.

To learn more about the Packout and Handheld functionality, refer to the Epicor ERP Packout and Handheld courses.

Menu Path: Material Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Shipping / Receiving > Customer Mass Shipment

This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.

  1. Enter or scan the Order number for the shipment.

  2. Either click the Process button or press <F2> on the keyboard to continue.

  3. The customer shipment line item information displays.

  4. Either click the Edit button or press <F3> if you need to update the packing line item information.

  5. In the Edit Packing Line window, enter any changes to the shipment, such as quantity, warehouse, and bin information.

  6. Either click the Ship Complete button or press <F6> to ship the line item complete.

  7. If you have updated the shipment quantity, either click Save or press <F2>.

  8. Either click the Print button or press <F6> to print the packing slip or labels.


9. In the Print Packing Slip window, either click the Print button or press <F2>.

10. In the Customer Shipment window, either click the Ship button or press <F2>.

Receive Materials

Receipt Entry is used to record the physical receipt of all inventory materials, non-inventory materials, and subcontract parts.

Receipt line items are either Purchase Order or Miscellaneous type receipts. You use the Purchase Order type to record material received against purchase order releases to stock inventory, directly to a job operation, or to a job subcontract operation. The Miscellaneous type material is used for receipts not associated with a purchase order; these are typically non-inventory items such as office supplies. You can also receive parts to inspection in this program. If you do, you need to use Inspection Processing found in the Quality Assurance module to complete this process. For more information on this process, review the Quality Assurance chapter.

Receipts of parts returned by the customer are handled through the RMA Processing program. This process is discussed in the Customer Returns chapter.

Receive Materials Directly to a Job Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

  1. Enter the purchase order number that you are receiving in the PO field.

  2. Enter your supplier’s packing slip identification number in the Packing Slip field.

  3. The application displays the Arrived Lines for this receipt. Purchase order line items display as arrived until they have been received for the packing slip specified.

  4. Select the Received All check box to receive all the lines in the Arrived Lines grid. Notice the icon changes from Arrived to Received when the lines are received.

  5. On the Lines > Detail sheet, notice this purchase order was originally set up directly to a job.

  6. In the Lines > Detail > Job sheet, the job number, assembly, and operation numbers automatically display, and the material is shown as being issued to the job complete. These parts still need to be delivered physically to the job in process or to the work in process staging area.

  7. Select the Inspection Req check box to indicate the parts specified on this receipt must be inspected when they arrive at your location. If this check box is selected on either the part class or supplier record involved with the receipt, this check box is automatically selected and cannot be changed.

  8. Click the Actions menu and select Print Tags. You can print one tag for the entire receipt quantity, or a tag for each container.

  9. To generate the tags, click Print on the Standard toolbar.


Receive Materials from a Combined Shipment Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Container Receipt Entry

  1. Enter the shipment number that you are receiving in the Shipment ID field.

  2. The application displays the Arrived Lines for this receipt.

  3. To receive the line, on the Stock > Detail sheet, select the Line Received check box.

  4. Notice the icon changes from Arrived to Received when the line is received.

  5. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.


Drop Shipments

Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the seller does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipment details to a third party (such as a manufacturer or wholesaler), who then ships the goods directly to the customer. The seller makes their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price.

Drop shipments are directly shipped by your suppliers to your customers. These goods are never physically received into or shipped from your physical inventory because your supplier directly ships the goods. Because of this, the application prevents drop shipment transactions from being processed using the standard receiving or shipment programs.

You use Drop Shipment Entry to mark a drop shipped sales order release as shipped and mark the linked PO release as received. Once the drop shipment transaction is selected as received/shipped in Drop Shipment Entry, you can create a customer invoice for the drop shipped item using AR Invoice Entry, and enter a supplier invoice received for the purchased item into AP Invoice Entry. You do this in the same way as you process invoices for

regular customer shipments and received purchases. Read the Customers and Accounts Receivable chapter for more information on AR Invoicing and the Suppliers and Accounts Payable chapter for information on AP Invoicing. Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Drop Shipment Entry To add a drop shipment entry:

1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button and select New Drop Shipment.

2. In the PO field, enter the PO number that you plan to drop ship to your customer. You can also click the PO button to search for and select your purchase order.

3. In the Packing Slip field, specify the packing slip identifier for the drop shipment entry. The application uses this to create a shipment record for drop ship sales orders, and a receipt record for drop ship PO releases. When the sales order was entered, the Drop Ship check box was selected indicating this order is being drop shipped by your supplier to your customer. For more information on sales order entry, read the Sales Order Processing chapter.

4. From the Document Type drop-down list, select the appropriate document type.

5. Select the appropriate Ship Via.

6. The Customer Ship To information defaults in from the purchase order; if you need, however, you can change this value.

7. Click Mass Drop Shipment to process a mass drop shipment transaction for the selected pending PO and drop shipment lines.

8. Click Get All to select all pending PO and drop ship lines that have not yet been processed.

9. Click Clear All to remove all selected pending PO and drop ship lines not yet processed from this window.

10. Click Update to process and update the selected pending PO and drop shipment lines.

11. Use the Pending PO Lines sheet to view all pending drop shipment PO release lines for the purchase order number specified in the PO field. Double-click a specific pending PO Line record to process or edit a pending drop ship line.

12. The Drop Ship Lines > Detail sheet displays the first line as Complete.

13. Click Save.

14. The Tree View now displays Drop Ship Lines (2) and Pending PO Lines (1). Double-click the second PO Line to process the drop shipment for this line.


15. The Drop Ship Lines > Detail sheet displays the second line as Complete.

16. Click Save.

17. Once the goods have been hipped and received to your customer, click the Summary sheet and select the Received/Shipped check box to indicate the shipment can be invoiced in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.

18. Verify that the Legal Number field is filled in with the legal number.

19. If you need to void legal number, click Actions > Legal Number > Void Legal Number.

20. In the window that displays, enter a voiding reason and click OK.

21. After voiding a legal number, click Actions > Legal Number > Assign Legal Number to assign a new


legal number to this drop shipment. The Legal Number field populates with the new value.

Transfer Orders

Transfer orders are orders you create to move inventory from one Site to another. You use Transfer Order Entry to create the order to move the part quantities, transfer the inventory from one Site, and then receive the inventory into another Site.

Transfer Order Entry

Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Transfer Order Entry To create a new transfer order:

  1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

  2. The To Site defaults from the Site you are currently logged in to. In this example, you are logged in to the Main Site.

  3. Select the From Site. This value is the Site from which you are transferring the inventory.

  4. Select the appropriate Ship Via code.

  5. Click Save.

  6. The Transfer Order Number is assigned.

  7. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

  8. On the Line > Detail sheet, enter the Part Number for the transfer order.

  9. Enter the Quantity.

  10. Enter a Need By and Ship By date.

  11. Select the Shipping Warehouse and Shipping Bin locations.

  12. Click Save.


If you are using Material Requirements Planning (MRP), you can use the Transfer Order Workbench to work with transfer order suggestions that were created by the Process MRP program. For more information on MRP, review the Material Requirements Planning chapter.

Transfer Order Shipment Entry

Use Transfer Order Shipment Entry to enter the shipment of an inter-Site transfer. If your Site record is set up for direct shipping, you can also use the Direct Shipment functionality to ship parts to another Site without using an existing transfer order.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Transfer Order Shipment Entry

1. Click the New button to create a new Pack ID for the shipment.

2. Select a Ship Via for the shipment.

3. Optionally enter the Tracking Number and Weight.

4. In the Package pane, select the appropriate Code and Classification.

5. Click Save.

6. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

7. On the Lines > Detail sheet, select or enter the Transfer Order Number for the shipment.

8. Select the transfer order Line.

9. Enter the shipment Quantity.

10. You can optionally change the default Warehouse and Bin from which the inventory is being shipped.

11. Click Save.

12. On the Summary sheet, select the Shipped check box to complete the shipment.

13. If your Site is configured to allow shipments without a transfer order, you can use the Direct Shipment option. This option is found on the Actions menu.


Receive Transfer Order

Use Receive Transfer Order to process a receipt of a transfer order shipment. In order to receive the transfer order shipment, you must first change sites to the plant receiving the goods. Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receive Transfer Order To receive a transfer order:

  1. In this example, you will receive the goods in the Rockford Plant. You select this plant on the Tree View on the Main Menu. You can also use the Change Plant button.

  2. Click the Pack ID button to search for and select the pack ID for the transfer order shipment.

  3. In the Transfer Order Search window, select the Pack ID you are receiving.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click the Actions menu and select Receive All.

  6. Click Save.

  7. The Received Lines sheet now displays the completed receipt.


Bill of Lading

A bill of lading is a shipping document carriers use to identify cargo. These documents can be created automatically from existing pack IDs or they can be created manually. You use the Bill of Lading program to enter and update these records.

Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Bill of Lading Entry

1. Click the New button on the Standard toolbar.

2. If you have a Pack ID or Master Pack ID already created, you can click the Actions menu and select Link Pack / MP to default in the bill of lading information. In this example, you create a manual bill of lading that is not linked to a Pack ID or Master Pack record.

3. Use the Generate option to select the packs to include for creating bills of lading.

4. In the ID... field, enter the Customer/Supplier ID.

5. Select the appropriate Ship To location.

6. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Line.

7. On the Summary > Lines sheet, enter the Number of Packages for the bill of lading. If you have a linked pack ID, all of the bill of lading line information defaults from the pack record.

8. Select the appropriate package Classification.

9. Select the Packaging Code.

10. Enter the Weight and Weight Unit of Measure for the line item.

11. The Rate specifies the amount per package that you pay to ship this line.

12. Click Save.

13. To print the bill of lading, click the Actions menu and select Print BOL Form.



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