Chapter 4 -Demand Management
Chapter 4: Demand Management
Use the Demand Management module to more efficiently manage short and long term customer demand contracts, and then convert demand from these contracts into sales orders and demand forecasts. Demand Management handles the creation, analysis, editing, and reconciliation of cumulative records for releases from your trading partners. If you use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the functionality generates electronic information that passes both to and from your customer trading partners.
Using sheets in Customer Maintenance, you associate a trading partner identification number with each customer, and also define rules that designate how inbound and outbound EDI demand transactions are processed. When you enter into a formal demand agreement with your customer trading partner, you then enter the details of the contractual agreement into Demand Contract Entry.
As you receive specific demand schedules for the demand contract from your customer, you enter the transactional details in Demand Entry. You can use Demand Entry or Demand Mass Review to manually review the demand lines and shipping schedule, evaluating their impact. These programs both contain tools you use to manually reject and select the schedules for transactional processing; you can view the impact of incoming contract changes before you accept them. You can also accept, revise, or reject these changes as you need. When you are satisfied with the schedule, you can then process the demand, automatically converting it into firm order releases, unfirm releases, or demand forecasts.
If you use EDI, you can optionally generate this demand schedule detail automatically when receiving inbound EDI transactions, after the data is imported using the Import EDI Demand Process. When you receive inbound EDI demand transactions, the processes run the same tasks you would perform manually using Demand Entry or Demand Mass Review. You can then efficiently process and manage the large volumes of data that result through use of long term demand contracts.
Direct EDI import is managed using the Import EDI Demand Process. It imports inbound text-based tilde-delimited EDI transaction files (received from your customer trading partners) passed by the EDI processor, such as TIE KINETIX eVision, and deposited into an import folder. File importation occurs based on a processing schedule you designate in the Import EDI Demand Process. If erroneous data is identified during direct EDI import processing, you can correct it as required using the Demand Workbench.
This section describes the primary records you need for the Demand Management module. These programs are contained within the Setup folder; only the primary records are described here. Some areas within the next Operations section may also document setup records if they are required for a specific workflow.
You may also need to set up some parameters within Company Configuration. Some modules have global settings you define through this administration program. For more information, review the application help for this module; the Configuration topic details the options you define within Company Configuration. You can also review the Company Configuration chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide.
Customer Periodicity
Use Customer Periodicity Maintenance to define valid periodicity rules (if any) for a specific customer trading partner or ship to customer location. Periodicity rules define the regular intervals at which deliveries to the customer or ship to location take place (daily, specific day of the week, weekly, or monthly). The demand functionality uses these values to calculate the Ship By or Need By dates for shipping schedules required for each order release or forecast you generate from manual demand entries or from inbound EDI files. Once you create periodicity codes, you assign them to specific customer trading partners in the Customer > Demand or Ship To > Demand sheets in Customer Maintenance.
For a detailed explanation about the setup and use of the EDI-Demand Management interface, refer to the EDI/Demand Management Technical Reference Guide. This guide is found within application help.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Setup > Customer Periodicity
1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.
2. Use the Daily Rules check box to set up daily periodicity. This designates that all shipments for the customer occur every weekday (Monday through Friday).
3. If deliveries are also required to this customer on Saturdays and Sundays, select the Include Saturdays and Sundays Shipments check box.
4. Use the Monthly Forward Rules check box to set up Monthly Forward periodicity. This indicates all shipments for this (ship to) customer are only sent once per month.
5. You can then use the First Ship Day drop-down list to select the day of the week on which shipments to this customer must arrive.
6. To further define this shipment interval, you can use the Week Number in the Month field to indicate the week during the month (1-5) on which shipments to this customer need to be sent.
7. Use the Weekly Forward Rules check box to set up Weekly Forward periodicity. This designates that all shipments for this (ship to) customer are sent weekly.
8. When you select the Weekly Forward Rules check box, you can then use the Ship Day drop-down list to optionally specify the day of the week on which shipments must arrive to this customer.
9. Use the Nth Day of the Week Rules check box to indicate all shipments for this (ship to) customer can only arrive on a specific work day.
10. You can now use the Day of the Week Shipment drop-down list to select the specific day of the week (Monday-Sunday) on which shipments must arrive to this customer.
11. When you finish, click Save.
Use the Customer > Demand, Ship To > Demand, Documents, and Ship To > Documents sheets to assign trading partner identification numbers and to define parameters that designate how the Demand Management module should function for specific customers. It defines how demand transactions are processed in the module.
The Ship To > Demand sheet operates in the same way as the Customer > Demand sheet, but also allows you to override demand processing parameters for specific customer ship to locations.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Setup > Customer
Demand Processing Parameters
Use the Customer > Demand and Ship To > Demand sheets to assign a trading partner identification number and define demand processing parameters for a specific customer or ship to customer location. This includes specifying the lead times required to evaluate and process certain types of action requests on incoming EDI shipping schedules. For each request, you specify the actions that will take place in the Epicor application when incoming EDI transactions are received or when manually entered demand transactions are processed.
1. Click the Customer button on the Customer > Detail sheet to find and select a customer.
2. Navigate to the Customer > Demand sheet.
3. Enter the Trading Partner identifier for this customer. This value is a universal code required on EDI transactions; it uniquely identifies the business entity involved in the transaction.
4. Enter the Delivery Days required to ship a part quantity from your manufacturing center to this customer trading partner. The Epicor application uses this date interval as a buffer when calculating Ship By or Need By dates. To calculate the Ship By Date on each order release, the Epicor application subtracts the value you specify in this field from the customer’s required Need By date. Conversely, it calculates Need By dates in the opposite manner. The Date Type field selection determines which date is calculated by the Epicor application.
5. Select the Periodicity interval for this customer trading partner. This designates how often this customer trading partner wishes to receive shipments from you. Review the previous Customer Periodicity section for more information.
6. Select a Date Type option; this value defines the date calculation method (Ship By or Need By) used by the Epicor application. If you select Ship By, it calculates the Ship By date based on the Need By date supplied by the customer trading partner. If you select Need By, it calculates the Need By date based on the Ship By date supplied by the customer trading partner.
7. Indicate the Pricing option for this customer record. Use this value to define if internal or customer pricing (as received on purchase orders received from this customer) is used for pricing of sales orders generated from demand transactions. This value is the default for this customer within Demand Contract Entry.
8. Select the Hold Orders for Review check box to stop sales orders created in Demand Entry from releasing for shipment until reviewed for errors. Clear this check box to automatically release these sales orders for shipment.
9. Use the Close Rejected Schedules check box to automatically close demand schedules that have been rejected for this customer trading partner.
10. Select the Cancel Non Matched check box to automatically stop sales releases for this customer trading partner that fail the Demand Schedule Matching process. You define these matching requirements on the Demand Contract Entry > Header > Matching sheet.
11. Optionally, select the Unit Price Difference check box to indicate the Epicor application will evaluate the difference between the Internal price calculated by the Epicor application (using price lists and the master part), and the Customer price received on the customer purchase order. Use the Unit Price Difference check box, the Tolerance field, and the Action drop-down list to define how this validation runs.
12. Now select the Action that occurs when the Unit Price validation fails:
If you select Stop, the demand line is designated as System Rejected within Demand Entry, and the demand is not processed. You can override this value within Demand Entry if needed.
If you select Warning, the demand line is automatically accepted and processed. Warning messages appear on various logs and reports explaining the incoming demand transaction failed the data validation.
13. Use the Part section to specify if the Epicor application should validate whether corresponding part records or revisions exist in your database for demand received from this customer trading partner. If you select either the Check For Part,Check For Revision Level or Check For Run Out Part check boxes, you then use the Action drop-down list to select the appropriate Stop or Warning action.
14. Activate the Sales Order Releases section to designate how demand entries are processed when matched to a sales order release with partial shipments. Select the appropriate Action to apply.
15. Use the Cumulative section to indicate if cumulative quantity checking should occur. When you process the demand and ship releases to the customer trading partner, the cumulative information is sent through an Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) document. The customer then uses this EDI document to indicate the actual amounts they have received, and returns this information back as the actual received quantity. You can then analyze differences between the cumulative quantities stored in your database and the cumulative quantities in the inbound demand EDI transactions. This functionality is commonly used in EDI environments to track what your customer has acknowledged as shipped, and what your records show as shipped. Select the appropriate Action.
16. Activate the Configuration section to define how the Epicor ERP application processes Smart Strings received from the customer trading partner, validates configured parts, and handles configured parts that do not have valid configuration input values.
17. Use the Capable to Promise section to enable Capable to Promise (CTP) calculation logic for the customer trading partner. This calculation determines the date by which a sales order quantity can be delivered (promised) to the customer. When you select Check Dates, you then specify if the Ship By, Need By, or both dates are included when processing CTP dates.
18. Use the Lead Time section to specify the minimum number of days ahead of the planned Ship By or Need By date by which the Epicor application should accept requests on incoming EDI transactions and manually enter demand transactions. You typically use these settings to avoid situations in which your company cannot respond properly (based on your available site/stock/time/resources) to requests received from your customer trading partner within an inadequate time frame.
You can specify this for the addition of new demand schedules (Add), changing of existing demand schedules (Change), cancellation of existing demand schedules (Cancel), additions of new demand lines to existing demand orders (New Line), quantity changes for existing demand schedules (Quantity Change), and date changes for existing demand schedules (Date Change). For each action request, specify whether to apply a Stop or Warning action.
For example, if the Add field is set to five days, and the customer trading partner requests you add a new demand schedule to ship four days from now, your Epicor application considers this an exception. This occurs because the demand schedule change request was received within the Add time frame, giving you too little time to respond to the change. The functionality then performs a Stop or Warning action, depending on the setting of the Action (Add) field.
19. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Define Customer EDI Documents
Use the Customer > Documents sheet to define the processing parameters for inbound EDI documents you accept from the customer trading partner, and the outbound EDI documents you generate and send back. The Demand Management module uses these definitions when generating EDI documents that create and track unfirm order releases, firm order releases, forecasts, purchase order acknowledgments, Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN), and invoices.
The Ship To > Documents sheet operates in the same way as the Customer > Demand sheet, but you can also define inbound and outbound document parameters for specific customer ship to locations.
To define customer EDI documents:
Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Customer Document.
Click the Documents > Detail sheet to enter trading partner document parameters.
Enter the identification number or name for this Document. This value is the number the Import EDI Demand Process references when it retrieves this inbound EDI document or sends this outbound EDI document.
Select the Type of inbound/outbound document you need. For inbound documents, this value indicates the type of demand suggestion generated for the document.
Enter the Map ID to specify the program identifier for the document. This value is used during custom program development; it identifies the document for use with a custom program.
Select the Direction of the document by indicating whether it is an inbound document you receive, or an outbound document you send.
In the Options Available field, select the part options the Epicor application should use to retrieve the corresponding internal part numbers when processing inbound EDI transactions in Import EDI Demand. For example, select Use Part UPC if the Epicor application should search for and use Universal Product Codes (UPC) defined in the Part Maintenance > Part > UOMs sheet to retrieve internal part numbers.
The Accept Type field indicates whether demand on this inbound EDI document is processed automatically or manually. Select Always accept or Accept if no errors to automatically process inbound demand. Select Manually accept to manually process inbound demand.
If this is an Outbound EDI Document, specify what processing should take place in the Epicor application for outbound transactions for this trading partner. If you select Automatic, this indicates the Epicor application automatically generates a supporting document when the associated transaction is confirmed. If you select
Manual, you must perform additional setup tasks required to define the outbound EDI documents themselves. Refer to the EDI / Demand Management Technical Reference Guide for more details.
10. After you select the Automatic check box, enter a value into the Alt Trading Partner field. If an alternate trading partner is not associated with your customer trading partner, enter the trading partner identifier for your customer in this field.
11. Select the Test Record check box to indicate this document is only used for testing with custom programs. Data from this document will not update this customer trading partner's data. Use this feature to verify the document works with your custom program. Typically you do not select this check box.
12. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
This section details the operations available within the Demand Management module. Each operation is described as a workflow to help guide you through the process from start to finish. These programs are primarily found within the General Operations folder for this module. If a unique setup record is required to run the operation, this record is also described in this section.
Demand Contracts
A demand contract represents the agreement for proposed sales to your customer over a specified period of time. The Epicor application then receives and processes demand schedules you either manually enter in Demand Entry, or generate from inbound EDI files received from your customer trading partners. This in turn generates order releases or forecasts for MRP processing.
Using Demand Contract Entry, you specify the dates during which each demand contract is active. Optionally, you can also specify the parts covered under the contract. Each contract can be set up for multiple parts, so one contract can be used to generate multiple shipping schedules for each part. You can also set up several default values for the sales orders and/or forecasts generated through the contract.
You use Demand Contract Entry to review the contract quantities against actual incoming demand quantities on inbound EDI transactions, or manually entered demand transactions. It also contains matching logic you use to receive and efficiently process changes your customer trading partner requests to existing demand schedules and order releases.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > General Operations > Demand Contract Entry
Primary Details
Use the Header sheet to enter or edit primary details for the demand contract. This includes specifying the length of the contract, and other default settings. To enter demand contract primary details:
1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.
2. Enter the identification number for the demand Contract. The demand contract number you enter must match the identifier your customer uses for this demand contract.
3. Enter the identifier for the sold to Customer for whom you are entering this demand contract.
4. If you use EDI, identify the Trading Partner. The default value comes from the trading partner identifier defined for the customer in Customer Maintenance.
5. In the Order section, enter the default Ship Via, FOB, Terms, Priority, Currency, Lock, and Project identifier settings for sales orders generated from this contract.
6. Select the Apply Order Based Discounts Automatically check box to automatically apply discounts based on the quantity on each order line, the total value of the order, or both. For more information on the discount pricing system, review the Sales Order Processing chapter.
7. Select the Ship Order Complete check box to indicate all order lines on a specific sales order must be shipped at the same time. If this check box is clear, various releases on this order can ship at different times.
8. Use the Hold Orders for Review check box to specify if sales orders created from this demand contract should be reviewed before released for shipping.
9. Select the Lock By Line check box to prevent purchase order lines from changing when inbound EDI documents update purchase orders. For example, if an inbound transaction will change the second PO line, selecting this check box prevents this second line from updating. When you clear this check box, you stop incoming EDI transactions from updating entire purchase orders.
10. If payments are made through another customer, select the alternate Bill To Customer identifier number.
11. Select the Cumulative Setting used to reconcile cumulative shipping part quantities (CUMM) for this demand contract. Depending on the option you select, you can turn off cumulative tracking, reconcile cumulative quantities in the Demand Reconciliation program using the part number, or reconcile them based on the part number and the customer purchase order.
If you select the Part option, cumulative quantities display in Demand Reconciliation for a particular part number across an entire demand contract.
If you select the Part/PO option, cumulative quantities display in Demand Reconciliation for each part number/purchase order combination; each of these combinations represent a single record per each part/purchase order occurrence in a demand order.
12. The Totals Ordered Amount field displays the total amount your company will receive from orders generated through this contract. This value only displays for your information.
13. The Totals Invoiced Amount field displays the total invoice amount of orders invoiced for this contract so far. This value only displays for your information.
14. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Use the Header > Matching sheet to specify the parameters the Demand Schedule Matching process uses to match sales orders/forecasts with demand requests. The Epicor application matches update requests received on inbound EDI transactions against existing demand schedule releases generated through this demand contract. You specify which matching criteria should be used and the priority sequence in which they should be applied. When the functionality finds the matching demand schedule release, it automatically processes the request.
These order values are default settings for the generated sales order. You can override these values on specific sales orders.
Performing matching activities, particularly in an EDI environment, is required because you typically receive purchase orders on a daily basis from your customer trading partners. Rather than deleting previous sales order transactions and creating new ones, the matching functionality allows the Epicor application to match incoming action demands (such as quantity increases, date changes, adding lines, and cancelling releases) received from your customer trading partner to existing sales orders, modifying the data accordingly.
To enter matching criteria for the demand contract, select the Header > Matching sheet.
Select the Allow Non Perfect Match check box to specify if perfect or non-perfect matches should be performed for the demand contract. A perfect match is defined as one in which all criteria you specify in the Options Selected field match between demand schedules update requests and existing demand schedule releases. A non-perfect match is defined as one in which at least one of the criteria (for example, shipping quantities or shipping dates) match between the transactions.
Select the Cancel Non-Matched check box to automatically cancel all sales releases for this demand contract that are not matched by the Demand Schedule Matching process. If you select this check box, you can also use the Exclude From and Exclude Until check boxes and accompanying From (days) and Until (days) field as needed to specify an cancellation exclusion grace period for non-matched schedule updates. The Epicor application will skip cancellation of non-matched sales releases with ship dates within this date range.
The Options Available field displays the available criteria (for example Ship By Date, Quantity, Reference, Open/Closed status) that can be used in the matching process. Using the buttons, select the matching criteria being used for the demand contract, and the priority in which they should be matched. Once selected, they appear in the Options Selected field.
When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Line Details
Use the Line > Detail sheet to specify the parameters for ordering a specific part through the demand contract. Through this sheet, you can select the part number, define its price options, and indicate how this contract line handles the ordered quantities.
1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Contract Detail.
2. Navigate to the Line > Detail sheet.
3. Enter or select the internal Part ordered on this demand contract line.
4. Customers often have unique part numbers and revisions they use to identify specific parts. If you need, enter the Customer Part number ordered on this demand contract line; or, click the Customer Part button to find and select the customer part you need.
5. Optionally, specify the Revision number (if any) required for the customer part.
6. Enter the Total Contract Quantity you expect this customer to order through this contract. Select the UOM code that represents the unit of measure (for example, Each, Case, Cubic Centimeters) in which the quantity will be ordered.
7. From the Pricing drop-down list, define whether the Internal Price or Customer Price is used in sales orders generated from demand entries.
8. Enter the allowable price Tolerance percentage; this value is the percentage difference between the customer price and your internal price. It indicates that demand is generated for prices that fall within this percentage value.
9. Specify the Unit Price for the selected part. By default, the internal price defined on the part record displays.
10. Select the Use Pricing Logic check box if the internal price is calculated using price lists defined for this customer. If the Use Price List check box is selected, the Order Quantity may trigger a change due to a price break. This takes precedence over any values you manually enter into the Pricing and Price Per fields.
11. The Totals section displays the total ordered quantity, ordered amount, shipped quantity, invoiced quantity, and invoiced amounts for this line.
12. When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Actions Menu
The Actions menu in Demand Contract Entry contains options you use to perform demand contract processing tasks. Available options:
Open Contract - Use this command to re-open a closed demand contract. When a contract is open, you can add new demand entries for that contract.
Close Contract - Use this command to close a demand contract. When a contract is closed, you cannot add new demand entries for that contract.
Inbound EDI Transactions
You use an EDI processor to move documents between your company and customer trading partners. eVision™, a third-party XML/EDI solution from TIE KINETIX, is certified for use with Epicor ERP, but other EDI applications may work as well. eVision or another EDI processor receives inbound EDI 830/DELFOR, 850/ORDERS, 860/ORDCHG, and 862/DELJT files from your customer trading partners, converts them into pre-defined Epicor-compatible EDI transaction files, and then deposits these text-based tilde-delimited files into a designated inbound folder for processing using the Import EDI Demand Process.
Use the Company Configuration > Modules > Sales > Demand sheet to set up the default location for
the Import process folder.
The Epicor application supports processing of the following inbound EDI documents:
830/DELFOR (Inbound Planning Schedule) – Used for transfer of forecasting/material release information from your customer trading partner. The document can be used to generate order releases.
850/ORDERS (Inbound Purchase Order) – Used for transferring purchase orders you receive from a customer trading partner to communicate the specific items, unit prices, and quantities they wish to have delivered.
860/ORDCHG (Inbound Purchase Order Change) - Used by your customer trading partner to request a change to a submitted purchase order, or confirm a purchase order change. The document communicates the specific items, unit prices, and quantities they wish to change.
862/DELJIT (Inbound Shipping Schedule) - Used by your customer trading partner to communicate shipping
schedule requirements.
Figure 1: Inbound EDI 850/ORDERS Transaction Record
eVision conversely collects outbound Order Acknowledgment, Advanced Shipping Notice, and AR Invoice document record files produced by the Epicor application, and then converts them to corresponding EDI 810/INVOIC, 855/ORDRSP, and 865/ORDRSP messages sent to your customer trading partners.
Import EDI Demand Process
The Import EDI Demand Process runs on a server code and significantly improves EDI performance. File importation occurs based on a processing schedule that you designate in the Import EDI Demand Process.
First, navigate to the Demand Workbench and search for any potential errors that occurred during the direct EDI import. Use the Errors sheets found on the Header, Line and Schedule level to identify a reason for the error.
After you correct invalid data on inbound EDI transactions, from the Actions menu, select Ready To Process. Once you select this option, a document that first failed to be loaded into Demand Management is ready for re-processing next time the Import EDI Demand Process is scheduled to run. In order to process the corrected demand entries immediately, from the Actions menu, select Process IM Demand. The Import EDI Demand Process window displays, allowing you to submit the process.
For a detailed explanation regarding Inbound EDI Transactions, refer to the EDI/Demand Management Technical Reference Guide. This guide is found within application help.
To import EDI transactions :
Click Import Folder to find and select the folder in which the files deposited by TIE KINETIX eVision or another EDI processor are stored.
In the Backup Process File field, specify if the inbound EDI transaction files should be archived before being imported.
Select the Continuous Processing check box if you want the Import EDI Demand Process to run continuously in the background, and enter the Continuous Processing Delay.
Enter the remaining processing parameters. Click Log Filename to select the log file location. Click the Schedule drop-down list to select a Schedule and select the Recurring check box if you need.
To run this process now, click the Process button.
If erroneous data is identified during direct EDI import processing, you can correct it as required using the Demand Workbench located on the General Operations folder of the Demand Management module. It displays a visual representation of how current data found in the inbound EDI transaction would appear if converted to a demand record. This workshop is valuable when an incoming record is less than complete, or something is wrong with the data. It indicates the type of errors detected, and allows you to correct them before importing the inbound EDI data into demand records that can be maintained using Demand Entry.
Demand Entry
If you are not using EDI, Demand Entry is used to manually create and process demand entries. It contains tools you leverage to accept, revise, or reject demand entries, lines, and schedules. You can also manually override System Rejected demand entries which have not passed validations based on user-defined rules you specified for the customer trading partner on their customer record.
If designated in the customer’s demand settings, the Epicor application can automatically perform the same tasks as Demand Entry or Demand Mass Review when processing demand on inbound EDI transactions. Use Demand Entry as necessary to review the demand lines and shipping schedule, in order to evaluate their impact. When you are satisfied with a demand schedule, use the Process action to manually process the demand. Depending on the demand type, the Demand Entry process either creates unfirm order releases, firm order releases, or demand forecasts. You can do this if the Epicor application is not configured to do so automatically through workflow processing for the customer trading partner. You can then use either Sales Order Entry or Forecast Entry to further refine the resulting data.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > General Operations > Demand Entry
Primary Details
Manually enter the primary values needed to generate shipping schedules for a demand contract. After you specify the demand contract, the default values associated with the contract appear, but you can override these values. If you need, you also specify the purchase order number associated with the demand record. The Epicor application uses this purchase order to track all releases created for the demand record. It also links the sales order (if any) generated at a later time for the demand record to the designated purchase order.
If you are using EDI, the Epicor application automatically generates this demand record from the inbound EDI transaction received from your trading partner; use the Header > Detail sheet as needed to edit this information.
To enter demand header information:
1. Click New on the Standard toolbar.
2. Enter or select the demand Contract identifier you need.
3. Enter or select the PO (purchase order) used by the demand record.
4. Select the Ready To Process check box to indicate the demand is ready to turn into sales orders or forecast releases. You use the Process command from the Actions menu to generate these records. If the demand record was originally created from an EDI transaction, this check box is automatically selected.
5. Optionally, select the ERS Order check box to indicate that Evaluated Receipt Settlement and Self Billing invoices generate for demand schedules and sales orders when you ship part quantities to the customer. The ERS invoicing allows your bill to customer to pay invoices based on the received packing slip information. You can override this setting as needed by clicking the Override button.
6. When you generate a sales order for the demand record at a later time, the Order field displays the identifier number assigned to the sales order. If the Hold Orders indicator is highlighted, it indicates that sales orders created for this demand contract are placed on hold for review and error correction and not released for shipping.
7. Select the Ship Order Complete check box to indicate if the associated sales order can only ship if all quantities are available.
8. Use the Apply Order Based Discounts Automatically check box to apply discounts based on the quantity on each order line, the total value of the order, or both. For more information on the discount pricing system, review the Sales Order Processing chapter.
9. The Demand Lines grid at the bottom of the Header > Detail sheet displays a summary of all demand lines linked to the current contract.
10. When the User Rejected icon displays in the Contract section and is highlighted, it indicates you have selected the Rejected check box and have manually rejected this demand line. No demand processing takes place for rejected lines.
11. When System Rejected displays in the Contract section and is highlighted, it indicates the Epicor application rejected this demand line due to problems such as price, lead time, or cumulative quantity validation issues. A shipping schedule is not processed from this line. This situation occurs if this demand line or a schedule on this demand was created/changed within a specified customer lead time range, and the Stop action was used against it. You can manually change this option by selecting the Override System Reject check box on the Line > Detail sheet. Use this check box to override the system validation rules and manually accept the line.
12. When Reset Cum Info displays in the Contract section and is highlighted, it indicates the customer has requested the cumulative information be reset for this customer purchase order, and you have run the Reset Cumulative Info option on the Demand Reconciliation > Actions menu for this demand record.
13. When you finish, click Save.
Line Details
Use the Line > Detail sheet to manually enter or edit demand line information. If you use EDI, the Epicor application automatically generates demand line records from inbound EDI transaction. However, you can edit these automatic details as you need.
To enter a demand line:
1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Demand Line.
The Line > Detail sheet displays.
In the Contract Line field, enter or select the demand contract line associated with the demand line.
Enter or select the internal Part number and part revision number associated with the demand line.
If you select a part revision designated as Configurable in the Configurator Designer, click Configure as needed to invoke a Configurator session. You can then enter or select configuration inputs and options specified for the part in the Configurator Designer. Depending on how you design the configuration, the Configurator Q&A session prompts users to enter a Smart String or select specific product parameters. These selections create a part configured based on the customer requirements.
In the Sales Order section, enter the default parameters used for the sales order line generated from the demand line. This includes specifying the unit of measure price per, internal price, customer price, price group, and so on. If a sales order is already generated, the order identifier number displays in the Sales Order field.
When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Use the Schedule > Detail sheet to manually create, review, and edit a demand schedule. You can enter as many schedules as you need for the associated demand line. You can also generate a shipping schedule by using the Create Demand Schedule option on the Actions menu. If you use EDI, the Epicor application automatically generates demand line records from inbound EDI transactions. You can, however, fine-tune these schedules as you need.
To enter a demand schedule:
1. Click the Down Arrow next to the New button; select New Demand Schedule.
2. The Schedule > Detail sheet displays.
3. Enter the Order Quantity for the demand schedule.
4. Select the Demand Type associated with the demand schedule. This defines the record generated when this schedule is processed. Available options:
Select Firm Releases if this demand schedule is converted into a firm release for the sales order.
Select Unfirm Releases if this demand schedule is converted into an unfirm sales order release.
Select Forecasts if this demand schedule is converted into a forecast record.
5. Enter the Need By date; this value is the date on which this customer needs to receive the quantity.
6. Specify the number of Delivery Days required to ship a part from your manufacturing center to this customer. The Epicor application uses this to calculate the Ship By date. This value defaults from the Customer > Demand sheet within Customer Maintenance.
For existing demand schedules, the CTP Need By and CTP Ship By fields display the Need By and Ship By dates calculated by the Capable to Promise functionality. Beyond Need By or Beyond Ship By appear as highlighted if calculated CTP Need By or CTP ship By dates are later than the actual Need By or Ship By dates on the demand schedule.
Now specify the Ship By date; this value is the date on which you need to ship the schedule quantity so that the parts reach the customer by their requested Need By date. You can optionally enter a Ship By Time; this is the time of day by which items should be shipped on the specified ship date.
In the Ship To section, select the Ship To customer number and the Ship Via method. Specify any associated sub-ship to, ship routing, and One Time ship information for the demand schedule.
When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Actions Menu
The Actions menu in Demand Entry contains several commands you use to perform demand processing tasks. These functions are grouped on sub-menus, and are processed against the specific header, line, or schedule you define.
Common Sub-Menu Options The Actions sub-menus contain the following common commands:
Open - Use this option to re-activate a schedule, demand line, or demand record. When an item is open, you can add, update, or process these items.
Close - Use this option to end activity on this schedule, demand line, or demand record. You cannot add, update, or process closed items.
Reject - Use this option to prevent the demand record, demand line, or schedule from being used. Rejected items are not removed, but they appear as Rejected in Demand Entry.
Unreject - Use this option to reverse the status of a Rejected demand record. You can then create releases and forecasts from this demand record.
Unlock - Use this option to unlock a locked demand header or demand line record.
Delete By Schedule Number – Use this option to delete demand lines or schedules from the current demand record.
Log - Displays a log of errors related to processing the associated demand header, line, or schedule.
Demand Header Sub-Menu This sub-menu contains the following options unique to the demand header:
Process – Use this option to generate sales order releases and forecasts from the current demand record.
Close and Process All Schedules – Use this option as needed to close all remaining open demand schedules linked with the demand record, and indicate these schedules are Processed.
Create New Sales Order – Use this option as needed to create a new sales order for the selected demand schedule.
Demand Line Sub-Menu This sub-menu contains the following option unique to the demand line:
1. Get Demand Lines from Contract - Use this option to retrieve demand line information from the specified demand contract. Once you have retrieved this information, you can view and edit it on the Line > Detail sheet.
Demand Schedule Sub-Menu This sub-menu contains the following options unique to the demand schedule:
Create Demand Schedule - Use this option to automatically generate a shipping schedule for the current demand line. It converts the part quantities into a shipping schedule.
Review – Use this option to review how the proposed shipping schedule interacts with the current inventory and production quantities. If there are discrepancies, click the Reconciliation button within this program to launch the Demand Reconciliation program to make schedule adjustments.
Match – Use this option to combine a new release with previous releases generated through this demand record.
Demand Mass Review
Use the Demand Mass Review program to quickly review, reject, and process multiple demand records at the same time. It contains many of the same tools as does Demand Entry, but you can evaluate and process the current demand for a specific part or all of the current demand records in your database. If you work with a large volume of data, use this program to evaluate your incoming demand.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > General Operations > Demand Mass Review
To review and process multiple demand records at the same time:
Click New on the Standard toolbar.
You first create groups of demand records for mass processing. To do this, enter the name of the group being created, or click Group to select an existing group to which you are adding demand records.
Select the Demand Mass Review sheet.
You can Review By either Part records or Demand records. Depending on the option you select, either part or demand fields display on this sheet. In this example, you are reviewing demand using part records.
To review demand records requiring processing, click the Part button to find and select specific part numbers.
Use the check boxes in the Demand Types section to select the type of demand records (firm, unfirm, or forecast) you want to review.
To add the selected demand records to the Group sheet, use the options located on the Select for Group sub-menu in the Actions menu. For example, to add all of the demand orders displayed in the Parts sheet to the group, click Select All for Part.
Once you have selected the demand records, click the Groups sheet to review and process them. You can select the Locked Group check box as needed to lock the selected demand records and prevent them from being reassigned to another group.
You use the remaining selections on the Actions menu to process the group, match releases, re-activate demand records, reverse the status of previously rejected demand records, or close them from future processing. Review the Demand Entry section for details on these options.
If you need, click Demand Entry to launch this program and edit a specific demand record.
When you finish, click Save.
Demand Reconciliation
You can use Demand Reconciliation to update demand entries to reflect changes that occurred during shipping. It displays cumulative quantity amounts according to your company’s records, and your customer trading partner’s records. If items on a release did not reach a customer because they were returned, lost, still in transit, or any other reason, you can enter a manual adjustment quantity in this program. Depending on if the adjustment quantity is entered as a positive or negative, an invoice charge or a chargeback credit memo are created.
The way in which cumulative quantity changes for a demand contract are tracked depends on the option selected in the Cumulative Setting field in Demand Contract Entry. Changes are based on shipments you make to the customer, and by using the EDI documents received from your customer trading partner.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > General Operations > Demand Reconciliation
To manually adjust demand entries:
Click the Demand Reconciliation button to find and select the contract you need to adjust.
If a Purchase Order number does not appear in the demand reconciliation record, it indicates the cumulative quantities display for the part number across an entire demand contract. If a purchase order number appears, it indicates the cumulative quantities are for this specific part and purchase order demand record combination only.
The Trading Partner Information section displays cumulative quantity and last shipment information, according to your trading partner. This information automatically updates each time incoming EDI transactions that contain cumulative quantity information reported by your customer trading partner are processed. This information includes the cumulative quantity to-date, the starting date for the cumulative quantity, the last ship quantity, last ship date, last pack identifier, last master pack number, and schedule number (EDI transmission ID) on which the trading partner last reported cumulative quantity information.
The Company Information section displays cumulative quantity and last shipment information, according to your company’s record. This information automatically updates each time a shipment record in Customer Shipment Entry or Master Pack Shipment Entry generates. The same cumulative information displays here as in the Trading Partner section, but is based on your company’s records, not those provided by the customer trading partner.
The Variance field reports the cumulative variance quantity; this value is the difference between your company’s reported cumulative quantity and that reported by your customer trading partner.
The Reconciled field reports the reconciled cumulative shipment quantity acknowledged by your customer trading partner.
Click the Shipments tab to view shipments that have been made to this customer for the specified purchase order and part number.
The specific shipment transactions associated with the demand reconciliation record appear in the Shipments grid.
Enter the Adjustment quantity (if any) for this demand reconciliation record. For example, if your company reports that a quantity of two shipped, but your customer trading partner reports only one was received, you enter an adjustment quantity (in this case, -1). A chargeback credit memo for the customer is generated.
Click the Adjustments sheet to view all adjustment records created for the demand reconciliation record.
When you finish, click Save on the Standard toolbar.
Outbound EDI Documents
This section explores the EDI documents you send out to your customers. Each document contains information that helps customers follow the progress of their sales orders.
Purchase Order Acknowledgements (EDI 855)
An EDI 855 document informs a customer about the progress of a purchase. It indicates you have accepted the demand, and you are filling the order and shipping the goods by the requested date. You usually send EDI 855 transactions in response to EDI 850 inbound purchase order documents. This outbound EDI document is the text or XML-based document record that is automatically or manually generated within Sales Order Entry. You can also print these documents as a group using the Mass Print Sales Orders program.
If the Automatic check box is selected for the Sales Order Acknowledgement document type in the Outbound Document section on the customer record (defined on the Documents sheet in Customer Maintenance), this document is automatically produced when sales order releases generate for inbound EDI demand requests. You must perform additional setup tasks required to define the outbound EDI documents themselves. Refer to the EDI/Demand Management Technical Reference Guide within application help for more details.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Mass Print SalesOrders
To mass print order acknowledgements:
1. Use the Filter sheet to print acknowledgements for specific sales orders or demand contracts.
2. Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
Advanced Shipment Notifications (EDI 856)
An EDI 856 document is an electronic version of a packing slip; it informs your customer how you have packed and shipped their purchased items. The Advance Ship Notice, or ASN, also informs the buyer the goods are shipped. This type of outbound EDI transaction, along with a UCC-128 bar code label, notifies your customer’s receiving dock what is packed in the shipping cartons, eliminating the need for receiving personnel to open these cartons.
This outbound EDI document is the text or XML-based document record that is automatically or manually generated in Customer Shipment Entry or Master Pack Shipment Entry.
You can also print these documents as a group using the Mass Print Packing Slip/Labels program. If the Automatic check box is selected for the Invoice document type in the Outbound Document section on the customer record (defined on the Documents sheet in Customer Maintenance), this document is automatically produced when you save a customer shipment record.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Mass Print Packing slips
To mass print packing slips:
Specify to print Packing Slip, Shipping Labels, or Both types of documents.
Use the Filter sheet to print packing slips or shipping labels for specific packing slips and demand contracts.
Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
Invoice Notifications (EDI 810)
An EDI 810 document is an electronic version of an invoice you normally send to your customer. You use 810 Invoices to communicate the payment terms, specific items, price, and quantities you delivered and for which you now must be paid.
This outbound EDI document is the text or XML-based document record automatically or manually generated in AR Invoice Entry. You can also print these documents as a group using the Mass Print AR Invoices program. If the Automatic check box is selected for the Invoice document type in the Outbound Document section on the customer record (defined on the Documents sheet in Customer Maintenance), this document is automatically produced when the AR invoice successfully posts to the General Ledger.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Mass Print AR Invoices
To mass print invoices:
Select the types of Transactions to print. In this example, you select All transactions.
Next, indicate the Document Types you want to mass print. In this example, you select All document types.
Use the Filter sheet to print invoices for specific customers and demand contracts.
Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
This section describes some key reports you use to review demand entries. You can run these reports whenever you need. You can also set up each report to generate and print through a recurring, automatic schedule. Review the Automatic Data Processing chapter in the Epicor ERP Implementation Guide for information on how you link a report to a recurring schedule.
Demand Review Report
Use the Demand Review Report to analyze your demand records. This report displays demand processed in Demand Entry or Demand Mass Review, updated orders, rejected orders, and unprocessed orders.
The report includes price discrepancies, internal price, customer price, and price tolerance percentages. You can run the report for specified customers, parts, and customer purchase orders for a specified date range.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Demand Review To use this report:
In the From Date and To Date fields, specify the date range for the demand entries.
Use the check boxes in the Exclude section to specify which types of demand transactions (rejected, those with no changes, demand transactions that have been processed, posted, or closed) should not appear on the report.
Use the Demand with Price Discrepancies Only check box to specify only demand entries with price discrepancies should display on the report.
Select the Display All Log Entries check box to include all demand log entries on the report; this includes entries for current and previous schedules.
Use the Filter sheet to print demand detail for specific customers, parts, customer purchase orders, or sales orders.
When you finish, click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
Demand Net Change Report
Use the Demand to Sales Order Net Change Report to review demand records that have been turned into sales orders. You can limit the information by specifying the sales orders, customers, parts, and trading partners associated with the demand.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Demand Net Change Report
To use this report:
Indicate the Transaction Date From and To date range.
If you wish, enter a Sales Order number to only display demand entries converted for this specific sales order.
Optionally, enter a Trading Partner Name to only display demand entries converted for this specific trading partner.
Use the Filter sheet to print demand entries linked to specific part and customer records.
Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
Cumulative Quantities Variance Report
Use the Cumulative Quantities Variance Report to review cumulative quantities and variances calculated for demand entries. It reports differences between shipment quantity records maintained by your company and those maintained by your customer trading partner. If you need, you can exclude some information from this report.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Demand Management > Reports > Cumulative Variances
To use this report:
Select the Include Variance Zero check box to include zero cumulative quantity variances on the report.
Use the Include Variance Equal to Last Shipment check box to set the cumulative quantity variance for demand purchase orders to the last pack shipped by your company to (but not necessarily received by) your customer trading partner. Selecting this check box helps you identify when a reported variance is actually due to in-transit shipment quantities. For example, if you have already shipped three units to your customer trading partner and two more are in-transit on the last shipped pack, the quantity is set to two.
Click the Print button on the Standard toolbar.
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